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  1. #41
    in2shape's Avatar
    in2shape is offline Member
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    my thinking is : say you are not at your natural peak yet, you do a cycle obviously taking you above this.... then once you stop and the gear leaves your system youll keep what ever gains you got left over after pct ....but if you have not yet reached above your natural peak levels after your cycle and all gear has left do you keep gains as what mass youve gained is within your nattural levels ???

    or is it what you keep after pct is what you keep 4 good ?


    is you cycle you keep gains for a while after pct then go back to your natural size coz you only keep what your natural test levels allow

  2. #42
    richtries's Avatar
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  3. #43
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    i think of steroids like a helium balloon. with every shot of helium the balloon gets bigger... the longer you wait between shots, the more it shrinks. obviously we wouldn't pop...or would we? ;p

  4. #44
    Ladies Man is offline Junior Member
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    i mean after pct sure i loose some size but still i will end up bigger than before but once the juice leaves my system and sometime passes after pct i could still put on size but it seems like if it werent for gear i probably wouldnt have much size at all i feel like in the long run i got bigger considering how small i was

  5. #45
    ChemWizard1 is offline Junior Member
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    In my case, I was 6'3" 190 lbs and 9 % bf before my first cycle of 10 weeks Test Cyp and Tren E at 250 and 100 mg per week, a fairly basic cycle. That was a year ago and after blowing up to 240, I am still maintaining at 230 lbs although im about 13% bf now. Strength definitely went down but I think I did my first cycle before I had fully fulled out (at age 21) so maybe thats why I have still kept my gains? Thats just my 2c on personal experience

  6. #46
    20gauge is offline Junior Member
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    Is there anyway of knowing your genetic potetential or is it just a matter of having trained for a long time?

  7. #47
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    whats the average potential of someone weight wise and bodyfat wise,if steroid use produces temproary gains on the long run then its useless at least thats how i see it cause i dont wanna keep cycling forever if i started properly besdies that would mean that no one would have to reach his max natural potential before he juices cause simply if he does there is no need for juice cause anything beyond that will be just temporary ...just my 2 cents here

  8. #48
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  9. #49
    Iceman69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladies Man View Post
    This is actually an excellent inquiry. All of us should share our thoughts on this because whats the point of all this if we cant maintain and keep some size and strength in the long run. Personally from my own experience i found that diet is a fundamental element in your training u gotta eat to grow. Secondly immedately after i finish off a cycle obviously i experience some size and strength diminish but i always end up stronger than pre cycle phase. Also a strange thing happens where after sometime after pct i tend to start getting big again and actually ended bigger than before naturally. Maybe roids also activate your genes for growth. i mean i was always a very skinny kid now i am bigger than most of my friends. what do u guys think?
    I graduated high school at 6'3" 156lbs....trained hardcore until I was 23 reading everything I could and working consistently on my diet and the max weight I could achieve was 205lbs.

    Took several very mild cycles over the course of the next 8 years and I have to say that my experiences are exactly what you have described.

    Ok .....on my last Test/Deca cycle I was repping 335 for reps of 8 on the bench press......I can't even touch that right now. I can hit 315 like 2-3 times. So there's obviously some strength loss.

    But I can now maintain 230-240 at will, and I'm actually working to cut DOWN to 225 before I hit up my next mild cycle of Anavar .

    Then in late spring I'm bringing the Test/Deca or Test/Equipoise on and it will be time to get Huuuuuuuge again. 255 by summertime and shredded baby.


    Honestly.......taking AAS and NOT abusing a better choice for me than being an alcoholic etc.

    I'm going to die at the age of 76 in the Squat Rack with 500lbs on my back.

    And I'm 100% ok with that.


  10. #50
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! Ur suppose to come off this stuff? LOL i just keep on eatn and lifting and hgh and slin dont hurt either LOFL

  11. #51
    Iceman69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! Ur suppose to come off this stuff? LOL i just keep on eatn and lifting and hgh and slin dont hurt either LOFL
    LOL bro!

  12. #52
    bmit is offline Member
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    I have found that any muscle i have lost after my cycle (2-5lbs) is very easily regained, within a couple of months. It would take a lot longer than that to get those 2-5 lbs naturally. I think this is due to muscle memory.

    As far as steroids and genetic potential, seems the jury is still out. Maybe they raise, maybe they lower it if you juice before reaching genetic potential. I have found that gaining naturally is very hard after using steroids. Probably due to steroids taking me closer to my genetic potential and while on my dedication is tremendously stronger.

  13. #53
    john1181's Avatar
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    best way to keep cycle muscle is to run hcg throughout the cycle..then a good pct along with anti catabolic/testosterone support supplements...hmb,creatine,zma, liquid aminos etc etc etc...and diet!!! low carb high fat diets have been proven to produce higher and quicker test levels in general and througout pct...saturated and mononsaturated fats! it is also good to cut down on intensity and add more rest days for as long as pct is....cut down on the sex/beating the monkey throughout pct once a week as an exception....other easier ways include, slin.....or and kinoseleen....last cycle, started out 97kg 10%bf ended up at 100kg 6-7%bf(got pics)...3months later i am 102kg 10%bf...just started a test prop-halo-test sus-dianabol cycle about 2weeks ago : ) started noticing mad strength yesterday...

  14. #54
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    whats the average potential of someone weight wise and bodyfat wise,if steroid use produces temproary gains on the long run then its useless at least thats how i see it cause i dont wanna keep cycling forever if i started properly besdies that would mean that no one would have to reach his max natural potential before he juices cause simply if he does there is no need for juice cause anything beyond that will be just temporary ...just my 2 cents here

    bump for an answer for that

  15. #55
    hawkmoon's Avatar
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    Good PCT, good diet, and more rest will be required but you can keep much of what you gained.
    I first cycled 20 years ago and was off for a very long time. Note that in those days there was no PCT other than the occasional HCG . No SERMs or AIs. Most of the size I did lose was by choice, but I was able to get to within 90% of that size with careful diet, rest, and supplementation. One thing that is missing without AAS is raw strength in some muscle groups, but not overall. Using over the long time is a two steps forward, one step back process.

    You will often hear old timers (like me) tell you that AAS just let you get sloppy in your other training areas and that argument does hold some water.

  16. #56
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! Ur suppose to come off this stuff? LOL i just keep on eatn and lifting and hgh and slin dont hurt either LOFL
    Old thread I know, but I just HAD to second this!!

  17. #57
    jg42058p's Avatar
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    creatine and other amino acids can help during PCT.

  18. #58
    coast is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I personally believe that this is the truth.
    Too me this is a kick in the teeth too the school of thought that one should reach there maximum genetic potential before cycling.

    If you reach your max genetic potential pre-cycle, then any muscle gained will only be temporary (unless followed up with mnore cycles).

    Would it be safe too assume that if one has not yet reached there genetic max and cycle's that they will have a better chance of keeping htere gains?

  19. #59
    sigman roid's Avatar
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    Last edited by sigman roid; 05-08-2009 at 07:58 AM.

  20. #60
    tembe's Avatar
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    way to go

  21. #61
    Monstruoso is offline Junior Member
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    so my gains are only temporary ? dude.. that's freaking sad

  22. #62
    binsser's Avatar
    binsser is offline Senior Member
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    no chance what so ever of returning back to the natural potential if ur still dieting and training no way! now if u just do a few years of weights jack aload of juice and eat shit and get lazy then yep of course u will its a part-time pointless waste of time but if uve been training and dieting well for a few years then ull never lose it all its not possible ! i done tren and sust with no pct when i was 19 i always trained casually from the age of 15 i never knew about pct or dieting or anything just spoke to a doorman and got a load of gear whacked it in me and got got massive my gains were stupid i went from 10 and a half stone to 13 and a half rapidly and after that it was beers and birds for at least a year with no proper train or diet STUPID I KNOW if i knew then what i knew know anyway i have never lost anything except for slight body fat percentige fluctuating so on that note ull never go back down to when u first started ull always keep abit more than u had before id like to see i person on here say there just the same now as they started when the reach there limit!

  23. #63
    murphylee's Avatar
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    I must admit that the first time I ever cycled I was too young (19yo). I took 500 mg Test E a week for 10 weeks and put a good amount of size in. I can't say that I kept all of it...but I did have a proper PCT and I noticed a change in my physique forever. I'm much larger and much more muscular than I was before hand...although I tend to carry a little bit more body fat. I think that has more to do with being in college for a long time. I'm finally getting it off though!

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