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  1. #1
    sam1969 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2008

    first time cycle

    im looking to try a cycle to gain strenght and mass . I read a lot and i want your opinion.

    im trainning since 15 monts
    im 38
    5 9¨ 200 pounds
    i go to the gym 5 time a week (2 days/1break)
    i want to begin around decembre cause i need to be regular with the new diet

    I hesitate between 2 choice :
    1- the beginner cycle on this site (Cypionate or Enanthate 400mg a week and Dianabol 20mg

    2- Deca -Durabolin 200mg week

    Few question
    do i need to take clomix at the end of those cycle?
    Wich one provide less side effect about water retention ?
    Wich one will burn more fat?
    something better than those 2 for a beginners?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    First to answer your questions.
    1) Yeah, Clomid(not clomix) should be taken during PCT.
    2) Deca is quite famous for water retention, though at that low of a dose, not much should be expected.
    3) Ive said this many times and ill say it again, there is NO steroid that burns fat.
    4) Not really... Generally, the best beginner cycle is Test C or E for 10-12 weeks @ 500mgs per week.

    Now just a few facts for you to know.

    1) Deca should not be taken without Test.
    2) Deca is considered a advanced compound by most and is not usually recommended for a first cycle.
    3) Clomid is not enough for a PCT. Nolvadex is the conerstone of any good PCT. I would suggest reading up on it.

    Now i need a few more stats from you bro.

    A FULL diet summary/# meals per day
    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)

  3. #3
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam1969 View Post
    im looking to try a cycle to gain strenght and mass . I read a lot and i want your opinion.

    im trainning since 15 monts this is not very long. there is no reason you shouldnt be making progress after only a little more than a year of training.
    im 38 good
    5 9¨ 200 pounds bofyfat percentage?
    i go to the gym 5 time a week (2 days/1break)
    i want to begin around decembre cause i need to be regular with the new diet get your diet together and stick with it consistently for a few months. you may not be ready by December, dont rush it.

    I hesitate between 2 choice :
    1- the beginner cycle on this site (Cypionate or Enanthate 400mg a week and Dianabol 20mg The standard "beginner cycle" is usually 500mg of test e or c for ten weeks. most wont recommend the Dbol for a first time but you can run it if you choose.

    2- Deca -Durabolin 200mg week Id avoid 19nor for a first cycle. even tho very low dosed it complicates things too much.

    Few question
    do i need to take clomix at the end of those cycle? among other things yes. spend ALOT of time researching post cycle. not just pct drugs but understand them, why you need them, how your training/rest need to change, what your diet should look like etc.
    Wich one provide less side effect about water retention ? bloat is a possibility, not a huge issue but you will have an AI on hand anyway that you cant implement should other issues arise
    Wich one will burn more fat? the one with the better diet and training
    something better than those 2 for a beginners?

    Thank you
    answers in bold

  4. #4
    sam1969 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2008
    goal : strenght, cut,
    diet : 5 meal a day : 6 am , 9 am, 12 , 5 pm 8 pm
    i also take super pum before workout, then glutamine, then EAS whey 2 shake a day.
    years lifting 15 month
    workout split 5-day splits muscle once a week
    cycle exp: none
    pct/estrogen control knowledge : need help on that part , i have just read about bf% 19

  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    19% bf i think you should work on your diet and drop down to at least 15% or below.

    regardless, if you choose to run a cycle it should be the basic bread and butter of test e or c at 500mgs/w with pct of nolva/clomid or nolva/aromasin .

    read up in the educational threads and pct forum to get an idea for what kind of pct you want.

  6. #6
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
    Flex-Appeal is offline Senior Member
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    Welcome to the board! But get that body fat lower before you start a bulking cycle imo.
    The Diet section should be able to get you where you want to be before you start. A little more natty strength/size gains won't hurt you a bit.
    Getting on a good diet will test your will to better yourself and your self control.
    If you can keep a good diet in check then you are well on your way to success!
    Always remember diet is 80% of it bro

  7. #7
    sam1969 is offline Junior Member
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    thank you for youre reply , i will work on my diet first and continue reading the forum . When i get ready i will post it for help

  8. #8
    god-send's Avatar
    god-send is offline Associate Member
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    in the aas forum
    wow someone who takes advise .

    good man you have made the right move.

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