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Thread: newbie help plz

  1. #1
    TheKing. is offline Junior Member
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    newbie help plz

    Hey all. I have been researching possibly doing a cycle for a couple of yrs now. Things that have me really wondering whether or not I should is that I have a bad temper at time and am afraid it will make my anger worse. Also, I am worried about hair loss, I have a nice full head of hair and it is one of my better qualities so I would hate to damage it. I have been working out for 4 years and pretty good diet for most the time. Actually, my diet has been pretty low carb high protein because I do not want to get too bulky. Honestly, I just want to look a little more masculine because when I get my testosterone checked from a Doc, I was at around 270, which is very low.. It was pretty much borderline and my doc said it was not going to be a problem. I am 26 and it worries me that it is that low at my age. It gives me a lot of softer features, not gay looking or anything, no offense to gays.. However, with weight lifting and diet alone, I never saw the benefits I wanted to see.

    So, since I want to look a little harder. Would a 10 wk cycle of low dosage test e be sufficient? Say, 150 mg/wk? Maybe even less?
    Like I said, I don't want hair loss so I will toss in some finasteride and have a pct on hand just in case.

    Let me know what you guys think about this.
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  2. #2
    BloodyBillAnderson's Avatar
    BloodyBillAnderson is offline Associate Member
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    Gays are soft and puffy, is that what you are saying?

  3. #3
    BloodyBillAnderson's Avatar
    BloodyBillAnderson is offline Associate Member
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    I would say 400mg of test a week. finasteride is a pretty harsh chemical, do your research. But I am bald, 240 pounds of bald manhood baby.

  4. #4
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    If you want to experiment with a low dose I would try at least 250-350mg weekly. This will give you a welcome boost, and at the same time let you gauge your reaction to the test. 150 is too low IMO; that's like a trt dose. Personally, anger issues have not been a problem as any aggression is left in the weight room, which is where I suggest you leave yours; though I honestly can say I didn't really notice a difference. As far as hairloss, it is genetic, so you may have some idea of your susceptibility already. Some people are more or less scalped by juice, while others are unaffected. There are various methods of combatting hairloss, but it seems from what I've heard (I got to keep my hair- knock on wood) that if your going to go bald it will ultimately happen, and test likes to speed up the process. I have no idea how the test will work on your soft features, though I suppose virilizing is an effect of the stuff. It might take longer than 10 weeks, though, to see a real change. This is an educated guess, so don't hold me to it. It sounds to me like you don't have a lot to lose from giving it a try. If you don't like where it is going then stop early and do your pct.

    PS- pct (post cycle therapy ) is necessary, not "in case." Do some research on that, bro. If you need a drug for "just in case" arimidex is a good choice. You still need a pct, tho.

  5. #5
    fit4ever180's Avatar
    fit4ever180 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheKing. View Post
    Hey all. I have been researching possibly doing a cycle for a couple of yrs now. Things that have me really wondering whether or not I should is that I have a bad temper at time and am afraid it will make my anger worse. Also, I am worried about hair loss, I have a nice full head of hair and it is one of my better qualities so I would hate to damage it. I have been working out for 4 years and pretty good diet for most the time. Actually, my diet has been pretty low carb high protein because I do not want to get too bulky. Honestly, I just want to look a little more masculine because when I get my testosterone checked from a Doc, I was at around 270, which is very low.. It was pretty much borderline and my doc said it was not going to be a problem. I am 26 and it worries me that it is that low at my age. It gives me a lot of softer features, not gay looking or anything, no offense to gays.. However, with weight lifting and diet alone, I never saw the benefits I wanted to see.

    So, since I want to look a little harder. Would a 10 wk cycle of low dosage test e be sufficient? Say, 150 mg/wk? Maybe even less?
    Like I said, I don't want hair loss so I will toss in some finasteride and have a pct on hand just in case.

    Let me know what you guys think about this.
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    I'm a pretty negative, pessimistic person, but I have felt much happier and more content with life in general since I started cycling. This may or may not happen for you, but it's something for you to think about.

    As far as hair loss goes, mpb is common in my family and my hair receded and started thinning back when i was 17. It's stayed about the same over the last couple years and has not been affected by gear and not only am i using test, but also proviron , which is more known for increasing hairloss. IMO, if you have a full head of hair still, you will probably not be affected with hairloss.

  6. #6
    TheKing. is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the reply guys. I may up my dose to 250 a week. How can I fight the effects of water retention? I don't want to look fat.

  7. #7
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    proper diet.. an AI

  8. #8
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheKing. View Post
    However, with weight lifting and diet alone, I never saw the benefits I wanted to see.
    Therefore there's something wrong with above.
    I don't think that steroids are the answer to your problems, JMO.
    I don't know why i'm telling you this, youv'e been researching for a couple of years you say, so you know the answer.

  9. #9
    TheKing. is offline Junior Member
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    I don't actually. This is my next step in research.

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