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Thread: Critique please

  1. #1
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    Critique please

    hey guys,
    trying to put together a cycle for my buddy he is eager to get started and i asked him for more time to let me learn what i needed. he's not waiting (one of those). He's done a couple test & deca cycles before. Bout 5'10 175 or so. Low body fat %. The stuff he got was test enth, eq, and masteron . Here's what i've got for now i think it'll be good. Lemme know what you think.

    week 1-12: 600 mg eq per week
    week 1-16: 625 mg test per week
    week 10-20: 400 mg masteron per week
    arimidex at .25 mg eod
    clomid and nolva starting 2 weeks after test ends.

    how bout it fellas?

  2. #2
    Andro9's Avatar
    Andro9 is offline Member
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    sounds good to me. stats?

  3. #3
    Andro9's Avatar
    Andro9 is offline Member
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    wait... wk 10-20 masteron .. your running it 4 weeks alone

  4. #4
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    there in there bro
    do i have that masteron set up right i've never used it?

  5. #5
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    should i go week 6-16

  6. #6
    BIG_TRUCK is offline Member
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    He's done more than one cycle and wanting to do a cycle that big is insane for someone who can achieve more size naturally than what his stats show.

    Learn how to eat & train first.

  7. #7
    LuxuryTax is offline Junior Member
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    IMO i hate arimidex cuts of my gains

  8. #8
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    i don't consider that a big cycle. Eq is weak. Everyone here recommends 500 mg per week of test for newbies. i've only got 625 set up. masteron sounds like a great drug as well.

  9. #9
    BIG_TRUCK is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sm15 View Post
    i don't consider that a big cycle. Eq is weak. Everyone here recommends 500 mg per week of test for newbies. i've only got 625 set up. masteron sounds like a great drug as well.

    EQ is a mild steroid you are correct. 1225mgs of aas at once , and a 20 week cycle is a big cycle for almost every casual aas user let alone one who is 5'10'' 175lbs.

    He should be able to get up to 200lbs naturally, let alone for already running 2 test/deca cycles. What did he start out weighing 130lbs?

  10. #10
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    he was young and dumb. i didnt really hang with him then. I dont think he even knew what he was doing. i'm just trying to help him now

  11. #11
    BIG_TRUCK is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sm15 View Post
    he was young and dumb. i didnt really hang with him then. I dont think he even knew what he was doing. i'm just trying to help him now
    I gotcha, he's not the only one either who's done this.

    He needs to train naturally for some time. He's addicted to aas and only thinks he can grow while 'on'. He needs to correct his training/diet & rest to build a better base for when he uses aas down the road. If you don't know how to train naturally, you will never be able to keep your gains you made on cycle.
    Once he knows how to grow off cycle, he will be able to make better gains on cycle while maintaining these gains post cycle.

    Also, his cycle is crazy. Make it simple. Test weeks 1-12 500mgs. Trust me that's MUCH MUCH more test than a normal body produces , so of course gains will come. People weighing 250lbs can make gains off 500mgs of test, so the dosage is not a problem.

    Try to talk sense into him.... If he won't listen just let him go through with it. He will gain some lean mass on cycle look better, but post cycle he will be back were he started with alot of $ wasted.

  12. #12
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    well thats his choice and decision im just tryong to help as much as i can

  13. #13
    LuxuryTax is offline Junior Member
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    if you gonna help him i would say try to bulk and see what that goes before aas

  14. #14
    rhino1's Avatar
    rhino1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Id say shorten your cycle to 14 wks max

    your not dumb...just be sure you have read up...make sure your diet is in hard...

  15. #15
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    by the way the reason i had the the masteron weeks 10-20 is for the hardening and fat loss properties but because the test will be in his system well after the last injection

  16. #16
    rhino1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andro9 View Post
    wait... wk 10-20 masteron.. your running it 4 weeks alone
    and yes...masteron is great for pct...

  17. #17
    rhino1's Avatar
    rhino1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    if this guy has those stats Id say he needs to eat more and then eventually bulk...

    test E 600mg 1-14
    Deca 500mg 1-12
    dbol 50mg ed 1-4

    this is a better cycle for "your friend" if he isn't gaining anything off of his test and deca cycles...he is not eating right...and secondly wont make gains for that cycle you planned for him

  18. #18
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    he said he has too much water retention in those other cycles thats why i chose those aas for him

  19. #19
    LuxuryTax is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post
    if this guy has those stats Id say he needs to eat more and then eventually bulk...

    test E 600mg 1-14
    Deca 500mg 1-12
    dbol 50mg ed 1-4

    this is a better cycle for "your friend" if he isn't gaining anything off of his test and deca cycles...he is not eating right...and secondly wont make gains for that cycle you planned for him
    Good cycle bro, but since this is his first cycle i would not go with deca

  20. #20
    LuxuryTax is offline Junior Member
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    crap i miss read it yea do what rhino said

  21. #21
    LuxuryTax is offline Junior Member
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    take some of the water block shit, i forgot what the name of it is

  22. #22
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    oh he gained. i do remember that. he was jacked. then he quit training and everything all together. then college, you can imagine how that went for a partier. thats why his stats look so crappy.

  23. #23
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuxuryTax View Post
    take some of the water block shit, i forgot what the name of it is
    thats the arimidex

  24. #24
    rhino1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sm15 View Post
    oh he gained. i do remember that. he was jacked. then he quit training and everything all together. then college, you can imagine how that went for a partier. thats why his stats look so crappy.
    he doesn't seem disciplined enough for aas...

  25. #25
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    i agree. but he's hard headed and is dead set on it. thats why i was trying to help and get this one right

  26. #26
    rhino1's Avatar
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    well...i suggest what I said above...

  27. #27
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    k. ill try and talk to him. thanks guys

  28. #28
    LuxuryTax is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post
    he doesn't seem disciplined enough for aas...
    fersure, people always think that aas is a magic bullet ha

  29. #29
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuxuryTax View Post
    take some of the water block shit, i forgot what the name of it is

    what the...lma.. l l bwwwaaahahahahahahah
    im sorry bro.. i was just reading through the thread.. reading the advice then i seen this..kinda cought me off guard...

  30. #30
    LuxuryTax is offline Junior Member
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    yea i no im lookin back too i should really edit it, lol

  31. #31
    rhino1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuxuryTax View Post
    yea i no im lookin back too i should really edit it, lol really makes you sound like a reputable source of well as a dumba$$ all in the same statement...

  32. #32
    Dinosaur's Avatar
    Dinosaur is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuxuryTax View Post
    take some of the water block shit, i forgot what the name of it is really made me crack
    funny and ironic.

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