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  1. #41
    SilverTest's Avatar
    SilverTest is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2008
    hey guys , lol i know ur no ***** man , hell u r cruising with prop haha

    HCG would be used on a cruise 2 to 3 times a year for about 6 weeks in

    my opinion to keep testicle size and function , and to better recover when

    and if you come off , your leydig cells would be more responsive .

    I would not use it all the time , obviously if you are cruising its a long time

    and using it for a long time is not very good , just use it from time to time.

    when you want to come off , you can shoot high dosages of HCG to "wake up"

    your testicles , i would shoot up to 5000 iu's in the last weeks of the cruise.

    Its not necessary to shoot that much but just to be sure . You can probably

    be good with 1500 iu's per week in the last 4 to 5 weeks of the cruise IMHo.

  2. #42
    PrideFEDOR's Avatar
    PrideFEDOR is offline Associate Member
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    I did bridges and i cruise on all the time. I always use hcg and i always use proviron .
    Its just funny as hell when people say that 10mg of dbol will mess your liver up etc. That's a bunch of crap . 10mg of dbol less liver toxic than 20mg of nolvadex . YEs , Nolvadex is very liver toxic. But until people know that , they pop it like candy throughout the cycle and during pct. I know people who were taking handfulls of dbol for months and sometimes years. The only times they stayed off when they didn't have an access to it. And all of them are married and have kids. The only dude who really got the bad results is a dude who was in former USSR olimpic team (throwing hummer, disc or whatever). But his trainer was giving him dbols and other tabs the size of alka-seltzer im not kidding. So when he got injured and they took him off , he got so bad - that a nurse was assained to feed him cause he couldn't hold a spoon. He did recover eventually and he's a PE coach in High School right now. So for me seeing comments that ur liver is going to fall off by taking 10mg of dbol in the morning or another one i read today that if you smoke cigarettes it'll be a total waste of money to buy HGH. LMAO

  3. #43
    SilverTest's Avatar
    SilverTest is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2008
    ok maybe ur right man , but why use dbol to bridge while you can use Test.

  4. #44
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    ok maybe ur right man , but why use dbol to bridge while you can use Test.
    Exactly,I cruise on test year round and have been for a few years.

  5. #45
    PrideFEDOR's Avatar
    PrideFEDOR is offline Associate Member
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    So am I ( cruise). And I really believe bridging and cruising isnt the same thing. Cruising is more like staying on all the time and the only AAS u can do it with is Test , no doubt about it. Test and GH are the only drugs u safer to be on for a very long time. U also have to use HCG to stimulate ur own production of testosterone etc. Bridging is used by people who cycle( if u dont come off - u dont need no bridges , no PCT - none of that.) If u bridge u pick a single compound or a group of compounds in very small doses to minimize the loss of your hard earned gains. I hope it does make sense a little bit. I explained to the best of my ability but please take in consideration its not my native language. So i have to shorten and simplify what i'd like to say all the time.

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