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  1. #1
    MattUK666's Avatar
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    2nd Cycle, Advice Please.


    I want to get it right before I order. Here is what im thinking for my 2nd cycle:

    Week 1-12 - Test E at 1000mg per week.

    Week 1 - 10 Deca at 500mg per week.

    Week 1 - 4 Anadrol at 100mg per day.

    Heres the thing, I know this is alot, so I need to know the best PCT for this?

    1st cycle was Anadrol from weeks 1-6 at 100mg per day, and Test E at 500mg per week for weeks 1-12. And then PCT is Nolva at 40/40/40/20/20 started two weeks from my last shot. I gained 12 pounds which was good.

    Oh, im 25, 5 foot 10, and 195 pounds.

    My only concern is the Deca, never used it before, and to be honest, not even sure ide need it with 1000mg of test per week, ive read all about Deca, but to all those with Deca it a great drug to use?



  2. #2
    god-send's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattUK666 View Post

    I want to get it right before I order. Here is what im thinking for my 2nd cycle:

    Week 1-12 - Test E at 1000mg per week.

    Week 1 - 10 Deca at 500mg per week.

    Week 1 - 4 Anadrol at 100mg per day.

    Heres the thing, I know this is alot, so I need to know the best PCT for this?

    1st cycle was Anadrol from weeks 1-6 at 100mg per day, and Test E at 500mg per week for weeks 1-12. And then PCT is Nolva at 40/40/40/20/20 started two weeks from my last shot. I gained 12 pounds which was good.

    Oh, im 25, 5 foot 10, and 195 pounds.

    My only concern is the Deca, never used it before, and to be honest, not even sure ide need it with 1000mg of test per week, ive read all about Deca, but to all those with Deca it a great drug to use?


    right ok ,12 pounds for 1st cycle is not really that good imo.

    now 1g test is too much mate i would do this.

    weeks 1-4 100mgs drol ed

    weeks 1-14 500mgs test e ew

    weeks 1-12 400mgs deca ew

    weeks 8-13 500ius hcg every 3rd day

    weeks 16 -20 nolva 20/20/20/20

    weeks 16-20 proviron 50/50/50/50

    also could add adex @ .25 ed right upto day befor you start pct.

    thats what i would do.
    as for not needing deca due too 1g test ew i would say you will have far better gains adding a 19nor over just useing a gram of test per week.

  3. #3
    vBRAH's Avatar
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    I was just thinking that too - how'd you only manage 12lbs for your first cycle? Friend of mine did a bulk on D-Bol only for 5 weeks and gained/kept after PCT 15lb (yes dbol only)

    Agree with the above post, 1g is too much - stick to 500mg for now.

  4. #4
    Roshambo's Avatar
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    Test E/Deca is a good combo, justnot sure about using Androl, i'm 5'10, 230lbs, 12%bf and could still eat much better before I ever cycle again. I weighed as much as you before I cycled. As for the PCT you should run Nolva, Arimidex .25mg ED and I like to use 500iu of HCG E3.5D halfway thru your cycle. upon completion of your cycle I believe you need to continue with the Nolva as it will help with restoring your natty levels along with Clomid(my preference is to use both), Discontinue the use of Arimidex and continue with the HCG for 3 wks. adding Proviron to aide in Libedo. this is what i have done and works just fine for me.
    Last edited by Roshambo; 10-06-2008 at 05:30 PM.

  5. #5
    PT's Avatar
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    you should lower the test to 500mgs a week. there is no need for 1000mgs especially with deca and anadrol
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  6. #6
    MattUK666's Avatar
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    Wow ok some good info here already, thanks guys.

    I meant 12 pounds of lean mass, after all the water etc went away, I was up about 24 pounds, but then after the cycle some of it went away.

    Never used Dbol , but I found the use of Anadrol was amazing, I felt so much stronger in the gym on it.

    Hey what about I cut it down to 750mg per week? for 14 weeks. Plus Deca at 400mg per week from weeks 1-12?

    And for PCT I could go with the Nolva, and Provion? As suggested here.


  7. #7
    MattUK666's Avatar
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    Ok, I wont use 1000mg, it does sound a bit much, I was just trying to get the most of out a 12-14 week cycle.

    Is Deca a strong addition to Test?

  8. #8
    god-send's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattUK666 View Post
    Wow ok some good info here already, thanks guys.

    I meant 12 pounds of lean mass, after all the water etc went away, I was up about 24 pounds, but then after the cycle some of it went away.

    Never used Dbol , but I found the use of Anadrol was amazing, I felt so much stronger in the gym on it.

    Hey what about I cut it down to 750mg per week? for 14 weeks. Plus Deca at 400mg per week from weeks 1-12?

    And for PCT I could go with the Nolva, and Provion? As suggested here.

    ok sounds like half your 1st cycle was warter,not good mate and i will say it is down to your diet ,high sodium you gotta be carefull with as it will bloat the hell out of you.

    use an ai on this cycle (adex) this will tackle all warter and gyno problems.

    keep the tes @ 500mgs every week ,there is no need to go to 750mgs .

    deca is a great compound and will give great strenth and yeild some very good mass when run along side test .

  9. #9
    PT's Avatar
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    i gain more weight and strength from deca then test. this is not for you but i know alot of people that will run 750mgs of test and 1500mgs of deca and have enormous results. trust me, you'll love the deca
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
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  10. #10
    god-send's Avatar
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    yes i was thinking about doing 1000mgs deca ew for 16 weeks with 250-300mgs ew.

    not for the novie i must add.

    here some good stories about cycles like this.

  11. #11
    39+1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattUK666 View Post

    I want to get it right before I order. Here is what im thinking for my 2nd cycle:

    Week 1-12 - Test E at 1000mg per week.

    Week 1 - 10 Deca at 500mg per week.

    Week 1 - 4 Anadrol at 100mg per day.

    Heres the thing, I know this is alot, so I need to know the best PCT for this?

    1st cycle was Anadrol from weeks 1-6 at 100mg per day, and Test E at 500mg per week for weeks 1-12. And then PCT is Nolva at 40/40/40/20/20 started two weeks from my last shot. I gained 12 pounds which was good.

    Oh, im 25, 5 foot 10, and 195 pounds.

    My only concern is the Deca, never used it before, and to be honest, not even sure ide need it with 1000mg of test per week, ive read all about Deca, but to all those with Deca it a great drug to use?


    dude cut those doses in half and youll get the same results and have another cycle later I just dont get these huge fckin dosages advised these days

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