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  1. #1
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    sust250 vs any other test.

    What is the huge hype about sust? any other single ester test would work just as good. If you wanna inject ed/eod then use prop. if not. use enth or cyp @ e3d or e4d. wanna make multiple inj a day...use suspension (no ester). It seems to me people (and more to the point, people starting their first cycle) are under the impression they are getting 4 different types of test in one inj. Its all the same testosterone molecule, just attached with a different ester. The ester doesnt alter the properties of the compound that it is attached to except to say that the longer the ester, the less room for the actual compound per mg and the various time frame associated with each individual ester that give you the most even blood levels are different.

    I understand that sust250 was designed for people requiring HRT and originally (if my reading was correct) was thought to be able to be injected once every month, which is an out-dated idea.

    I dont mean to come off like a jerk, or a know-it-all. I know that many members of this forum are by far more educated on these compounds than me.

    Is there any significant reason anyone should choose sust250 over any other single ester test? Is the design of this test blend as ridiculous and redundant as i think it is or am I missing the plot?
    Last edited by MMArmour; 01-05-2009 at 01:31 PM. Reason: typo

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    Day after day I see the educated members here telling people why a single-ester test is more desireable than a blend, so I'm not sure what hype about sust you are referring to.

  3. #3
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    That is just my point. Members of this forum dont usually advocate sust250 but alot of times i see people looking to their first cycle ask for a critique in which their cycle includes sust250, after which critique are set straight by the other more experienced members.

  4. #4
    Tjelle's Avatar
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    i think its mutch better with single ester test.... way more easy to keep stable blood values with single ester.. for me at least..

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    Oh I see what you're saying. I've wondered the same thing, I guess a lot of sources must be pushing sust and the n00bs buy it then ask questions later. We've had two dudes in the last month that thought sust was great because it had deca in it lol. We had to explain both times the difference in nandralone and just the ester.

  6. #6
    SilverTest's Avatar
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    i used susta with success in the past shooting 500 mg per week , but the single esters where much more stable.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Test is Test its just the delivery of the compound whats the difference with the ester's, some guys prefer single ester, some multi its all about learning what you respond best to and prefer.

    I like sus and have had great gains from it, but when advicing someone on a first cycle normally it would be better for a single ester to be used, just keeps it simple instead of shooting more often what many prefer doing with sus for more of a stable blood levels.

  8. #8
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    I think you answered your own question....

    People think that because it's a blend of 4 different Test Esters that they are getting 4 completely different type of drugs in one injection. Or maybe it's just the name "Sustanon " that just sounds cool to your bro when you say you are on it. No idea

    I've used blends before, mainly Omnas or Karachi's just because they are so cheap. I only use those when my lovely Gelenika's aren't in stock. Or, I might get maybe 5 to use as the frontload injecting 1amp per day for the first 5 then resume a normal E3D injection of Test E. But, it's been a long time since I've used a blend as the base throughout the entire cycle

  9. #9
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    I think you answered your own question....

    People think that because it's a blend of 4 different Test Esters that they are getting 4 completely different type of drugs in one injection. Or maybe it's just the name "Sustanon" that just sounds cool to your bro when you say you are on it. No idea
    HAHAHA well said. well said.

  10. #10
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    That is just my point. Members of this forum dont usually advocate sust250 but alot of times i see people looking to their first cycle ask for a critique in which their cycle includes sust250, after which critique are set straight by the other more experienced members.

    probably because it is something that is easily available where they live, their friends do it etc. most of my friends were doing sust when i started my 1st cycle only reason i didn't and did test-e is because i did some research and found other compounds.

    just my 2 cents

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    availability , unknowledgeable gym talk (ie: bro sust rules etc..) , and lately cost ....i see it for under Edited amp...........

  12. #12
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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  13. #13
    Norwich Muscles is offline Junior Member
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    I am fairly educated in sus and have a reliable source for it and it is cheap, so I will always keep with it... I always gain around 20lbs per cycle with it.... With three cycles composing of mainly Sus at a moderate level of around 500mg, I have gained over 60lbs so I am happy with it.

    The day I stop getting results it, is the day I will stop using it.

  14. #14
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norwich Muscles View Post
    I am fairly educated in sus and have a reliable source for it and it is cheap, so I will always keep with it... I always gain around 20lbs per cycle with it.... With three cycles composing of mainly Sus at a moderate level of around 500mg, I have gained over 60lbs so I am happy with it.

    The day I stop getting results it, is the day I will stop using it.
    what were your starting stats and what are your present stats?

  15. #15
    Norwich Muscles is offline Junior Member
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    Im British, so I shall use the British system. I was just 14 stone. Now weighing just over 18 and a half stone.... I want to do one more cycle to gain just over another stone and that will be that....

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