New here boyz so please go easy on me.

Here it is.

31 yr
260 natural.

In good shape just having a layer. Played pro hockey and familiar with weight lifting.
Did a bit of Deca in the past but gotta a bit freaked out with "deca dick".

I should lose approx. 35 lbs as I remember being comfortable at this weight.

I just got my clen and stan "winstrol " oral 10mg x 100.

Now what do you guys suggest my cycle be. Im looking to lean and gain a bit of thight mass. I will be adding creatine and whey to the equation.

I boxe 2 a week, play hockey once a week and plan to lift high rep. 3-4 times a week. I will hydrate as much as i can and use some "Endurox" after cardio session. I may throw in a a spinning session once a week.

As I said above I do not wish to explode and have the water retention look.

Thank you so much for the replies !