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  1. #1
    gstatefaith is offline Junior Member
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    Help with First cycle Preparation

    I'm helping prepare my roommate for a first cycle to gain mass and strength and am leaning on a Test E only cycle. I have been doing tons of research and it is starting to boggle my mind and feel like starting a thread here with all my questions is a great place to organize my thoughts in preparation for this.

    My roommates stats:

    30 years old, 5'8 170 lbs 10 + years lifting experience, insanely low body fat percentage (low single digits, he's absolutely shredded). He's a professional athlete.

    We are thinking about running a 10-12 week cycle with the following schedule.

    Week 1-12 Test Enanthate 500 mg, 2x a week at 250 mg Monday/Thursday

    After reading tons of info, we are very concerned about sides and low test levels and have questions regarding how to run for optimum results

    250 i.u. of HCG 2-3x a week throughout cycle starting 1 to 2 weeks into cycle - there is a lot of conflicting info regarding HCG and when to run it. I have read that administering HCG throughout the cycle is a good idea, is this over the top?

    He is very worried about Gyno and for precautionary measures wants to run Adex at .5mg EOD throughout entire cycle.

    For PCt We are looking at

    wk 1-5 Clomid 25-50mg/ED
    wk 1-5 Nolva 20mg/ED
    HCG - how much and for how long?

    In summary, the final cycle will look like this.

    Week 1-12 Test Enanthate 500 mg, 2x a week at 250 mg Monday/Thursday
    HCG 1-2 weeks in - 250 ius 2-3 x's weekly
    .5 mg adex EOD throughout entire cycle

    PCT 2 weeks after cycle

    wk 1-5 Clomid 25-50mg/ED
    wk 1-5 Nolva 20mg/ED

    So essentially, my question is, how does this look? Also, would it be wise to have some letro on hand? Am I missing anything? And, how does incorporating clen in PCT really work? Also, he is a pro athlete and sometimes gets drug tested but his sport is not super diligent about it...any thoughts on steroids and drug screens?
    Last edited by gstatefaith; 11-22-2008 at 02:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by gstatefaith View Post
    I'm helping prepare my roommate for a first cycle to gain mass and strength and am leaning on a Test E only cycle. I have been doing tons of research and it is starting to boggle my mind and feel like starting a thread here with all my questions is a great place to organize my thoughts in preparation for this.

    My roommates stats:

    5'8 170 lbs 10 + years lifting experience, insanely low body fat percentage (low single digits, he's absolutely shredded). He's a professional athlete.
    will he be tested? if so then a long ester is probably not the best choice
    We are thinking about running a 10-12 week cycle with the following schedule.
    i take it he wants to bulk
    Week 1-12 Test Enanthate 500 mg, 2x a week at 250 mg Monday/Thursday
    After reading tons of info, we are very concerned about sides and low test levels and have questions regarding how to run for optimum results

    250 i.u. of HCG 2-3x a week throughout cycle starting 1 to 2 weeks into cycle - there is a lot of conflicting info regarding HCG and when to run it. I have read that administering HCG throughout the cycle is a good idea, is this over the top?
    for this cycle i would say so, normally hcg is used in very suppresive cycles that include 19nors like tren
    He is very worried about Gyno and for precautionary measures wants to run Adex at .5mg EOD throughout entire cycle.
    .25mg eod to start off with will work, and only use it as needed, you can increase the dose to .25ed if needed, has he read "all you need to know about gyno?
    For PCt We are looking at

    wk 1-5 Clomid 25-50mg/ED
    wk 1-5 Nolva 20mg/ED
    have you read phneedo's pct? if not you should, great read
    In summary, the final cycle will look like this.

    Week 1-12 Test Enanthate 500 mg, 2x a week at 250 mg Monday/Thursday
    HCG 1-2 weeks in - 250 ius 2-3 x's weekly
    .5 mg EOD throughout entire cycle

    PCT 2 weeks after cycle

    wk 1-5 Clomid 25-50mg/ED
    wk 1-5 Nolva 20mg/ED

    So essentially, my question is, how does this look? Also, would it be wise to have some letro on hand?not necessary, but you could just in case Am I missing anything? And, how does incorporating clen in PCT really work?clen is a beta 2 antagonist, meaning that it works by raising your caloric output, i don't think it's a good idea to run during pct because that is the time when you either keep your gains or lose them, and a big part of that is making sure your body has all the food and nutrients it needs, clen is sometimes used during pct to strip some fat from bulking but with your roommate i doubt that will be a problem for long
    have him post the diet he is going to adhere to, diet is what will really determine how well his cycle works

  3. #3
    gstatefaith is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    have him post the diet he is going to adhere to, diet is what will really determine how well his cycle works
    Phate, thanks a lot for your response, your help is priceless....I'm going to have to ask him to write down his diet...I'm assuming he has it in check because he must be doing something right based on his physique right now.

    You are right about the drug testing, he is worried about that but with his sport, he plans his matches (Boxing) and can train for a year without booking a fight, but any info on drug testing and Test is appreciated.

    So you think the HCG is over the top? I don't really understand the take adex as needed? Only when you see signs of gyno developing take it? I hear many take it ED as to not even start seeing signs, but I understand it can mess with your gains while on cycle.

    And HCG is over the top i take it for this type of cycle?

  4. #4
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by gstatefaith View Post
    Phate, thanks a lot for your response, your help is priceless....I'm going to have to ask him to write down his diet...I'm assuming he has it in check because he must be doing something right based on his physique right now.
    depends, if he is an ectomorph or ****morph then his diet could be pretty bad and his physique could still look good, some people are just blessed, not saying his diet sucks or anything
    You are right about the drug testing, he is worried about that but with his sport, he plans his matches (Boxing) and can train for a year without booking a fight, but any info on drug testing and Test is appreciated.
    i would look into test prop, it has to be injected everyday, but prop will peak in under a week as opposed to test enth/cyp taking 4-5 weeks to reach peak blood levels, prop is also out of your system alot faster due to a short ester and he would only have to cycle for 6-8 weeks, plus there would be less bloat and water retention, something to look into
    So you think the HCG is over the top? yeah I don't really understand the take adex as needed? you will get mixed opinions on this, some people run it all the way through, some as needed, if you want to run it all the way through then run it at .25mg eod to start, but what it is mainly used for DURING cycle is to keep bloat, water retention, blood pressure and such down Only when you see signs of gyno developing take it? I hear many take it ED as to not even start seeing signs, but I understand it can mess with your gains while on cycle.

    And HCG is over the top i take it for this type of cycle?
    yeah, have him write down EVERYTHING he eats tomorrow and the next day and post it, tell him to act like he's on cycle because there is normally a big difference between the diet someone writes on paper and what they actually eat during the day

  5. #5
    gstatefaith is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    yeah, have him write down EVERYTHING he eats tomorrow and the next day and post it, tell him to act like he's on cycle because there is normally a big difference between the diet someone writes on paper and what they actually eat during the day
    will do..thanks again, i'm gonna have to look into test prop...i've been hearing test e is the best for a first cycle, but will research prop..hopefully it has similar effects on gains/body fat.

  6. #6
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gstatefaith View Post
    will do..thanks again, i'm gonna have to look into test prop...i've been hearing test e is the best for a first cycle, but will research prop..hopefully it has similar effects on gains/body fat.
    test is test bro, the only difference is the ester attached, the longer the ester the longer it takes your body to break it down and release the testosterone

    in 100mg of test enth there is only 69.9mg of testosterone, the other 30.1mg is the enanthate ester, that's why you only have to inject every 3.5days, the test is released more slowly

    prop on the other hand has i believe around 80-85mg of test and only 10-15mg of ester per 100mg

    btw, most experienced people on here prefer prop because of the advantages over enth
    1) less bloat, water retention
    2) kicks in almost immediately
    3) more actually test

    we just recommend enth/cyp for beginners because until you get used to pinning, the prospect of doing it daily is not exactly comforting, lol, or in the case of professional athletes that use test suspension(no ester), the prospect of injecting up to 6x a day is very uncomfortable

  7. #7
    gstatefaith is offline Junior Member
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    sweet...prop sounds way better...even though he has never cycled, i'm sure he wouldn't mind pinning everyday..he faces way scarier stuff in the ring. Thanks for the info...sounds like prop is the way to go.

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