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Thread: Blended Test

  1. #1
    TTexas's Avatar
    TTexas is offline Associate Member
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    Blended Test

    If one were to start a cycle that involved a blended test. Say P and Cyp (or E) and about a month or so into it, when the long esters started to take hold wouldnt it be better to just switch to the long ester alone and take the prop out of the cyce? It seems that continuing to take the prop would just contribute to fluxuating test levels. Dumb question?

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by TTexas View Post
    If one were to start a cycle that involved a blended test. Say P and Cyp (or E) and about a month or so into it, when the long esters started to take hold wouldnt it be better to just switch to the long ester alone and take the prop out of the cyce? It seems that continuing to take the prop would just contribute to fluxuating test levels. Dumb question?
    it would be better to just run one or the other to start off with

    but to answer your question, then starting off with both esters would allow the test to peak earlier due to the prop, but you could still run the blend as long as you injected ed or eod to suit the prop

  3. #3
    Dinosaur's Avatar
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    that's a good question, it really depends on what ur goal is, i see some bodybuilders do that by switching back and forth the type of AAS in their cycle by going from test e and deca to test and eq in the same cycle then switch to prop and so forth. sometimes they even stop the injection for for few days then go back it depends on how they feel.
    that's why you see some of them on trt they sacrificed everything to their career.
    you really have to know what your doing to do this type of cycles cause the last thing u want to do is to screw it up.

  4. #4
    TTexas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charrif View Post
    that's a good question, it really depends on what ur goal is, i see some bodybuilders do that by switching back and forth the type of AAS in their cycle by going from test e and deca to test and eq in the same cycle then switch to prop and so forth. sometimes they even stop the injection for for few days then go back it depends on how they feel.
    that's why you see some of them on trt they sacrificed everything to their career.
    you really have to know what your doing to do this type of cycles cause the last thing u want to do is to screw it up.
    Yeah, I just dont see the point in continuing to take the Prop if the Cyp/Enth has already started kicking. It just seems that it would cause unneeded test level fluxuations

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