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Thread: Clen?

  1. #1
    curriemonster23's Avatar
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    my girlfriend use to be a competitive cheerleader couple years ago, and feels the need to take clen ? she has a killer body still and no idea why she want to take it. everyone knows how girls are when the "think" the gain a few
    what would you suggest on this... ya, or na ?

  2. #2
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    Clen can be used safely and effectively provided she knows how to use it. What are the specifics?

    How long does she plan to run it? At what doses?

  3. #3
    XD40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by curriemonster23 View Post
    my girlfriend use to be a competitive cheerleader couple years ago, and feels the need to take clen ? she has a killer body still and no idea why she want to take it. everyone knows how girls are when the "think" the gain a few
    what would you suggest on this... ya, or na ?
    Not to Hijack your thread but my girl is a competitive dancer and she thinks shes fat too she weighs like 110lbs lol and she wants to do the exact same interested to see some comments! but i was gonna start her out @ 20mcg a day and go up from there when she feels the need to.

  4. #4
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    haah yikes. everyones girl wants to be on this shit. My girl too. I was gunna kick her off at 20mcg/ed (monitoring her body temp for the week before) and monitor it every day in the morning while on clen . Move her up in dose as learns to handle sides etc. When her body temp returns to normal up the dosage by 20mcgs until she tops out (or it significantly effects sleep patterns when not taken past 4pm) at 100 mcgs/ED then cycle off. observe some time off for receptors to clean out. i know perfectbeast was adding benedryl to help with that same thing. Although being a female, i guess we arent worried about androgen receptor downregulation. Ill have to go look over his posts on it. But basically that was how i was going to get her going. Ive read alot on cycling it with T3 etc on a 2 week on/2 week off structure. I think if it loses it effectiveness at around 8 weeks...why the hell do that? Also...Clen breaks down in two different high lifes. The first is at the 7-9 hour mark and again 32 hours later. So youd want to run the pills at 1 every 7 hours but (reportedly) not after 4pm for risk of sleep schedule interuption.

    Im not advocating this to ANYONE, nor am i set on this method. This was my initial mock up of how id have her run it. As i continue to research it might change. Comments appreciated.
    Last edited by MMArmour; 01-26-2009 at 02:04 PM.

  5. #5
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    I chimed in on this topic the other day, I find it interesting how there is a detailed screening and filtering process before anyone on her advocates using AAS but they seem to want to pass out clen to anyone wanting to drop a few pounds. Clen, especially with women can cause some major issues. I know of several who have had problems coming off of it. Unless you are a competitor trying to shed off the last couple pounds while already extremely lean I would steer clear of the stuff and fix their diet instead.

  6. #6
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    major issues? problems coming off?

    Such as?

  7. #7
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Yes, she used it precontest a couple years ago and wont go near it again. Once off of it she had a really hard time staying lean. Took a good 6 months for her to return to normal. She is a National Level competitor, her diet was on and she knew what she was doing. I know of a few other females who experienced the same thing.
    Last edited by FireGuy; 01-26-2009 at 02:27 PM.

  8. #8
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    hmmm. good to know. good to know. That being said...national level sure she was using national competitor dosages? By that i mean... reasonable dosages? Curriemonster..did your girl experience this her first time on clen ? What dose/how did she run her clen the first time? Results?

  9. #9
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    It was a few years ago, I dont recall the amounts. I am not saying it cant be ran safely I am just suggesting you guys use some caution is all.

  10. #10
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    If these guy are anything like me i take her health more seriously than mine and when it comes to this ill have done much more research before i consent to helping her with clen . Thanks alot fireguy. Gave me more to think about.

    sorry. not trying to high jack the thread.

  11. #11
    curriemonster23's Avatar
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    i appreciate this all... she is picking it up sometime this week, and she is eager to get back into fitness and health.
    ill post the mcg's, mg's, pill, liq, ect... and ask for further answers... again thanks.

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