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Thread: deca - eq

  1. #1
    chain_diggy is offline New Member
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    deca - eq

    Ok, well this is a 2 part question. I used bd decabol about a year ago and was pretty happy with the results. It wasn't anything crazy but I only ran d-bol (25mg ed) and deca (250mg wk). First cycle ever.I know I know, no test but that's all I wanted to do. I was a little scared of the test, but whatever. I put on about 15 - 20 lbs and was actually pretty solid. Not super ripped but I was happy with it all. But my question starts with the deca. I was told of the deca dick but seemed to have experienced something else than what everyone else says. I wanted to bang my g/f like 3-4 times a day, but COULDN'T climax. No matter how hard I tried. The entire time I was running it, starting at week 3 or 4. Which was frustrating but no so bad. Just met my g/f, so I was big and screwing her like a porn star. But, with those effects, would that be me responding to the deca a little better than others, or was it a possible problem with the batch of bd I got, or I wasn't running enough of it to get a noodle dick?

    Secondly, I bought a bottle of qv eq a while back. Was waiting on test e to come in and never got it. I moved and thought I lost the bottle. So I went out and bought more deca recently. Now I found the eq, just my luck. Now, I was thinking of running sustanon @ 375mg a week. Should I stick with a sure thing and go with the deca? Try the eq b/c I might respond even better? Or run them both with the sus?

    Oh yea, b/c I know someone will ask. I'm 5'10" and 195lbs. Not sure of bf%, somewhere in low to mid teens. Thanks

  2. #2
    vishus's Avatar
    vishus is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    youre one of the few who dont get limp while on deca , one of my best friends though has the same problem as you with the climax control, its a gift and curse.....usually ppl run deca at 400mg wkly so it could be you didnt get limp because you were at 250mg instead. as far as your cycle goes, just stick with sustanon and deca, and if you can get the test, run the test with the deca instead

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    i dont see how 1 10cc bottle os eq will do any good in either circumastnace 1-with test or 2 with test and deca . Doesnt appear to me u have enuf eq to effectively use it anywhere.

  4. #4
    chain_diggy is offline New Member
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    Yea. My deal got all screwed up. Didn't get a chance to get anything else. Didn't even get the pins for the eq or the test that was supposed to come. The only reason I thought about using the eq (since I have the deca now) was because of the appetite. I can force myself to eat, and that's why I think I did well with the deca. But an increased appitite wouldn't hurt any. But it is only 1 bottle of eq. And I've heard many different things about qv.

  5. #5
    Ozzy's Avatar
    Ozzy is offline Senior Member
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    QV? I thought that was out of production? Along with the "Gear Grinder" thing goin down in Mex?

  6. #6
    chain_diggy is offline New Member
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    Yea. I had read that a little after I got it. But I picked up the bottle about a year and a half ago, so...

  7. #7
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    sust/deca ....good stack. Forget the eq. Is your pct all planned out?

  8. #8
    chain_diggy is offline New Member
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    Forgot to say I'll be getting the dbol kick in the ass when I start.
    For pct, I'm going to have clomid and nolvadex on hand before I start. But am I supposed to run the nolva ed, or only at signs of sides from the test? I've read different things on the forums.

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