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  1. #1
    ucantridethis01's Avatar
    ucantridethis01 is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up Test C, Deca, EQ- How to cycle?

    Hey everyone new to the community. Let me tell you a little about myself before I go on with my ?. I am 25 yr old male that weighs around 168. I have been little all my life I have IBS so it makes it hard to put on weight. I can usually control it with my diet but not completely. I have been hard at it in the gym for about 4 mo's now. I am going on vacation mid April and would like to put on maybe 15lbs and loose a little belly fat. So to my ? I have 20ml of test C., 5ml of deca , and 5ml of EQ. I was wondering if any of you could help me on how I should cycle. I was told by a buddy thats on right now that I should do the following.
    Test 2ml/wk-10 weeks
    Deca 1ml/wk-first 5 weeks
    EQ 1ml/wk-first 5 weeks
    I was just thinking if I was gonna try to cut a little and change my diet where I am not taking in so many carbs and fat about the last mo of cycle, that maybe I should wait til the end to use the EQ?
    Again any help would be appreciated!!!!
    Please dont bash, but criticism will be appreciated also

  2. #2
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    dont have enough eq or deca to be worth while..

  3. #3
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    yea you can run a 10week course of test and thats all. shooting the deca and eq would pretty much be a waste unless you get some more of each
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Deca and eq need to be ran much longer so there is no point of running them. Test only is a good cycle to start with but diet and training will be the determining factor in results.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    How tall are you? Weight without height doesn't tell us much.

  6. #6
    ucantridethis01's Avatar
    ucantridethis01 is offline New Member
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    Sorry, i'm about 5'10" I dont want to get huge I have the gear and I want to use it. I actually have 10ml more of the Deca , I had just planned on makin some money off it. The guy who gets it told me that when your stacking Test and Deca that you want to keep your Deca about half of the test your taking (ex. 1cc deca-2cc test). Is there any truth to that? This is my first real cycle, dont know if I mentioned that. I started at around 152 and got to 168 off 5 wks of the test at 1cc-wk, and deca at .5cc-wk. I'm up for advice, please tell me how much and how to cycle!!

  7. #7
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    5 weeks is when it starts getting good.. bad time to quit..
    id spend alot more time learning about this stuff before jumping in.. lots to learn..
    how about anti-e's and pct?

    do some research..put together a cycle we can take a look at and then we can go from there

  8. #8
    ucantridethis01's Avatar
    ucantridethis01 is offline New Member
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    I told you the cycle I was gonna take man, now i'm looking for advice. Thanks

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I'm having trouble visualizing your goals, if you have a condition that won't allow you to eat sufficiently, you won't be able to retain any gains steroids will give you.

  10. #10
    ucantridethis01's Avatar
    ucantridethis01 is offline New Member
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    I am just looking for cycle advice guys, I gained 16lbs off half the gear I have now last time I was on. How should I cycle the gear I have?

  11. #11
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    figure it out.. you tell us what you think would be a good cycle and let us take a look.. you just want to be spoon fed all the info..


    test xxx mg a week 1-whatever
    deca xxxmg a week 1- bla bla bla

  12. #12
    ucantridethis01's Avatar
    ucantridethis01 is offline New Member
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    Sorry though, my goals are about 15 solid lbs with a 6-pack. That don't seem to crazy of a goal with the gear I have.

  13. #13
    ucantridethis01's Avatar
    ucantridethis01 is offline New Member
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    How about:
    Test 400mg/wk wk 1-10
    Deca 400mg/wk wk 1-10

    Seemed to work the first time this is just double. I have the little bit of EQ also. For PCT i'm just going with something like Chryslin. Didn't see any side effects from the last one, so not going to worry about it too bad. If I start seeing signs I have Clomid available for PCT if needed.

  14. #14
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    alrighty... you pct plan is weak.. especially if ending the test and deca together.. id run the test a week or 2 longer..

    pct you chould consider both clomid and nolvadex .. read pheednos pct in the pct forum..its a sticky at the top..
    pct.. you should worry about it..its very important..

  15. #15
    ucantridethis01's Avatar
    ucantridethis01 is offline New Member
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    Think I should taper the test an extra 2 weeks down to 200mg? Also I have the EQ I could add to the end for maybe 4 weeks? What do you think?

    Test 400mg/wk wk 1-10; then 200mg/wk wk 11-12
    Deca 400mg/wk wk 1-10

    Eq 200 mg/wk wk 10-14
    PCT wks 12-16

    Would the EQ at the end help at all or would it be wasted?

  16. #16
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    that would be a waste of eq..

    pct starts 2 weeks after enanthate

  17. #17
    DrSauce99 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey I hear you on the IBS, I had crohns really bad.. You need to get that undercontrol first or you'll never gain a lb. I never could get past 170 while my disease was active. It almost ended up killing me 18 months ago and I was 6' 130lbs, no joke. Multiple blood transfusions etc... Anyways, I did my first cycle coming out with still having stomach issues, I lost everything after... STUPID...

    Look into low dose naltrexone, google it you'll find a website, find a doc that will prescribe it for you. I used HGH to stop my bleeding and the naltrexone ever since and I have been symptom free for 18 months, the longest in my life.

    3 cycles in I am between 205-215lbs. I just started trimming up a little bit.

    Also you need to work your legs more.

    Going for 230 by summer with Tren /Test/Winny

    Agreed on the EQ and Deca . Sell the Deca, buy more EQ, run 500test/500EQ it will help you eat a lot which given your condition is very important. EQ is a big appetite enhancer.

    A lot of people won't agree, but for me, EQ worked better than Deca.

    I ran a 350/450 cycle of test/EQ and gained 25lbs and kept over 20 of it.

    Good luck.

  18. #18
    ucantridethis01's Avatar
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    Thanks for the belly info, but I pretty much have that under control I may have an outbreak like once every month now. I dont have access to a bunch of gear, it comes and goes. What I have is all I can get right now, other than clomid which I am planning on getting. I have never heard anyone say not to take deca before though, thats a first. Reading other forums people are saying keep deca levels at 200, while increasing test levels to around 500. Again this is my first real cycle. All the info you guys are giving me is appreciated but I am looking for the best way to cycle what I have. It does look like I have bird legs in this pic!!!!

  19. #19
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSauce99 View Post
    Hey I hear you on the IBS, I had crohns really bad.. You need to get that undercontrol first or you'll never gain a lb. I never could get past 170 while my disease was active. It almost ended up killing me 18 months ago and I was 6' 130lbs, no joke. Multiple blood transfusions etc... Anyways, I did my first cycle coming out with still having stomach issues, I lost everything after... STUPID...

    Look into low dose naltrexone, google it you'll find a website, find a doc that will prescribe it for you. I used HGH to stop my bleeding and the naltrexone ever since and I have been symptom free for 18 months, the longest in my life.

    3 cycles in I am between 205-215lbs. I just started trimming up a little bit.

    Also you need to work your legs more.

    Going for 230 by summer with Tren /Test/Winny

    Agreed on the EQ and Deca . Sell the Deca, buy more EQ, run 500test/500EQ it will help you eat a lot which given your condition is very important. EQ is a big appetite enhancer.

    A lot of people won't agree, but for me, EQ worked better than Deca.

    I ran a 350/450 cycle of test/EQ and gained 25lbs and kept over 20 of it.

    Good luck.
    I agree with you post, great info! I was hoping someone with the similar or same condition posted. You made it know that diet is key and that needs to be taken care of before your cycle "hence" your previous cycle that went to crap. But you learned and you share this knoweldge.

    Quote Originally Posted by ucantridethis01 View Post
    Thanks for the belly info, but I pretty much have that under control I may have an outbreak like once every month now. I dont have access to a bunch of gear, it comes and goes. What I have is all I can get right now, other than clomid which I am planning on getting. I have never heard anyone say not to take deca before though, thats a first. Reading other forums people are saying keep deca levels at 200, while increasing test levels to around 500. Again this is my first real cycle. All the info you guys are giving me is appreciated but I am looking for the best way to cycle what I have. It does look like I have bird legs in this pic!!!!
    We are giving you the proper advice so you are going to either listen or cycle it your own way. Ok, cant get more EQ then fine, run the deca.

    Dont listen to people at your gym or other forums...they are CRAP will only complicate things! This forum by far has the most accurate and best info on the net and pretty much anywhere that ive seen.

    No you do not need to run test higher than deca...common misconception.

    Test 400mgs per week for 12 weeks (run it 1-2 weeks longer than the deca as deca's active life in the system is 21 days i believe and test enanthate being 14 roughly.)

    Deca 400mg per week for 10 weeks

    If you can only get "clomid" for PCT why dont you give our board sponsor a try for reserach chems for your PCT. Ive only used reserach chems for all my PCT's and they have worked great. Your "chrysin" or whatever OTC sup for PCT wont be suffice. Yeah you survived last cycle with a crap PCT but may not be so lucky this time so why chance it. Clomid alone is crap for PCT as its been shown that nolvadex is stronger at releasing GnRH to stimulate the pituitory to relase more LH which in turn stimulates the Testes to produce more testosterone . Its simple bro, proper PCT = Proper recovery and less chances of a messed up HPTA later in life.

    So you want to put on 15lbs of LBM and cut up? This is for spring break im guessing...?

    Not going to happen, sorry to burst your bubble. Diet will dictate this, not AAS.

  20. #20
    DrSauce99 is offline Associate Member
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    Once a month is NOT undercontrol... I have been 100% perfect for 18 months and I can pretty much guarantee I was worse than you've ever been. Im serious, look into it...

    200mg of deca wont do much either...

    I'd get some Dbol and just run test with it, worked good for me...

  21. #21
    honda450's Avatar
    honda450 is offline Associate Member
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    Run a 10-12 week cycle of Test only. Drop your Deca and EQ.
    Maybe use dbol as a kickstart for the first 4-6 weeks.

  22. #22
    jayral24 is offline Junior Member
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    Just do the test C at a 10 week cycle and concentrate on your diet.. I think everyone has answered your question.

  23. #23
    ucantridethis01's Avatar
    ucantridethis01 is offline New Member
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    My diet is fine, I am taking in 4000 plus calories a day with at least 200-250 grams of protein daily. So what everyone is saying is that just do the 10 weeks of Test and forget about the deca ? I am still having a hard time grasping why I am dropping the Deca though? I agree that this website is the best forum to use, but almost every single forum one here you read the same people are saying 2 completely totally different things. And as far as my last cycle going to crap. I had enough gear for 5 weeks, and I think 16lbs is pretty good in 5 weeks. It may sound like I am kinda hard headed, but I am wanting some Cycle info. I know what works best for one doesn't work best for another. But I see what people are doing in the gym and their results, also with mine the first time. This is the only reason I may seem leary to what some of you are saying. And if you are gonna post please read the whole thing. This is the only gear I have access to, unless someone wants to pm me with some info that would help me more. I work long hours and dont have hours to spend on the internet researching, thats why I listen to whoever can give me advice with the issues I have going on. Keep coming with the feedback, its appreciated. Just wish you guys would stop telling me what kind of gear to add that I dont have. As far as PCT I will get some of the research chems from your sponsors, I actaully have heard alot of great stuff about them. Thanks guys!!!

  24. #24
    DrSauce99 is offline Associate Member
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    If your really eating that much (which is hard) and your disease was under control you'd be gaining for sure.

    I was eating like that even in my "remission" states and you still have constant bowl inflamation thats blocking the absorbtion of your nutrients.

    Once I truely got my disease under control I eat 1000 calories less and gained weight like a horse.

    Trust me on this...

    4000cal and 200-250g protein + working out at your age and weight you shoudl bulk fast!

  25. #25
    ucantridethis01's Avatar
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    Ya I am starting to notice that, the doctor switched my meds and its really 'under control' until I eat something spicy or something. I bring it on myself basically. I have noticed that I am putting on weight alot more than I used to, even in my belly and I have never had to worry about that. I am gonna back off about 8 weeks in and really start watching what I eat, and gonna try to get my 6 pack back. Thanks!!

  26. #26
    DrSauce99 is offline Associate Member
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    Your under the BS of a typical IBS/Crohns doctor. Your disease is NOT under control if eating anything sets it off. Your not absorbing you nutrients peroid.

    What are you on some type of mesalamine product? asacol, pentasa etc? Or have you gone as far as 6mp/remicaide?

    Check out low dose naltrexone if you really want to be normal and feel good. You'll never get the gains you want with an inflamed gut.

  27. #27
    ucantridethis01's Avatar
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    Actually i'm not taking anything right now, just diet and exercising is helping and keeping me regular.

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