i have a friend that takes enanthate he's a bodybuilder type.he is 6'2" and weigh's 225 the last time he weighed. (he's been off for a few mths and lost weight). i got some from him but have never used before, hell i have only worked out a dozen times in my life. i'm not really looking to gain alot of weight maybe get up to around 205.( i'm 6'0 180) i'm kinda broad for my size . i have read up on the two but thought i would ask the guy's who really know.what do you guy's think is better for what i'm looking for . i think i am going to start boxing or get into a competitive sport for a hobby.so i'm looking for strnght and hard muscle not mass. my second ? is i have allready got the enanthate and either take it or toss it. i'm going to take the enanthate of course. if i take it then change over to anavar will i lose the weight i gained or will it stay on. also how much of the weight i gain will i keep when i come off. i only want to gain around 30 or so pounds which i think is very possible to do but i want to keep it on.