Right before I started my cycle I checked my estradiol and free test levels.

Estradiol was 1.1 pg/ml on a range of.8-1.5 for men.
Free Test was 122.9pg/ml on a range of 60-120 for men.

I ran 50mg Dbol ED weeks 1-4
Test E 500mg/week
Deca 600mg/week

I had lab work done on the end of week 4.

I've been saying I dont feel any sexual bump like I have before using lower levels of test.

Here's the Results I got back...

Estradiol 14.8pg/ml
Free Test 144.8pg/ml

So my test is only up about 15% (proably why I feel about the same as off cycle) and my estrogen is way up, 3x the max range for women even.

Can anyone help me figureout/suggest whats going on here... On 500wk of Test E shouldn't my levels be MUCH higher than that by now?

Does Deca make the estrogen high?
Is the estrogen high just from the testosterone conversion? If so why are my free test levels still barely above baseline?
