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10-16-2008, 01:58 PM #41
here's the thing on dependence
a 120 pound guy is on the verge of starving all the time or he wouldn't be 120 lbs. He eats enough calories to maintain 120lbs, no more no less. So, he takes some steroids gets up to 130lbs. Now what? He eats enough to maintain 120lbs. His 130lb body uses more than a 120lb body does. So he goes up in weight but, goes down in weight over time. So he does another cycle to get back to 130. It's not healthy.
Guys who give good diet advise are hard to come by. No need to make enemies so soon. And, reed is huge in case you wanted to know.
10-16-2008, 01:59 PM #42
10-16-2008, 02:02 PM #43
I totally agree with you Kratos. If you dont know what you're doing (im not talking about you- its just a general statement bro) u dont need to hurry up and inject. But if someone comes here ( all places of all) who's 27 years old and weights 120lbs. Grown up , an adult that has a right to do anything with his body he wants. He has some prohormones on hands along with some anti e's . He asks how he can use it to his best ability and what he gets in return ? Some people decide to laugh at him , which I believe probably made him leave and never come back or ask another question again. Or he's told do the diet thing because one dude is 18y.o and never touched juice in his life and second guy who does steroids himself decided that its hard for him to believe that the OP cannot gain weight without "special diet practices".
10-16-2008, 02:06 PM #44
You have to remember, just because we are a so called "steroids " board doesn't mean we should tell a 20 year old to do steroids. The MAIN purpose of this board is to give out the best/safest advise. You will never find one MOD, VET, or knowledgeable guy telling a 20 year old to juice. Its just WRONG.
10-16-2008, 02:07 PM #45
I see what u saying, but how come a guy who weights 250 lbs eats less than 120lbs guy and still able to keep up the weight ?
Im telling u bro, I have a friend. I fed him nice , everything I ate- he ate and his total gain was 5 lbs when my was 22lbs. He gained 10 and lost 5 and I gained 30 and lost 7.
10-16-2008, 02:10 PM #46
And thanx to all the members who jumped down this guys throat without giving any sound advice as he hasnt returned to post. Hopefully he just hasnt been on the net yet to see this. Flaming (even tho its the internet) hurts especially if you deal with things all your life. hell i was 135 when i STARTED liftin and im 5'8". Gonna flame me? yeah i did it, and im still going strong. Remember EVERYONE has a starting point which most of you guys fail realize.
What advice should have been given is to hold off on the supplements he has at hand and visit the diet forum as a good bulking diet will help him grow fast and a lot more solid foundation then the stuff he bought.
10-16-2008, 02:11 PM #47
The OP has only been training for a year...that's a short amount of time IMO. He should at least train another year, with quality dieting and maybe go get his test levels checked (just in case). I agree, that this dude shoud not have been flamed for weighing 120 lbs (or compared to a girls weight) not encouraging at all. He does need information, but needs to invest the proper time seeking it out. Who knows what his diet or his ROUTINE are like, maybe the guys has been doing the same lousy "exercises" for a year and can't figure out why he hasn't seen any gains. That coupled with the fact that we know nothing of what he's eating.
He's probably freaked out now to return, because of all the flaming and bickering that his OP created. IMO I don't think this dude should just go popping orals (real or not) after only working at it for a year (and who knows what he's been doing in that year)
The correct guidance can only be given with more info from the OP....but enough of the bickering fellas...keep it bro-hymn!
10-16-2008, 02:12 PM #48
10-16-2008, 02:14 PM #49
10-16-2008, 02:21 PM #50
Bro I agree with you and believe me because of the flames, laughs, and everyone trying to say what they think is right, I didn't register up until now. Believe it or not bro, I remember you just becoming a vet and having long ass cycles in your signature , 24-26 weeks long. Remember ? lol And f*ckin loved em , followed em , wrote em down and everything.haha Do i beleive you are a knowledgable guy ? HELL YEA! Do I believe that 18 year old kid who never touched juice in his life and thinks u can drink any AAS and get most of it in ur system or thinks that the only way to get prescribed AAS is HRT or TRT - NO IM SORRY , BUT I DONT
If LittleBudda was 20 years old and at least was an average statue man, I'd never suggested a steroid use . But he said he's 27 years old and he's 120lbs. Only based on that and because I personally have a close friend who's in similar situation, those are the reasons for my suggestion. Not because I see a guy who weights like 99% of the concentration camp in WWI. I understand the first humane(with e) reaction is to feed a guy, but its not WW2 and not the conc. camp. He's a healthy adult who's just smaller statue as most track jockeys are. If you seen MTV " I want a perfect body" there was a dude - jockey who trained and ate a lot and couldn't gain 2lbs.
10-16-2008, 02:24 PM #51
Just becoming a VET? Bro, You obviously don't know me. I was a VET on this board years ago as well as a MOD. Same holds true for a lot of other boards. I've done low dose cycles, I've done HIGH dose cycles. I've done short cycles and VERY long cycles. What does that have to do with a 120 pound guy who knows nothing about diet or steriods ?
10-16-2008, 02:27 PM #52
10-16-2008, 02:29 PM #53
I agree with you LEGO
In my respond to KRATOS i said the same thing . GENETICS ! Im not an advocate to give everyone steroids - no . HEalthy adults - YES ! 27 year old is an adult. 120lbs .........Well , its less than average , but he's not going to grow- neither his genetics or food help that much at his age. I dont know what REED thinks but for an average male to keep 120lbs body frame is impossible ( and to be healthy of course). I believe the smallest boxing weight category is 124lbs right now. And those dudes run around like ants hitting each other for 12 rounds without breathing hard. They dont walk around at that weight. In order to "eat" that weight for an average adult, one will end up with all kinds of stomach and intestines / gastro problems. Plus he had stuff on hand . Let him use those prohormones - even though its not a real thing, but it'll make him understand how cycling works. He also has PCT on hand which he can finish with. I dont think I said something that wasn't right imo.
10-16-2008, 02:32 PM #54
back in 2003 I believe. I dont remember was it before DaBull and Enstein got caught doing that stupid thing , but I remember all the emails posted and whole story told. Of course I didn't mean u just becoming a Vet come on now. When did u have those 26 week cycle signatures last time ?
10-16-2008, 02:33 PM #55
No worries bro. To me, age has nothing to do with it. It think if we tell a guy who knows ZERO about steroids , and has been only lifting a VERY short time is not responsible. I think telling a person to wait a few years, show more dedication to working out and do research is the way to go. To me Steroids should be used when you hit your plateau. Now, I don't think I was anywhere near my plateau and I should of waited. I'm tired of these new guys who think you take steroids and you magically become big. Most guys who take them without research screw themselves of big time.
10-16-2008, 02:36 PM #56
To funny!!! Dabull and Einstein. Man, I remember those guys! I wish you had registered long ago!!! Dabull use to send me tons of shit for free! and believe it or not it was GOOD stuff! I pretty much have to be on Test all year round. (grew up with low levels) I haven't been on test in almost 2 months and I'm going NUTS!!!!
10-16-2008, 02:40 PM #57
10-16-2008, 02:42 PM #58
Well i agree that you agree
He is an adult but for me im a firm believer in having a sound diet for growing first. Remember he is new with lifting, and most likely has a horrible diet.
It would be nice to see him come back here and post his diet tho so we can help him out.
10-16-2008, 02:43 PM #59
Honesly, when I started to get into this, I always seen same q's asked around and I didn't want to look lazy or unprepared. Plus me not speaking good english back then , was kind of a complex as well. Im staying on year round too 200mg a week. About u not having any for 2 months - bothers me. If u dont care about short esters, PM me.
10-16-2008, 02:45 PM #60
I don't think you have enough info to say he isn't gonna grow. We haven't seen his diet or lifting routine yet. If he doesn't even have the knoledge to get real gear, why not try to fix his diet before he runs out and gets the real stuff? I'm glad your buddy had good results and kept the weight, and steroids can be a very useful tool. Lets take out the other variables first is what I'm saying. Gasto problems are unlikely...look what Michial Phelps eats. Genetics are important, but I don't think anybody has a genetic limit of 120 pounds.
10-16-2008, 02:46 PM #61
Ok fellas, if two of you press me like that , I guess LittleBudda isn't gonna have any for a while
10-16-2008, 02:50 PM #62
Kratos Phelps eats way more than most of us. I believe he said 6 or 7 meals a day. He's not 120lbs by any means either lol . I dont know how , but in a water even though u dont sweat at all , u lose so many calories - its unbelievable. I remember my mom was waiting for me on the outside of the Olimpic Reserve school with hot thermos of tea/coffee and big ass sanwiches because water makes u wanna eat like craaaaaaaaazy.
10-16-2008, 05:12 PM #63
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Hi Sorry Everyone.I just came back from work.Yes,I am only 120Lb guy.I was about 110Lb a year ago before I joined the GYM.All the reply made me pretty sad.I guess I am going to put all my steroid away and eat more for more years.Anyway I moved to United State when I was 18.In asia most of the guy are my size.Compair to white guys I am a joke.Thank you all. PS...PLease tell me what kind of stuff should I eat?
Last edited by Littlebudda; 10-16-2008 at 05:18 PM.
10-16-2008, 05:20 PM #64
You're no joke bro!!! Just keep at it...stay patient!! It can and will happen!! Really work on the dieting and your work-out routine....check both forums for information (and stash the "supplements" you bought in your closet for another day down the road). Post your diet and workout regimine...and don't listen to the haters!!
10-16-2008, 05:29 PM #65
10-16-2008, 05:38 PM #66
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I used to work out 5 days a week.Now 3 day because I think too much exercies will burn fat and not good for gaining weight.My diet is I eat anything I can.
10-16-2008, 05:42 PM #67
Yes this is more than likely where you are going wrong. You need to follow a specific diet plain with the right amount of protein/carbs/fats in order to grow. As you have been told steroids are not a magic pill and will not allow you to gain a decent amount of muscle without proper nutrition and training. <----- Start here rearrange your diet to fit your needs and then post in the diet thread and we have a lot of good knowledgeable guys that will help you along the way
10-16-2008, 05:43 PM #68
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I think I really need a good diet plan.How much protein,carb and fat should I eat a day.What kind of food have a lot of protein?
10-16-2008, 05:49 PM #69
Its really hard to tell you exactly due to the fact I we need to know your activity level. The link I posted will provide you with a good calculation of what needs to be done. Go ahead and look into the link i posted and start reading. Don't worry you have plenty of time to get everything in order. The process of gaining muscle is a trial and error process but with proper knowledge and good guidance we can limit the error. Also obtain a good workout regiment and follow that of course.
10-16-2008, 05:52 PM #70
Nah , B ! I wish I did though
See, since I wasn't registered there was not too many pictures that I could check. So I decided not to look at pic forum. Just read read read - day and night. U can't imagine how ya'll helped me. Everything I learned was here. I remember Vette, MikeXXL,SwoleCat, hooker
. But u were the one who made me think of a long term cycles. One a year for 24-26 weeks. Made a bunch of sense to me, but since I didn't have a hook up back then , it was difficult to collect all the gear for such a period of time. So trust me if I can do something for you -consider is me paying back to u for everything
10-16-2008, 06:14 PM #71
Littlebudda- I'm about to go hit the gym for some squats but my recommendations real quick would be for to get in about
Carbs- 300g
which should be in the range of 2400-2700 calories depending on the food you eat at about 6 meals a day
Good protein source: eggs, fish, lean red meats, poultry, milk, low fat cottage cheese
Good carb sources- whole grains, fruits, oats, red potatos, sweet potatos,
Good fat sources- fish oil, nuts, avocados, flax seeds& oil, fish it self
In your case I'd do about 2-3 meals of red meat and get on a good supplement regiment with creatine, multivitamin, 0mega-3s fish oils, and a good joint supplement. We can add into it if you'd like. Follow that suggested intake requirements and design a meal program for yourself then post it in the diet forum and people will help you along. Its best to learn this for your self. Like they say give a man a fish he eats for a day teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime. I'll be back later on. Good luck friend
10-16-2008, 06:43 PM #72
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minimum age and maximum age for steroid user
I just want to know
PLease Help
10-16-2008, 06:50 PM #73
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Thank you so much for your diet plan.I will try to stick with your plan and see what happen.Thank you for your time again.
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