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  1. #1
    inmate1227 is offline New Member
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    1st cycle Edited Deca250 and Edited Mast 100

    Been working out serious for about 2 years now. Before I started working out I was around 110lbs.

    Age 23 weigh roughly 147lbs was roughly 157lb about 3 months ago but started running in every workout and stopped with protein.

    Monday I plan on starting this cycle and starting protein again.

    I have done 3 testosterone boosters prior to this. With the necessary PCT afterwords (Just over the counter stuff nothing real like what im about to start Monday)

    Again its Deca250 and Mast100 - I will do the Deca first after that is done then the Mast100, after THAT is done I will get my hands on some legit Nolvadex .

    I plan on doing 1cc for the first 2 weeks and then on to 2cc after that.

    My concern is;

    -I have been told with Deca I need a test booster otherwise sexual side effects will occur.

    Those sexual side effects are they just during that period or is/can it be forever?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Horrible cycle, and you have no business cycling.

  3. #3
    inmate1227 is offline New Member
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    Age 23, Height... oh boy id say 5,7

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    please list your daily diet in detail
    you also need to read the educational threads here, someone has given you some very poor info.
    pct after test boosters?
    test boosters with deca ?

  5. #5
    inmate1227 is offline New Member
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    Right now im taking in about 120grams of protein a day. Just from food alone. When I start back on my protein shakes that adds another 150grams. Granted I know its only 1gram per lb of weight needed.

    Honestly the test booster while on deca was something I saw on youtube. The video had said if y ou did not use a test booster while on deca , you would get "deca dick"

    PCT, Ill need some Nolvadex after the Mastadon. Correct?

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    you need to at least read the educational threads, you aren't even close to ready for a cycle, and obvioulsy don't have any idea what a good cycle would be.
    as with most of our new members, your diet is the problem. you don't want to face that, so any other advice is a waste.
    good luck.

  7. #7
    inmate1227 is offline New Member
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    Im sure your right, and definatly believe you.

    But can you tell me a few things?

    What is wrong with this cycle? What is wrong with my diet? And why am I not ready, other than knowledge?

    Im reading some of the threads as we speak, but would like to have those questions answered if possible.


  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by inmate1227 View Post
    Im sure your right, and definatly believe you.

    But can you tell me a few things?

    What is wrong with this cycle? What is wrong with my diet? And why am I not ready, other than knowledge?

    Im reading some of the threads as we speak, but would like to have those questions answered if possible.

    I'll tell you this much:
    that cycle sucks for some very specific reasons that 30 minutes research would reveal, and I wouldn't run it as you have it listed if you paid me.

    what's wrong with your diet? you're 5'7" and only 147lbs, that's what.

  9. #9
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    How do you hold it together Big????...Wheres that button we talked about??...The reach out and touch someone button!!!lol

  10. #10
    inmate1227 is offline New Member
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    I've been looking and this is what i've come up with

    Deca puts on the muscle and Masteron will cut BF.

    Sounds good to me... Look man Im not trying to argue with you. I understand your very intellegint in this department and just came here to have some questions answered.

    You have some very good information throughout the forums and I am/have been reading them.

    What would happen if I did take them as I have described? Is it just not the best i can do? Would it kill me? Would I put on a lot of fat and no muscle? would I break out and nothing else happen?

    Im not trying to be rude at all, just understand all of this.

    Thanks for reading and the help

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Ok, deca will completely suppress your natural testosterone production from the very first shot. testosterone performs a number of highly desireable functions in the male body. It's what makes us men. typical side effects of the cycle you propose would be impotence and erectile dysfunction. there are other sides as well, but isn't that enough?
    Think of it this way, say someone has never baked a cake in their life. they join a cooking forum, see that flour is used in cakes, so they propose to bake a cake out of flour. flour is good for cakes, so why not bake one just out of flour?
    deca has a place, but not in a first cycle, and not without test. when a profile describes what effects a compound will yield, it is assumed whoever is intending to use those compounds already has a basic knowledge of what compounds can be used alone, and what compounds are only part of a recipe, so to speak.

  12. #12
    Dinosaur's Avatar
    Dinosaur is offline Member
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    1 question would unswer your question.

    what's your colories intake per day? in numbers plz.

  13. #13
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by charrif View Post
    1 question would unswer your question.

    what's your colories intake per day? in numbers plz.
    thank God, help has arrived. an excellent question.

  14. #14
    inmate1227 is offline New Member
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    I would say 3500 roughly give or take depending on the day.

    I have decided to switch out the Mast with some Test-E.

  15. #15
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Inmate. That's a terrible cycle. 3500 calories is satisfactory, assuming you're actually taking in that much. You should try logging what you eat, and reposting in the diet forum in a couple of weeks, and they can help you figure out how to make gains naturally. DO NOT TAKE DECA WITH TEST for your first cycle. What is everyones obsession with deca? god-damn it's not for amateurs!!!! simple enough???

  16. #16
    Dinosaur's Avatar
    Dinosaur is offline Member
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    let's talk man to man i believe like the mod who's been answering ur question that its your diet that sucks just cause your eating 3500 colories a day doesn't mean its ganna b the best or clean.
    i 100% recommend you not to use the aas at this time why? cause its not the answer to your situation iam not trying to discredit your hard work nor your concerns its good that ask.
    now at the status your giving there is no doubt that anybody in this site that have slight knowledge with the aas is ganna say go ahead and do a cycle.
    here is my honest opinion save your gear lay down your diet to us in the diet forum you will see big diffrence when members critic, get some good supplment along with a good diet i promise you will see a diffrence within the first month.
    now if you are in rush and you want to throw my opinion to the wall and say heck with it than its totally your call. just don't comeback a month later and complain that u got a betch tits or you can't get a hrad on.

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