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  1. #1
    DieselLeo's Avatar
    DieselLeo is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    North NJ,

    How much cardio ?

    Hey fellas, I am starting my cycle on Sunday, I am asking about cardio. I am doing
    weeks 1-10 test enanthate
    weeks 1-10 eq
    weeks 8-15 fina
    weeks 10-16 winnie

    How much cardio should I be doing and at what weeks in my cycle, I am pretty lean but I want to pack on good size and then tighten up? How much is too much and how will cardio affect the performance of the compounds that I am using ?Thanks bros

  2. #2
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    Sep 2002
    London Baby!
    I would suggest Lifting, then doing 30mins of cardio after. it shouldn't effect too much as long as you can get your protien shake and some carbs right after

  3. #3
    Jaguar is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Also DeiselLeo, did you get any guys opinions when planning ur cycle mate???

    You really need to either do the Fina and Winny earlier, so they finish at the time the Eq and Enanth leaves the system.. (3 weeks for Eq, 2 for enanth).. so if u were only wanting to run it for 10 weeks of Eq.. could be ran like this..

    Enanth Weeks 1-11
    Eq Weeks 1-10
    Fina weeks 5-13 (could run it a bit less if u wanted, so starting later)
    and Winny weeks 6-13

    That way everyone will leave the system at same time and ur clomid will be at the most optimum time to maintain gains and brings the balls back to size asap..


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