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  1. #1
    boss hogg is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Just had gyno surgery

    New to the site and fresh out of GYNO surgery. $8,000 later, I am reluctant to begin any anabolic cycles due to the financial and mental aftermath. I had been using TEST and Dbol for about two years before moving to over the counter garbage for another five years. I was completely uneducated at the time I was taking anabolics and never took a anti estrogen for the first three years till it was too late.
    Over the years, I made great gains. My natural stature when working out is 6' and about 185 with about 7%BF. After surgery, I am down to 165. Can't work out for 6 weeks but will get back in the gym for sure. In your opinions, what would be the best way to begin a cycle without any risk of GYNO? After a $8,000 lesson there is no room for error. What do you think?

  2. #2
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Just stick to the non-aromatizing ones. Your best bets are going to be with DHT's like masteron , winny and var. A good cycle for the psychologically damaged such as yourself would be:
    1-8 test prop 25mg/ed
    1-8 masteron 75mg/ed
    1-8 anavar 40mg/ed

  3. #3
    boss hogg is offline New Member
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    Oct 2008
    I would'nt say I am in the corner in the fetal position emotionally scarred but you understand. I just wanted the best cycle as I get back in the game with no GYNO side effects. I appreciate your input.

  4. #4
    Discipline_1's Avatar
    Discipline_1 is offline Associate Member
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    you will be alright... start off slow with the aromatizing compounds, for example i would use test and then a non aromatizing compound like eq, winstrol or masteron , and if you want to throw in an oral use anavar or oral turinabol , just make sure you have an AI like armidex or aromasin and use accordingly at the first signs of gyno... you will get the feel back and it will get easier

  5. #5
    Dinosaur's Avatar
    Dinosaur is offline Member
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    Aug 2003
    glad u did fine, also this should b a lesson to all the newbie and those who like to take short cuts and don't know sh****t about how to cycle the only thing that pop into there head is thinking that once they inject there body they ganna look like arnold.
    if i was u i would stick to basics meaning fix my diet right along with protein load and some over the counter stuff like creatine... or which ever products works best for u.
    that's my opinion its all up to you i still think you can do better on your own, also i know the human eagerness always want to achieve quick results.
    why the rush take it easy man.
    good luck.

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