Thread: Final Thoughts on Second Cycle
01-06-2009, 08:40 PM #1
Final Thoughts on Second Cycle
Im 24yrs, 5' 10", 205lb, 11-13% bf, training 8yrs, bbing 6yrs. My first cycle was a basic test enth 500mg week but due to lacking source only went about 8 weeks. Had no real problems on cycle except around week 6 started getting a small pea size lump behind both nips. I then took .5mg arimidex ed and after 7 days it all completely went away for good. Coming off i did have some bad acne on my chest, shoulders, back. My pct was:
weeks 1-3 arimidex .25mg ed
weeks 1-4 nolva/clomid 20/50mg ed
This is my plan for my next cycle. I want to bulk and start this cycle by the end of january, cruise for a few months, cut for 6 weeks, then strong pct and off for 3 months or so. Here it is:
weeks 1-4 anadrol 50-75mg ed
weeks 1-10 or 12 test prop 100-150mg eod
weeks 7-16 test enth 200mg week
weeks 16-22 test enth 300-400mg week
weeks 16-22 clen /t3 cutting sticky on members cycle results sub-forum outline
weeks 16-24 hcg 500iu week
weeks 24-28 aromasin 25mg ed
weeks 24-28 or 29 nolva 20mg ed
I also will be running 25mg ed of proviron from start to finish. I have plenty of arimidex, letro, nolva, clomid, aromasin, and antibiotics on hand already.
I know many will think this maybe a little crazy and far fetched but seems within my means to me. Plan is to bulk first half, cruise for a month or so to keep my gains, then cut for 6 weeks with test, t3, and clen, followed by this pct plan and hcg of course. I want to start competing late next year hopefully so this is more than ur average joe kinda plan here for a reason. Hopefully some vets can give me solid advice here. Thank you for your time.
Any and all advice is welcomed but would want to hear more from those who actually do cycles similar to this with on hand advice instead of those who are book smart on this site with zero hands on or cycle experience.
01-06-2009, 09:00 PM #2
What's the reasoning for the AI and Nolva the first 4 weeks?
Seems like a solid bulker with Anadrol for the first 4 weeks and prop at 100mg ED. Ever taken prop at doses like that? Only reason i ask is some people are overly sensative to it and can't take that much at a time due to either injection pain or Test flu like reactions. If you can, seems like a reasonably strong bulker for your second cycle.
I see the idea of your use of HCG kinda in the Cut and right before the PCT begins. Makes sence, but I would suggest a little heavier of a dose per week. Even 1000iu per week (split up) would be much better of a choice then just 500.
Your PCT should be a bit stronger though mainly due to the length of cycle. Aromasin dose sounds good but the Nolva should be bumped. I would suggest something like:
60mgs 24 - 25
40mgs 26 - 27
20mgs 28 - 29 and you coul deven drag that out to week 30 if you'd like
01-06-2009, 09:33 PM #3
I think u misread. That outline was my pct for my first cycle.
Yeah, i was leaning more towards 1000iu hcg a week also, say 500iu twice a week like test E. I also have plenty of clomid too and was thinking of maybe doing 100mg clomid for first week of pct to help jumpstart things. I just dont want to take clomid all the way through pct because ive heard how bad it is causing acne and i already had that problem coming off last time, maybe from the clomid? Thats why im not including clomid this time around but if u guys think it will help more than hurt, maybe take it first week of pct 100mg ed?
To fight any acne i have deoxycycline and acne scrubs which should do the trick.
01-06-2009, 09:39 PM #4
Forgot to respond to ur prop statements/questions. No i have never used prop but the ugl i plan on using have heard its nearly painless at 100mg. I also described my plan at 100mg eod, not ed. I wanted to start out say the first 4 weeks of cycle of prop 100mg eod since ill be taking the anadrol as well. Then stopping anadrol after week 4, bump up my prop to 150mg eod.
I know bros who have done prop ed and eod with same exact results so thats why im going with eod shots.
Now if i ever did tren ace and prop i would be doing it ed since many say tren ace has a shorter half life than prop and much less sides ed vs eod. With test prop on the otherhand i dont see a big difference between ed and eod.
01-06-2009, 09:41 PM #5
Oh....I did misread that... So that was your PCT from last cycle the wk 1 - 4, got it
Clomid isn't all bad, I'm just not a fan of it because of sides and dose compared to Nolva for the same effect. If you take it, it certainly wouldn't hurt but if you do the 60/40/20 schedule it wouldn't be needed.
I'm glad you are one of the few with common sence and will use things like acne scrubs and even Doxy instead of trying Retin-A or it's cousin accutane that should be only taken under a physician's direction to deal with acne.
01-06-2009, 09:46 PM #6
remember taking arimidex slows down your gains,and mass....did you notice this while on a-dex
01-06-2009, 09:47 PM #7
ya, that was my typo. 100 - 150mgs EOD is a good bulker for a second cycle
Anyway, I'm not a fan of Pyramiding or step dosing things. I would say pick a dose and do it from start to finish. Just because you are taking anadrol doesn't mean you need a lesser dose of prop. My opinion, but your cycle
Not much difference you will see from EOD to ED schedule as long as you keep the total dose the same I would say. I agree with the ED dose if you are taking Tren A. If you have injection pain though with the EOD prop the you could always cut the dose in half and do it ED and rotate sites to try to reduce it. You'll know if you can tolerate it once you get your brand and try it for the first time.
You seem to already know what you're talking about. I think you'll do allright with your next cycle
01-06-2009, 10:12 PM #8Junior Member
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first cycle was 8 weeks and for your second cycle you wanna do 22 weeks dats alot for someone with lack of experience. try a 12week and see how you recover and then maybe extend it for your next cycles.
01-06-2009, 10:46 PM #9
Fu*k Yeah! Was hating it! Soon as i started .5mg ed i noticed the gains stopped as well as the strength gains, all came to a halt. Stupid me to be safe did .25mg eod til pct after symptoms went away and got zero gains during this time, wont mke that mistake again.
Thats why im taking 25mg proviron throughout to kinda help ad only use arimi on cycle if symptoms pop up and once they go away stop the arimidex .
01-06-2009, 10:48 PM #10
01-06-2009, 10:50 PM #11
01-06-2009, 10:56 PM #12
Lack of hands on experience past 8 weeks on cycle yes but not overall knowledge of whats going on. Sure i could do a 12 weeker, gain 15-20lb, and call it a cycle but i dont see it that way. I figure if ur gonna do this u might as well go all in or go home. I know most say 12 weeker first cycle, another for second cycle and maybe add an oral, 2 injectables 3rd cycle, blah blah blah. This is usally geared more towards those on doing this to score chicks.
Ive got my chick and doing this entirely for myself and to hopefully do my first show next year, how many juice heads say that? Im not advocating this to everyone since not everyone has the same goals with aas use. I feel i have earned my genetic potential before first cycle, gained a lot of hands on experience during that time, now its time to put it up a notch or two for my specific goals.Last edited by wukillabee; 01-06-2009 at 11:03 PM.
01-06-2009, 11:02 PM #13
I plan on rotating delts, pecs, tris, and glutes. Tried my quads numerous times first cycle and everytime walked stifflegged for a few days and wasnt worth it. Other sites mentioned no biggie at all and almost zero pain next day. Sure even though this lab might be painless as everyone reports but i can handle some pain since i know the gains will be well worth it. Might even try lats and traps this cycle, any experience with those injection sites?
01-06-2009, 11:03 PM #14
Also, in moderation, UV light like tanning beds since it's winter... Does wonders for people with Bacne. Not to mention the aesthetic value
Oh I see, good plan then since you put it that way. Try 100mgs EOD to see if your body reacts well to it.. after a couple weeks go up. Once again, seems like you know what your talking about... just want confirmation
your cruising dose is fine... @ 300mgs a week you will be putting yourself on a TRT dose to maintain gains while on your cutting phase without stressing your body by dropping off completely. Which would most likely result in more muscle loss then fat. Not bad, like I said earlier, I think you have a solid 2nd cycle Bulker->Cutter->PCT layed out. I see no faults in it.
Wait a few days for some of the boards Vets to take a look at it and see what thier input is though
01-06-2009, 11:12 PM #15
When i was on cycle i didnt get not one pimple. It wasnt till pct started and th hormone changes going on that fu*ked me all up. This time during pct it will be summer and will be at the beach a lot and maybe tanning bed if i cant hit the beach so much.
Thanks for ur input and will wait to hear from more peeps as well, hopefully vets as u said. Will also copy and paste this on other boards and see whats up but i think im sticking to the plan here.
Should i cruise and cut at 300mg week or cruise at 200mg week and cut on 300mg week?
01-06-2009, 11:15 PM #16
Sites I've tried:
Glutes, Quads, Delts, Pecs (Once), Bicepts, Forearm (once)
Glutes: all around one of the best injection sites. Very large muscle group can handle larger amounts of oils with very little pain. Some studies also suggest a better absorbtion rate
Quads: Not many problems as long as I don't use Prop or larger then 2ml's at a time. Also depending on area whether it's painfull or not. If you flex your leg you'll see a muscle group slightly to the outside and right center length of the Quad. Never had any problems here as long as I shoot somewhat in the middle of that muscle group
Delt: never had a problem, can handle up to 2.5ml at a time depending on concentration
Pecs: oncewith test E. hurt like a bastard. never again
Bicepts: used many times with a slin needle shooting (The brand that was 325mg/ml that took over the dragon brand...hint..forgot the name) it was thin enough, didn't hurt and would do it again
Forearm: With Andropen back in the day from B D. Swole up, kept hoping I wouldn't develope compartment syndrom
01-06-2009, 11:19 PM #17
01-06-2009, 11:28 PM #18
he means cruising just between parts of the cycle.
i think its a little much for a 24yo and second cycle. 100mg eod is only 350 a week so thats a little light, i would just do 150 eod the whole time. i don't think the whole cruise then cut is a good idea.. but w.e.. i've heard worse. i think a dht would be better than clen /t3
01-06-2009, 11:37 PM #19
Exactly, bulk, cruise, cut, pct, off for awhile. Yeah, ill just do 150mg eod then throughout. Well i got everything except for the oils. If i get the oils soon then this cycle will work out perfect. If i get them late then ima have to adjust the cycle. Reason being im going on a 2 week vacation late summer time so need to be off pct before than. Worst comes to worst ill probably just do a 14 week cycle with an oral. Just if i had it my way and everything on hand before the end of the month, this is my plan.
Did u have a dht in mind? Dont forget i plan on running 25mg proviron from day 1 until pct and might also run it with pct. If i go the 14 weeker route then im thinking of running the proviron at 50mg ed for the 14 weeks, what do u think about that?
01-06-2009, 11:43 PM #20
ya i see that no, i also agree there shouldn't be the gap between the two. Start your cut and cut dose of Test whithin a week of the bulker
As for a DHT being better then Clen /t3, I can't agree at all. AAS are not fat reducers. They will help to add lean muscle mass but no help significantly in decreasing exsiting bodyfat. Thermos Like Clen/T3 and T4/caffiene/Ephedrine can accomplish this along with a proper cardio
Proviron , it's a DHT, but will have no effect on muscle mass gain or fat loss
01-06-2009, 11:58 PM #21
Since test e takes a few weeks to get going and prop is out of u in less than a week is why i was going to start the test e 3 weeks before cutting out the prop, keep that test e dose 300mg throughout for 4-5 weeks straight, then start cutting keeping the test e dose same at 300mg week for 6 more weeks with clen/t3 as outlined in the sticky in the members cycle results sub-forum.
Who knows, knowing my luck i wont get my oils for a month and wont even be able to do this cycle. Worst comes to worst since i do have a deadline to be off pct by august, i might just do a 14 week bulker with the anadrol first 4-6 weeks and 14 weeks of prop 150mg eod, do my pct, keep my gains and not be stressed for my deadline. Ill keep u guys updated.
Quick question though:
I have my hcg at 5000iu in an amp powder form of course. If i mix 10ml of bac water will it be 500iu a ml? I want to shoot it intermuscularly instead of sub-q so would use a standard 3ml syringe. Im thinking mix 1ml bac water in amp, draw the 1ml of hcg into a fresh, sterile 10ml vial, add 9 more ml of bac water and have my hcg at 500iu per ml. Is this correct? I forgot the conversion for hcg to bac water. Thanks!
01-07-2009, 12:07 AM #22New Member
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please do not fish on our board
01-07-2009, 12:12 AM #23
01-07-2009, 12:12 AM #24
01-07-2009, 12:13 AM #25
01-07-2009, 12:33 AM #26
01-07-2009, 12:34 AM #27
01-07-2009, 01:02 AM #28
01-07-2009, 01:30 AM #29
What if???
If worse comes to worst and cant run this particular cycle, hows this for just a simple bulking cycle.
weeks 1-14 or 16 test prop 150mg eod
weeks 1-4 or 6 75-100mg anadrol ed
weeks 13-16 winny 50-100mg ed
weeks 13-16 1000 iu week
weeks 16-20 aromasin 25mg ed
weeks 16-17 nolva 40mg ed
weeks 17-20 nolva 20mg ed
Also will be running proviron 25mg ed from day one until last day of pct. HCG will be ran 5 weeks up to day of start of pct since its a 5000iu amp and 1000iu a week. I just hope i can handle eod shots for 14 or 16 weeks, haha! Dont get me wrong, i looked forward to pin day everyday of my first cycle and was sad i only pinned every 3.5 days so i think prop will be perfect for me. Or do you guys think test enth since its a long 14-16 week cycle instead of prop?
01-07-2009, 01:55 AM #30
How Much?
Fu*k im bad at math. Can anyone please tell me how many vials i need? I want to run 150mg eod (1.5ml 4 times a week) for say 14 weeks. The test is 100mg/ml in a 10ml vial. How many 10ml vials will i need to get? I figure 4 shots a week times 14 weeks equals 56 shots. I can get 6 shots out of a 10ml vial that equals 1.5ml per shot. So is that 56 shots divided by 6 to equal 9.3 vials?
I was always bad at these damn word problems!
01-07-2009, 02:35 AM #31
well its only 7 shots every 2 weeks, so 49 shots, call it 50. 1.5ml per shot = 75ml, so 7.5 vials, round up to 8
if you really don't mind leaving a ml in every vial you would need 9, but i wouldn't waste that much..
that "back up" cycle isn't bad. i would say i like that more even. much safer imo since its half the time on.Last edited by T_Own; 01-07-2009 at 02:37 AM.
01-07-2009, 05:21 AM #32Originally Posted by T_Own;436****
weeks 1-14 test prop 150mg eod
weeks 1-4 or 6 anadrol 75-100mg ed
weeks 10-14 winny 50-100mg ed
weeks 1-3 aromasin 25mg ed
week 1 nolva 40mg ed
weeks 2-4 nolva 20mg ed
Will also be taking 25mg proviron from day one til end of pct. You guys think ill need hcg for this cycle? I already got it to spare so if it would help i wouldnt mind running that. Say weeks 9-14 do 1000iu week? I have a 5000iu amp thats why. Thanks!
01-07-2009, 05:24 AM #33
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