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Thread: Test e help

  1. #1
    grappstar is offline New Member
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    Test e help

    Hey guys, iv been on test e for 5 weeks. 300mg each 4 day. and i havent felt anything noticabel yet. I havent lifted weights for 2 weeks tho, but i have been grappeling and training functional strength each day.

    Is this normal? should i stop injecting? fake test ?

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Takes 4-6 weeks for it to peak. Hows your diet?

  3. #3
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    if ur training & grappling (im a fighter too) and not lifting at all then bro you need to hit the gym. Youre not going to benefit from your cycle without it. I noticed massive strength increase by taking time off from training (completely) and lifting for months on end (on cycle) and then came back. But your not going to be taking full advantage by rolling live. And not to argue with redz but ive noticed test e at week 3. 6 weeks is a stretch.

    Your not giving you body anything to work against to the degree that its forced to grow and get stronger. But you should be noticing some emotional changes regardless of body growth. No change in libido? Attitude? Aggression? Sense of well-being? The desire to fvck anything with a pulse and half of things that dont? Youre test might be fake because your diet would have nothing to do with those feelings. Id post pics of it in the pics forum and let people scope it out. make sure to cover up the lab name. Dont panic however...if by week 6 tho youre not feeling bet its fake.
    Last edited by MMArmour; 01-14-2009 at 04:41 PM.

  4. #4
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    you have been on test for 5 weeks but only lifted for 3 of the 5. what do you expect to feel? if you dont go to the gym how will you notice strentgh increase? and if your not lifting how would you gain weight?
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  5. #5
    grappstar is offline New Member
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    My diet is pretty good. i eat wery clean and get around 4000 cal and 300g protins each day. I use to get better recovery and endurance.
    But i havent felt anything yet. only thing i feel is the pain after some of the injections(most are fine, can barly feel anything the next day, but some injections hurts like hell and puts me out for 2-3days.

    btw i have 1 bottel test un opened and 1 whit 1ml or less. i was thinking of sending the opened one in to a lab to get it checked. anyone knows if that goes(possible www address?)

    I trust my dealer couse he is a friend. but i get f'cking mad if he have sold me fake stash!

  6. #6
    lord henry is offline Scammer&Liar
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    man wft are you playig at ?-no lifting for 2 weeks out of a 5 weeks so far cycle?

    you will not find anywere that will test your gear for you,post pics up in the steroid pic section and make sure you edit out any lab nams.


  7. #7
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    And not to argue with redz but ive noticed test e at week 3. 6 weeks is a stretch.
    Notice I didnt say to feel it I said for it to peak there is a big difference and I said 4-6. I feel mine much sooner than that.

  8. #8
    grappstar is offline New Member
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    first of all im still training each day, and i train functional strength,condtioning and grappling. Im not looking to get any bigger than i am now (205 6feet4). Im looking for the recovery and energy effect of test. The reason im using it is to get back were i was before i got sick and had to stop training for 2 months. I have real photos of the stash im using and my bottels are 100% like the photos, but still.... no effect 5weeks in.

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