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  1. #1
    MrJuice90's Avatar
    MrJuice90 is offline New Member
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    Cycle and Hairloss Questions

    I've read a lot of mixed answers about hair loss and the different ways of preventing while on a cycle. I read an interesting article from one of the links I found in a thread However it doesn't give me a clear idea as to what I should do if I'm stacking different types of gear. My cycle will consist of the following

    Tren , EQ, Test Prop, Winni, Proviron

    I know that finastride will help with the DHT conversion with the Prop, but will it's affects actually speed up the process because of the rest of gear I'll be stacking? Is Nizoral, Spiro, and Monixidil safe and recommended with all of the above? Or are they useless or worse yet, help speed up the process? BTW, I'm 30 and have noticed my hair loss speeding up due to the last few cycles I've taken. This will be my first attempt to try and slow/stop the process. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    If your prone to MPB then your gonna speed things up while on a cycle.

  3. #3
    MrJuice90's Avatar
    MrJuice90 is offline New Member
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    So there isn't anything that can be done to slow it down? That doesn't seam to be what I'm reading. There are different options for taking different things. I just want to know if I'll be making things worse by taking finastride/propecia while also taking tren , EQ and Winni. I know it will help with the test prop and I'm planning on using Nizoral shampoo EOD along with Spirol topical and Moxidil 15%.

  4. #4
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
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    Winny and Tren are two drugs that are gonna make you lose a lot of hair REAL fast if youre prone....and finnasteride or any drug for that matter wont change a damn thing. Choose your hair or steroids .

  5. #5
    MR_T's Avatar
    MR_T is offline Member
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    yo momas house
    your hair will start falling out just from looking at the tren vials, simply put if you want to have a 'great' body your going to have to pick hair vs body.

    Safest roids for hair loss
    Deca , eq, and test with finastride

  6. #6
    villan is offline Junior Member
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    Verry true, i know from experience.

  7. #7
    Dinosaur's Avatar
    Dinosaur is offline Member
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    try over the counter stuff it works don't underestimate it like rogaine its not magic but it help strengthen your hair and stops hair falling. or get a prescription from ur doc n try propecia.

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