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Thread: DECA-Never Again - EVER
11-14-2002, 07:34 AM #1
DECA-Never Again - EVER
Here is a little warning story for some of you who think Deca is totaly safe.
My cycle was weeks 1-4 Dbol 30mg ed
1-10 Test Cyp 500mg\wk
1-10 Deca 400 mg \wk
Good cycle with decent gains. Post cycle I used both HCG and Clomid.
About 1 week after my post cycle regimen, I was thrown into a bad depression. All my freinds and loved ones wanted to know what the hell was wrong with me. (they still do) I am NOT prone to depression and I have been acting like a fucking lunitic.
I decided to get my Test levels checked and I got the results yesterday.
Total Test=148. Normal Range 300-800
The fucking DECA has my HPTA shut down hard. I just ordered more HCG. Gonna try it with Novaldex. No more clomid for me.
Granted I am 38 years old, and my HPTA is gonna be slower to recover than you 20 year olds. But just a warning to watch out for this shit.
Realize that if your HPTA is shut down. it may fuck with your emotions BIG time. Alot of you easily dismiss the fact that these hormones can have a huge impact on your behaviour.
If you HPTA is slow to recover, STAY AWAY FROM DECA.
That is all.
Time stand still
I'm not looking back
11-14-2002, 08:00 AM #2
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Stromba, sorry to hear about your bad experience.How soon after your cycle did you get your Test levels checked?.Sometimes it can take months to get them back to where they were before your cycle.
What were your gains like? Are you keeping much? I'm curious because I'm going to do an almost identical cycle.
11-14-2002, 08:36 AM #3
My first ever cycle was deca /winny and when I began clomid therapy I went into a state of depression. It didn't help that I was clinically diagnosed with PTSD either. This time around when I'm finished deca, I will use a 7 week dbol /enanthate bridge and roll right into my EQ/prop/winny/tren /clen stack...then follow it up with clomid. I've never had any problems coming off of EQ or test.
11-14-2002, 09:03 AM #4
I got my test levels checked 6 weeks post cycle. My doctor told me ( I get mine from an anti-aging clinic) that after HCG and Clomid, my levels should be normal. My gains were only marginal, Mostly because I can never eat enough, I did lose quite a bit of body fat.
11-14-2002, 09:36 AM #5
Damn bro, sorry to hear that. I'm 36 and just finished my 4th cycle. I had heard stories similar to yours before I did my first cycle so I have NEVER run Deca , Just TEST/EQ/WINNY/D-bol.
I have had good results/recoveries. I'm not telling you this to rub it in, but to thank you for being upfront and honest because it was a post like yours that steered me away from DECA before I ever got started.
Thanks and good luck,
11-14-2002, 09:46 AM #6
After 6 weeks you're still recovering. Even younger people don't get their test levels up that quick. Give it some time bro, Deca and even Fina shut a lot of people down pretty good. Good Luck on your recovery.
11-14-2002, 09:54 AM #7
Re: DECA-Never Again - EVER
Originally posted by TheStromba
Post cycle I used both HCG and Clomid.
About 1 week after my post cycle regimen, I was thrown into a bad depression
Depression can be a very serious issue when it comes to AAS. Thanks for sharing your personal experience.
Few things id like to bring up.
1. What makes the Deca solely responsible?
2. You only waited one week post therapy and expected your test levels back to normal at age 38? I would have saved you the trip and told you that you were only just beginning to recover at that point. People should not expect to be fully recovered after clomid therapy, it only serves as a booster.
3. HCG post cycle is an artificial boost and delays recovery further. Clomid should have been used solo. If you wanted to work in HCG it should have been mid way through your cycle not towards the end.
I bring up these points not to be a insenstive jerk (which i feel like), but more to stress MY opinion that deca is by far the all around best steroid out. You are more likely going to avoid serious problems with health using deca then any other drug.
11-14-2002, 10:02 AM #8
had similar problems last cycle, deca300/sust500/dbol35(6 weeks), did the clomid for 2 weeks, thought i was fine, stopped, and crashed super super hardcore, bad depression, sickness, weight loss, lethargy, etc...deca shuts down the hpta real hard, doubt ill ever take it again, i have some elbow/knee problems so the only way i would take it again is in real small dose to help joints during a cycle...imo it is a designer roid that costs too much for too little, ill take test anyday over nandrolone . =P
11-14-2002, 10:14 AM #9
Hey Stromba, could you post your post cycle therapy for us brother (weeks and dosages)?
"If you HPTA is slow to recover, STAY AWAY FROM DECA ." - Definately can be seen as true bro. Deca has a long lasting ester that hinders HPTA recovery or a longer period of time.
11-14-2002, 10:17 AM #10
I don't think you are being a jerk. I posted this for feedback as well as a warning to some. I took the HCG as per doctors orders, since I get mine via script. I was told that my test levels should be more or less recovered by the 5th week after my last shot. I guess as usual. the knowledge of the board far exceedes most doc's.
I'm not sure that the Deca is SOLEY responsible, just MOSTLY responsible based on alot of posts I've read.
I realize that if you recover easily, Deca can be a great drug. It is not for me and not for those that recover slowly. It sucks that I had to find out this way.
The depression I've had the past weeks I would not wish on anyone.
11-14-2002, 10:28 AM #11
I sympathize with you bro. Deca can certainly have that affect on someone. Each AAS is going to effect all of us different
The board seems to help me get things off my mind and think more about training, lot of good people here. Keep this thread posted with how things are moving a long for you, what the docs are recommending, and a progress report, could offer a wealth of education about AAS use and depression from a first hand experience. Hope things take on a new light soon bro, best of luck
11-14-2002, 10:43 AM #12
My post cycle therapy was this.
2 Weeks after Last Injection 1000 IU HCG ed for 10 Days
Starting Day 5 of HCG 100MG CLOMID ED For 1 Week
50MG CLOMID ED for 1 Week
I WAS gonna extend the Clomid another week, I just could not take that shit anymore.
11-14-2002, 12:31 PM #13
11-14-2002, 08:14 PM #14
I wouldn't say that it shut you down, You stated that your NATURAL TEST levels were in the 140's.... Wouldn't it be safe to say that your body is not producing it right now because it doesn't need it. I wouldn't go freaking out and say that "Deca sucks it shut me down".
Can anyone elaborate on this?
11-14-2002, 10:02 PM #15
Iron - It is a known fact that deca CAN shut down HPTA function for long periods of time. Especially on older guys. My natural test level was 400 prior to this cycle. So I would say that 148 is suppressed, no ?
My body DOES need natural test production. My cycle is over. The post cycle regamin of HCG and clomid did not work well enough. If natural test levels do not recover, I will lose my gains.
So I'm not "freaking out" It is just that many think that deca is a harmless steroid , and I wanna tell you that it is not true.
It may be wonderful for some, but not everyone, and CERTAINLY not me.
11-14-2002, 10:54 PM #16
sorry to hear about that bro .hope you feel better soon .I hope my hpta comes back easily .i am taking test and deca .would it be a good idea to end the deca a few weeks before the test ?
I am curently on deca 1 st week and starting test as well next week .will finish test one week latter then the deca
thanks for the info
11-14-2002, 11:07 PM #17
TheStromba, you do have a legitimate concern, however I had a similar situaton in wich I wasn't using Deca . Things did turn around from the 130's I was in. Try to stay positive.
11-15-2002, 01:36 AM #18
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Man you guys are making me worry. I took my last deca shot last week and will start clomid in 2 weeks and run it for a month. Hope my test levels come back up quick.
11-15-2002, 02:38 AM #19
running clomid at proper doses along with recovery and diet and you should have no problems, good luck bro
11-15-2002, 06:37 AM #20
I don't wanna freak all you guys out. MOST guys have no problems with deca .
Thegame, If I were you I would shorten my deca cycle or lenghten my test cycle by a few weeks. Like I said, you probably will have NO problems, it just sounds like a good idea.
11-15-2002, 06:39 AM #21Originally posted by IronRuffy
TheStromba, you do have a legitimate concern, however I had a similar situaton in wich I wasn't using Deca. Things did turn around from the 130's I was in. Try to stay positive.
How long did it take for your levels to turn around ?
How old are you ?
Did you lose gains?
11-15-2002, 11:51 AM #22
After my deca cycle I swear that my balls were never up to par again. Id say about five months later before my next cycle they grew back up to thier regular size. Ill never touch deca either, there are many other roids that have the same effects and at a lesser evil. Most people are scared of test bacause of all the sides but If you take some arimidex or nlova or both alot of the sides are taken care of. IMO test is the safest roid it is a natural chemical of the body youre just using more of it. Deca and eq and dbol ect they are foreign chemicals to the body.
11-15-2002, 02:12 PM #23
if you want deca 's benefits w/o the hard crash post cycle,go w/ NPP...nandrolone phenyl prop...w/ proper clomid therapy post cycle,this compound doesn't see to shut a user down as much as nandrolone
11-15-2002, 02:27 PM #24
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I shot deca several months ago and was smart enough to have my liver levels tested. They spiked. I stopped using the deca and my liver levels are now below mid point for normal range. I will not use deca again for a long time as for me my liver has to work to hard while I am on it. I am just glad I had lab work done. It saved my liver and maybe my life. I am still taking Hgh, arimidex , and Test Cyp. Oh.... and I am still doing lab work every two months too. I am 6'2", 210 lbs, bf 6%. I was in another auto accident friday and the doc said that if I had not been in shape and worked out having strong neck muscles that I would have had more serious injuries. Thank goodness we stay in shape!!!! Its not to be vain its to live longer and happier lives in my opinion.
11-15-2002, 02:47 PM #25
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this might be a stupid question but what is hpta?
Why is HcG used in the middle of a cycle? I've taken it post cycle after both of my cycles and never had a problem. Just kinda curious why you would take it mid way through.
If you're in the military how could you get your test/liver checked?
11-15-2002, 05:27 PM #26
TheStromba, I look back now and it bothers me that I didn't give a shit, I expected everything would be all right. And thank God it did pan out. I was surpressed for about two months and yes I did loose some gains. I put on 18 lbs and lost 11. I am 26 years old. I took Tribulus for a good month after my HCG and Clomid.
How long since your last shot of Deca ? You'll come around.
11-16-2002, 07:47 AM #27
My last shot of Deca was 7 weeks ago. I just started HCG and Nova therapy over again. 2500 IU every 4 days for 32 days and 10mg Novaldex ed.
Got the formula from over on another board. 24 hours after my first shot, I feel a little better and the boys have plumped a bit. Probably will run some bromo too to help with prolactin levels. I'm gettin too old to be runnning all this shit through my body.
(I look pretty good though )
11-16-2002, 11:53 AM #28Originally posted by TheStromba
I'm gettin too old to be runnning all this shit through my body.
(I look pretty good though )
You only live once, so live life to the fullest.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
The greatest pleasure often comes from doing a good deed.
11-16-2002, 12:50 PM #29
HPTA is the hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis. It's the biofeedback system that regulates the bodies' production of enogenous testosterone and spermatogenesis.
Strom - you started the HCG and clomid too early. I did the same fucking thing my first cycle. Somewhere around 5 weeks after the cycle - about 2 weeks after the clomid - I thought I was going to die. I had no energy, no sex drive, no appetite, I lost weight and I was so depressed!
My second cycle - I waited until 4 full weeks after my last shot before starting HCG. I did HCG for 2 weeks and started nolvadex (in lieu of clomid) after that. I was fine coming off that time. No depression. Sex drive and energy stayed up. As of 11 weeks after the last shot I was doing fine and that was 5 weeks after HCG/Nolvadex. I'm 36 BTW.
Good luck bro! I recommend doing the HCG like this: I get the ProfasiHP 10000 i.u. vials. I mix it up. I take 27g 1/2" pins (insulin syringes) and suck up 0.1ml (1000i.u.) into each of 10 pins. Then I stick one pin every 2 or 3 days for 2 or 3 weeks. I'm also sticking one pin per week throughout the entire cycle so the gonads don't shrivel up too much. It's helping!
11-17-2002, 10:13 AM #30
Hammerhead. You are right, At almost exactly 5 weeks after my last shot is when I started feeling really shitty. (the clomid made me feel shitty too, but I wont go into that). My levels may have been too high for the clomid and hcg to work. I am going to try it that way next time. - Still no more Deca though.
11-17-2002, 01:24 PM #31
The Stromba,
If you choose to use deca again I highly recommend that you use a dbol bridge. This will help counteract most of the problems you have. Unfortunately us old guys don't recover well from certain drugs and in order to begin recovery without the negative effects of low to no test production a bridge is usually required. I think if you try it you will find your mental and physical health much better.
11-17-2002, 10:03 PM #32
i have read alot on this board guys using nolva along with clomid for post therapy. Do you need to do this?? if you have no signs of gyno then why??? i have completed my 2nd cycle of 400mg eq and 400mg test enath--ran at 10 weeks and in about 3 weeks i will start clomid, but do i need to add the nolva?? in my first cycle of sus only 250mg/week-10wks i had no signs of gyno and during this cycle i have had no probs.
just curious?? great post since my next cycle is of deca300mg for 10 weeks and sus500mg/weeks --15weeks also dbol 30mg ed for 4wks
11-19-2002, 02:00 PM #33
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Originally posted by abstrack
i have read alot on this board guys using nolva along with clomid for post therapy. Do you need to do this?? if you have no signs of gyno then why???
The Stromba, I'd encourage you to try Primobolan next time. It's much less suppressive, provides excellent anabolic characteristics, and behaves very predictably. Just be sure to get legit amps. There are a lot of fakes actually containing low doses of nandrolone . That would be quite ironic... lol
11-19-2002, 04:56 PM #34Originally posted by goldenear
The Stromba, I'd encourage you to try Primobolan next time. It's much less suppressive, provides excellent anabolic characteristics, and behaves very predictably. Just be sure to get legit amps. There are a lot of fakes actually containing low doses of nandrolone. That would be quite ironic... lol
Thinking of doing a short Test Prop cycle, I have heard that this is not nearly as supressive.
BTW - I had my second shot of HCG today. 2500IU every 4 days, and I feel 100% better. I just hope it sticks.
08-27-2003, 06:16 PM #35
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Originally Posted by androplex
1st Every steroid will elevated your liver values, how much depending on gear, age and genetic predisposition.
2nd Deca is THE ONE AND ONLY used gear with AIDS patients,
because IT DOES NOT IMPACT LIVER VALUES AT all or slighlty (by slightly i mean alcohol will elevate your liver values more then deca will) and is not toxic to liver, also it is beneficial to Immune system
08-27-2003, 06:46 PM #36
Where did you get that info? The worst orals for you (liver), in order, are:
1. Methyltest
2. Halo
3. Anadrol
4. Winstrol
5. Dbol
6. Anavar
By the way, deca is not the only steroid used with AIDS patients. Anadrol is frequently used.
Not a flame, just some corrections.
I don't know where Masteron fits in, or obscure things like turinabol or furazabol.
08-27-2003, 07:24 PM #37
Massive sides using deca myself... shit aint for me either. Same with Winny, wreaks havoc on my joints. Which is funny because EQ (not far from deca as far as cell composition is concerned) works extremely well for me.
On the flip side I can run a gram of test a week w/ NO acne or other unwanted sides. Every bro is different I guess... just got to try them all and see what works best.
Thus far my bst cycle has consistantly been prop/eq/t3. I come out of a 12 weeker on that looking vascular and shredded to all hell.
08-27-2003, 07:46 PM #38
Bro good luck on recovery...
08-27-2003, 08:20 PM #39
Just my two cents.... my own deca experience
It was my first cycle... and I was a retard. 450mg 1st week, 300 2-9, 450 wk 10. Nothing else. no PCT. duh. I acheived good strength gains, my flat bench press increased about 45-50 lbs at ten reps. Decent gains in size and vascularity, I didnt retain any water, actually lost some fat. The boys shrunk noticeably, but I retained much of my gains. I went through some emotional problems. I cheated on my girlfriend for the first and only time in two years, that alone is reason enough for me to stay away, as I have not experienced emotional problems on other compounds as of yet. My test came back naturally quite quickly, I would say in less than two months. In fact, for some reason my nuts hang a bit lower then they ever had before. Then again I was 23, so that might not be too shocking. All in all, I was lucky. But I am a loyal person, so my emotional experiences had quite severe consequences. Don't wanna sound like a whiney bitch, but if my experience can help anyone, its well worth it. I'm not saying deca is the devil, but at least be prepared, which includes an intelligent cycle and pct. peace bros
08-27-2003, 08:43 PM #40
It's an old thread - I'm glad it popped up -----
Isn't it amazing reading through it - and see the evolution of knowledge compilation.......
if this was posted now - lots of people would've responded "you should start clomid PCT 3 weeks after the last shot of deca " = back then they didn’t have this info.
You can see, by reading this post, how people were compiling scarce
information from various sources......... that's how truth is found.
There are many old posts like that...... but this one is classic and deserves to be in the "learning more about AS hall of fame"
and I am rating this thread 5 stars *****Last edited by Rookiejay; 09-03-2003 at 09:00 PM.
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So far so good, they seem to be doing what they’re supposed to.
Expired dbol (blue hearts)