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Thread: Starting over

  1. #1
    KickBoxer's Avatar
    KickBoxer is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2006
    Melbourne, Australia

    Starting over

    Hi guys,

    Its been a while since ive been on the site. Heres my deal:

    I have been out of the game for over 12months, no training, crappy diet etc.
    After my last cycle, i was so proud of myself and how i looked, then work just took over my life and i found myself constantly fatigued after work, and too lazy to go and train. The side effects? - i put on weight (Fat) although it wasnt overboard. I think ive put on about 6 - 8kgs, but my abs have fully disappeared, and love handles have appeared. I have decided that no matter what im going to get back into it, after all, getting started is the hardest part.

    Id like help from you guys, to tell me if i could use any supplements while carido training to burn that fat quicker. Once the fats out of the way, and the 6mths of good solid weight training is under my belt, i will look into another cycle.

    Please advise if anyone has successfully been through what im going through now.



  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Apr 2008
    What did you learn from last time. 99% diet and exercise.

  3. #3
    KickBoxer's Avatar
    KickBoxer is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2006
    Melbourne, Australia
    exactly right. Excercise and diet are getting there, started a fresh new diet about 2 weeks ago now, and have stuck to it quite well. Exercise at this point it cardio only, 3 - 4 mornings each week. Im nnot going to go near another cycle until im down to 10% bf at least. At this point i reckon im around 20%, possibly more, but it wont take too long to get that figure down. 3 - 4 months of hard work should do it.

    Would any1 recommend using clen and t3 to "speed up" the process?

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