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  1. #1
    Headliner is offline Junior Member
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    3rd week into cycle

    Alright, Day 23, just did my 12th injection of an UGL Sust 250, 125ml's shot EoD. I think I just need a little reasurance that I am on the right track, and that this is legit gear.

    19 years old (no flaming )
    high single digit bodyfat %
    Lifting for about 2 years now (started at 130~ lbs)
    diet ~3500 cal, (100'sfat/350'scarb/220's protein)

    Using Delts, Quads and Glutes for injecting
    I draw with 21g pin, shoot Quads AND Glutes with 23g x 1 inch pin, Delts with 25g x 1 inch

    First concern:
    I read a ton of these stories about "virgin mucle pain" and unable to walk next day etc, yet so far all my injections have been painless (MAYBE a SLIGHT discomfort in delts shortly after pinning, that goes away soon), and don't feel anything the next day. Is this the sign of a good UGL or fake gear?

    Next, its day 23, and my weights gone up 2lbs (172), and my lifts have had minimal progress. Can't really tell about my libido, I think I am a little bit hornier, if so not by much. Are these avage signs of legit gear?

    is 437.5mgs sust/week strong enough dose? Should I up it?
    only 2 lbs in 3 weeks, should I up the diet as well?
    Pretty disapointed I decided not to kickstart the cycle with dbol ... is it still too late to add that in?

    Sorry about the messy post... just concerned about acouple things.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I`m not flaming but I think you are too small at 170lbs 6' to be cycling. Also 19 is too you imo. You need to learn more about diet as you obviously have issues there at 170lbs.

  3. #3
    Headliner is offline Junior Member
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    I held out on doing steroids for 2 years, and I'm very proud for that, but I got to a point where this will be effecting my career, and I have some extra time on my hands right now, and I don't know when I will again, so I can commit strongly to this cycle, and several months after it. About the diet, I gained 40lbs while staying at the same height, so I have some knowledge in the subject, played around with my bodyfat levels etc. Enough about that although, please don't change the subject to that, just want some reassurance this cycle is looking good.
    Last edited by Headliner; 10-09-2008 at 04:31 PM.

  4. #4
    DS21 is offline Member
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    If you can't notice a large increase in sex it might be fake and I would stop inj. If it is real test you will want to f*** at least 5 times a day. In my case 10, but who's counting. I also have to agree work on your diet, I know everyone says they eat all the time, but believe me you can get to 200lbs natural.

  5. #5
    DS21 is offline Member
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    Oh yeah, 400+mg of test/week is enough and yes you can still add dbol if you would like to.

  6. #6
    Headliner is offline Junior Member
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    well, I also got pre cycle blood work done (at least I was smart in that area about starting the cycle) and was actually a little on the low side. Anyways, the gear is obviously sterile as there is no pain/infections, so to continue injecting would at worse be just wasting my time, which... to me... actually is somewhat of a relief, because that means I'd still be natty, yet have first hand experience with a cycle, knowing how to inject etc.

    Oh now I remembered another question... I am being a baby about air... I get all the bubbles out and don't inject with air... which of course even if your squeezing the syringe hard at the end of injection and pull out... there is still some residue in the syringe. Should I suck it up and just add little bit of air to make sure all the gear is injected, and I'm getting a full dose?

  7. #7
    Headliner is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    Oh yeah, 400+mg of test/week is enough and yes you can still add dbol if you would like to.
    Hmm, what dosage would you recommend and for how long?

  8. #8
    DS21 is offline Member
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    I always leave 1/10 of a ml of air before injecting. I think 400-500mg of test a week is enough for a first cycle. 30-50mg ed of dbol would work, but I wouldn't use it if the test is fake.

  9. #9
    Banelord is offline Associate Member
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    ya guy I'm on my 3rd week of deca , with test E and I front load with Test P. I am blazing, doing insane workouts and have an uncontrollable sex drive, I do not know what to say man. See what happen in the 5 week, if u do not feel it, ya it fake.

  10. #10
    stpete is offline Banned
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    19's too young man, but what's done is done i guess.
    Wait for the stuff to kick in a little while longer.
    Why are you putting air in the syringe? Cause you don't want to lose a miniscule amount of juice? I'd stop doing that. I've never even heard of that before now.

  11. #11
    DS21 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    19's too young man, but what's done is done i guess.
    Wait for the stuff to kick in a little while longer.
    Why are you putting air in the syringe? Cause you don't want to lose a miniscule amount of juice? I'd stop doing that. I've never even heard of that before now.
    Why should I stop, is it going to hurt me in any way? FYI, it is a comon practice for alot of people. If I want to inject 100mg then this is the best way I've found to actually inject that amount without adding another 10mgs. If you have another one please let me know and I will try it.

  12. #12
    Devildogjoe is offline New Member
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    where the son dont shine
    what trip

  13. #13
    Headliner is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    Why should I stop, is it going to hurt me in any way? FYI, it is a comon practice for alot of people. If I want to inject 100mg then this is the best way I've found to actually inject that amount without adding another 10mgs. If you have another one please let me know and I will try it.
    A lot of people put in a bit of air, there was a good read about it posted on here... too lazy to find it,unless your injecting with a 30CC syringe that's full of air, you're fine.

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