11-06-2008, 06:28 AM #1
Anavar Cutting Cycle -- Doing Research
Hey bros,
Ok so I'm pretty set on running some Var for 12 weeks.
Next summer I plan to bulk up with a good Test/Deca cycle but for now my goal is to get as shredded as possible while maintaining maximum strength.
I'm currently 6'3", 232 lbs, (4lbs heavier than my Avatar, but about 4% less bodyfat)(I've got a few cycles under my belt now, mostly Test/Deca/Equipoise variations with some Dbol for a kickstart at times)
I'm going to run the Var solo, and want your thoughts on:
MG's per day ....50mg...80?
Also can I run this 12 weeks or should it be shorter like 10 or 8?
My goal is to cut down from 232lbs to about 220lbs. Yet increase my strength levels slightly, and then maintain that until summertime. (If possible take my arms from 17.5 inches to solid 18's)
I train in the gym 4-5 mornings per week, and attend a freestyle martial arts 3 nights a week for cardio and a little sparring competition here and there. I'll add another morning of cardio on the weekends.
Thanks for your time fellas,
Also I expect PCT to be mild.....would 10mg of Nolva and 50mg of Clomid for 30 days be sufficient?
11-06-2008, 06:37 AM #2
Pct looks fine
Not sure about running the var that long...I suppose its ok...no drinking and maybe take some liv 52
I like var a 80mg/ed in split doses....now is that too much for 12 weeks...I dont know...
I think you would be fine...
I, myself would be set on 80mg ed...so if that means dropping to 10 weeks then go for it...
Also consider throwing in some clen ...you'll maintain your quality muscle and get more cuts....
11-06-2008, 06:49 AM #3
Thanks Rhino,
Ok I'll go with 10 weeks. Live52 is new to me! Got a link?
Clen added to the PCT I'm assuming? Sounds good I like Clen.
11-06-2008, 07:12 AM #4
11-06-2008, 12:18 PM #5
Anavar is pretty mild in regards to toxicity, I'm sure you'd be fine - if there are any worries in regards to your liver I'm sure Liv.52 and Milk Thistle supplements would more than cover it. But you could always do the following:
Up to week 6: 50mg ED
Up to week 12: 80mg ED
Then PCT of Nolva (20/20/20/20) and Clomid (50/50/50/50) would be sufficient I'd say. Clenbuterol would be fine to add during PCT too Also if its on your mind you could always get your liver values checked with a doctor just to be safe but its not uncommon for people to run Var for up to 12-15 weeks in some cases, then again everyones different.
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Yes sir, when you drop your estrogen down to nothing you generally feel shitty and ache like hell. Try backin off the AI some next time.
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