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  1. #1
    Adreja is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Red face Two in one injection

    Posted a few threads got a few answers and now ready to start just a couple of questions to go.

    Going to start on Tren E and Test ent 750ml e/w and d'bol 50 e/d for first 4 weeks of 10 weeks total.

    1. How much Tren E per week to go with 750ml Test Ent and 50 mg D'bol
    2. Is proviron 50mg e/d and nolva 20mg e/d day for the whole 10 weeks enough or is it too much
    3. Can I put both Test and Tren into one shot or should i do to shots
    4. Is Clomid and nolvadex enough for pct or do I need hcg as well.

    Anything i missed?


  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    United States
    [quote=Adreja;4405403]Posted a few threads got a few answers and now ready to start just a couple of questions to go.

    Going to start on Tren E and Test ent 750ml e/w and d'bol 50 e/d for first 4 weeks of 10 weeks total.

    1. How much Tren E per week to go with 750ml Test Ent and 50 mg D'bol
    you need to find the dose that works for you with the least amount of sides but 400mgs a week is a good start
    2. Is proviron 50mg e/d and nolva 20mg e/d day for the whole 10 weeks enough or is it too much
    i would only run the proviron and save the nolva for pct
    3. Can I put both Test and Tren into one shot or should i do to shots
    yes you can. you can mix anything you want in the same syringe
    4. Is Clomid and nolvadex enough for pct or do I need hcg as well.
    i would use one or the other with either armidex or aromasin
    Anything i missed?

    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  3. #3
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Mar 2008
    u missed mentioning your, stats, diet and workout routine, u care to tell us about that too, if u wanr full response?

  4. #4
    Adreja is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    32, 188cm, 97kg up from 83kg in 2007 with help of 2 cycles


    Dymatize Iso 100% Hydrolyzed whey protein Isolate 4 p/d
    Goliaths instant carbs 4 p/d
    Dymatize xpand nitric oxide reactor Half hour before workout
    Ast micronized gl3 L-glutamine Half hour before and after workout
    Hi-***** flaxseed oil Twice per day


    6 meals per day (meats, rice, pasta potato etc)
    3 grm Protein per kg of weight
    6 grm Carbs per kg of weight

    Work out program

    Monday- Pecs and calfs

    Flat bench
    Incline bench
    Reverse incline

    Tuesday- Biceps triceps

    Barbell curls
    Dumbell curls
    Concentration curls
    Close grip bench
    Lying tricep press
    Tricep pulley push down

    Wed- Thighs

    Leg press
    Leg curls

    Thursday- Shoulders

    Presses behind the neck
    Upright row
    Side laterals
    Wide pull ups

    Friday- Back

    Lat pull down to neck
    Barbell bent over wide row
    Barbell bent over close row
    Seated cable row

    Saturday rest
    Sunday rest

    Large muscle groups 8 sets (4 sets warm up) then 4 from maximum down
    Small muscle groups 6 sets (3 sets warm up) then 3 from maximum down

  5. #5
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    blue trunks
    Wide pullups for shoulders? The day before back? The rest of your routine looks good to me. Maybe beef up that leg routine a little. Oh ya, and what's a reverse incline? Do you mean decline?

  6. #6
    Adreja is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2009
    Yup the wide pullups shouldnt be in there and yeah yeah reverse incline is decline. In my language we call it like that.

  7. #7
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    Uhhh, all I got to say is ur gonna grow like a mutha ****a... IF you can eat enough.

  8. #8
    Adreja is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Well im aiming for 15kg increase in muscle mass. Planning to try the following diet.

    Around 7am
    100 grm muesli with 100 grm dried fruits and one banana
    (Maybe a protein shake with 3 egg whites as well)

    Around 10am
    2 tins of tuna (100grm)

    Around 12 noon
    Chicken sandwich 200grm (whole grain bread)

    Around 3pm
    2 chicken breasts with 1 cup brown rice, 2 slices whole grain bread and a glass of milk

    Creatin half hour before
    Workout out around 5pm
    Protein and carbs shake straight after with 3 egg whites and creatin

    Around 7pm
    2 rib eye steaks with 1 cup brown rice, 2 slices whole grain bread and glass of milk

    Around 11pm before bed
    Protein shake with 3 egg whites

    Throughout the day dried fruits and app 3-4 liters of water.
    No sweets, fizzy drinks at all.

    Anything i missed or anything that shouldnt be there.

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