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  1. #1
    CR160231's Avatar
    CR160231 is offline New Member
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    How does this look (1st cycle)

    Weight: 210
    BF: 15%

    Goals: Add as much quality muscle and keep it on. Any BF lost during is a bonus and will just help me when I begin my cut at the start of next year.

    1-10 Test E 250mg 2x/Week
    1-4 D-bol 30 mg/day

    13/14 Nolva 40mg...Clomid 100mg
    15 Nolva 30mg....Clomid 100mg
    16 Nolva 20mg...Clomid 50 mg

    As always advice/suggestions/critiques are very much welcome and appreciated

  2. #2
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Id run the PCT like this.

    13-16 Nolva 20mgs
    13-14 Clomid 50mgs
    15-16 Clomid 25mgs

    Id also run the cycle for another 2-4 weeks. Test E can take up to 7 weeks to get the full effects.

    Youre BF% is a little high. Any chance you could wait to get it down to around 12%?

    Youd be much better off.

    height ?
    diet summary/# meals per day ?
    years lifting / workout split ?

  3. #3
    Drake Hotel is offline Associate Member
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    Looks good to me. Drop dbol to 20mg/day, and drop clomid dose to 50mg one week earlier than you originally suggested. Otherwise it looks good.

  4. #4
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    20mgs a day of dbol ? Come on man, might as well scrap it all together...

    30-40 is a good range...

  5. #5
    CR160231's Avatar
    CR160231 is offline New Member
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    sorry forgot my height is 5'11.

    thanks for the cleanup on the PCT. i'll change the time to 12 weeks.

    I don't understand what dropping my bf by 3% will do. If you could explain more on this i'd appreciate it.

    Diet will be clean, to slightly moderate. I will be taking in around 1k calories over maint. to start and adjust accordingly. 6 or 7 meals/day. Been lifting since mid high school, but gotten more serious about it the past 2-3 years.

    my split:
    Th-Bi's Tri's

    thanks bro

  6. #6
    Drake Hotel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    20mgs a day of dbol ? Come on man, might as well scrap it all together...

    30-40 is a good range...
    That's just my personal opinion. It's his first cycle and his bf is a bit high as well. I believe in not wasting dosage threshholds, which even 30mg/day would do. 30, 40 or even 50 would certainly have him reach his goal, I just believe in lower doses until they're no longer effective.

  7. #7
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    ^^^ vaild points

  8. #8
    LATS60's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CR160231 View Post
    Weight: 210
    BF: 15%

    Goals: Add as much quality muscle and keep it on. Any BF lost during is a bonus and will just help me when I begin my cut at the start of next year.

    1-10 Test E 250mg 2x/Week
    1-4 D-bol 30 mg/day

    13/14 Nolva 40mg...Clomid 100mg
    15 Nolva 30mg....Clomid 100mg
    16 Nolva 20mg...Clomid 50 mg

    As always advice/suggestions/critiques are very much welcome and appreciated
    Looks good, i see nothing wrong with it at all.

    PS, on second glance, short low dose cycle, i see no need to run the clomid at 100mg the third wk, i'd drop it to 50mg.
    Last edited by LATS60; 09-23-2008 at 06:50 PM.

  9. #9
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Quote Originally Posted by CR160231 View Post
    sorry forgot my height is 5'11.

    thanks for the cleanup on the PCT. i'll change the time to 12 weeks. (Good idea.)

    I don't understand what dropping my bf by 3% will do. If you could explain more on this i'd appreciate it. (The lower your BF% the lower risks you have of getting estrogen related sides. And 12% is considered the minimum % to start cycling. For my friends asking me, i say 10% minimum. Establishing a good core base is necessary to get the full gains out of AAS.)

    Diet will be clean, to slightly moderate. I will be taking in around 1k calories over maint. to start and adjust accordingly. 6 or 7 meals/day. Been lifting since mid high school, but gotten more serious about it the past 2-3 years.
    (I'd like to see you diet. Im sure with a few minor tweaks you can easily obtain some more natural goals before starting a cycle.

    List a regualr days meal plan. include marcos and how much the food weighs. Leave out no detail.)

    Format it like this.

    Meal 1
    8 egg whites
    80G's of Oatmeal

    Meal 2
    6oz of Tuna
    1tblespoon of mayo
    4 oz of mixed veggies.

  10. #10
    CR160231's Avatar
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    well that is nice point war....I had planned on putting on more muscle at the expense of the extra pounds I have right now, and then come 1st of year just cut it all off then.

    What if I reversed that, and cut down to around 190-195 with 10ish% BF NOW, and then start this cycle in a couple months, i'd be in the same position come next April/May that I would have been in if i started it now, minus all possible estro sides.

    my goals would then be starting at 190-195 with 10%bf and post-cycle 210-215 with maybe around 7%?

    I will type up my diet in detail for ya in a bit

  11. #11
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Well typically a Test E/dbol cycle is not one that people lose BF% on.

    Of course im from the school of thought that you can bulk/cut on anything given your diet is squared away.

    Im not saying you have to drop 15lbs. Im just saying that you would be better advised to have a better base, and diet before jumping on cycle.

    I see too many people here and elsewhere jump on without trying to get all they can natuarlly. My way of thinking is, get everything you can out of being natural. And if your still looking to gain. Think about AAS.

  12. #12
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    Quote Originally Posted by CR160231 View Post
    Weight: 210
    BF: 15%

    Goals: Add as much quality muscle and keep it on. Any BF lost during is a bonus and will just help me when I begin my cut at the start of next year.

    1-10 Test E 250mg 2x/Week
    1-4 D-bol 30 mg/day

    13/14 Nolva 40mg...Clomid 100mg
    15 Nolva 30mg....Clomid 100mg
    16 Nolva 20mg...Clomid 50 mg

    As always advice/suggestions/critiques are very much welcome and appreciated
    Bro for a basic test cyce..which this is, your PCT can just be Nolva...I'd drop the clomid....IMO Some of my friends have done clomid in PCT and for some reason have no sex drive...when I used affected my vision.

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