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  1. #1
    Derailed's Avatar
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    Advice wanted on running my gear

    I'd like some advice on running my gear. Advice on how to run, when to start/stop certain AAS's, duration etc, etc,. I want to get the best possible results with the gear I have.
    My current stats are 44, 5'11", 215lbs (approx. 10lbs +/-5lbs of it being fat especially my mid section).
    My gear consists of the following: (3) kits Serono Serostim 6mg (total of 378iu), (24) amps SUSTANON 250, (27) amps DECA -DURABOLIN , (500) DANABOL.DS 500 x 10mg Tab, approx. 20ml Tren , 30ml Test Enanthate , NOLVADEX -D. 30 Tablets x 20mg, HCG , CLENBUTEROL 200 x 20mc, and PROVIRONUM (Mesterolone) 150 Tabs x 25mg. If anything should be added post it as well.
    I have several cycles under my belt so I'm not a virgin.
    Thanx in advance.

  2. #2
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    What was your last cycle? How long do you want to run this cycle? What have you got planned for PCT. Or at 44 are you on TRT or cruising between cycles?

  3. #3
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    "Best possible results"???..what are you goals for this cycle bro???

  4. #4
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derailed View Post
    I'd like some advice on running my gear. Advice on how to run, when to start/stop certain AAS's, duration etc, etc,. I want to get the best possible results with the gear I have.
    My current stats are 44, 5'11", 215lbs (approx. 10lbs +/-5lbs of it being fat especially my mid section).
    My gear consists of the following: (3) kits Serono Serostim 6mg (total of 378iu), (24) amps SUSTANON 250, (27) amps DECA -DURABOLIN , (500) DANABOL.DS 500 x 10mg Tab, approx. 20ml Tren , 30ml Test Enanthate , NOLVADEX -D. 30 Tablets x 20mg, HCG , CLENBUTEROL 200 x 20mc, and PROVIRONUM (Mesterolone) 150 Tabs x 25mg. If anything should be added post it as well.
    I have several cycles under my belt so I'm not a virgin.
    Thanx in advance.
    Put your cycle together and we will be happy to critique've done this before so......blah blah blah...

  5. #5
    Derailed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    Put your cycle together and we will be happy to critique've done this before so......blah blah blah...
    Cycle one
    Dbol : 20mg week 1-12
    Sust: 750mg week 1 & 2 500mg week 3-12
    Deca : 200mg week 1-12

    PCT: 18 days after last shot of Sust & Deca
    20mg Nolva/day for 4 weeks (providing it's not needed prior)
    HCG : 500iu week for 3 weeks

    Cycle two
    Test E: 400 mg weeks 1-12
    Tren : 100 mg weeks 1-12

    GH: 3ius 5 on 2 off

  6. #6
    Descimus25 is offline New Member
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    I think 100 mg of tren per week is not enough. Tren acetate/enanthat?

  7. #7
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    Since you have the much of HGH my recommendation would be:

    300 mg Test E/week for 20 weeks, yes 20 weeks
    and 4 IU HGH ED don't take days off, that is just to save money. You have 378 IU's that should last you over 19 weeks.

    You can use some Tren in there to, I'd do it towards the middle , for ex. weeks 8-16.

  8. #8
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    Put your cycle together and we will be happy to critique've done this before so......blah blah blah...

    there are many possibilities there.. you can do it.. lol

  9. #9
    Derailed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    What was your last cycle? How long do you want to run this cycle? What have you got planned for PCT. Or at 44 are you on TRT or cruising between cycles?
    Last real cycle was more than 6 months ago, yes I'm on TRT 1ml enth EOW. My goal is lower fat % coupled with size & strength.

  10. #10
    T_Own's Avatar
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    215 and only 10lb fat would put you under 5% which would be pretty damn impressive for 44.

    i think your cycles have the right idea, but you dose things pretty low.

    for those goals i think something like 400-600mg test e/week and 400mg tren /week would give you great results. if you are resigned to trt for life you don't need a pct

  11. #11
    Derailed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    215 and only 10lb fat would put you under 5% which would be pretty damn impressive for 44.

    i think your cycles have the right idea, but you dose things pretty low.

    for those goals i think something like 400-600mg test e/week and 400mg tren/week would give you great results. if you are resigned to trt for life you don't need a pct
    My bad; my body fat is too high somewhere in the neighborhood of high teens to 20something %. A good 10 lbs I need to lose. Damn wish I were in the 5%-10% range.
    So no PCT needed since I'm on TRT for life?

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derailed View Post
    Cycle one
    Dbol: 20mg week 1-12
    Sust: 750mg week 1 & 2 500mg week 3-12
    Deca : 200mg week 1-12

    PCT: 18 days after last shot of Sust & Deca
    20mg Nolva/day for 4 weeks (providing it's not needed prior)
    HCG : 500iu week for 3 weeks

    Cycle two
    Test E: 400 mg weeks 1-12
    Tren : 100 mg weeks 1-12

    GH: 3ius 5 on 2 off
    Do you mean Dbol : 20mg/Day week 1-12 ?
    from what I have seen/read most people only use it for the first 4 weeks?

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