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  1. #1
    wrestless is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    any benefits here ?

    Guys I have 11 weeks left till my show I have done 6weeks of sus 250 have enough for 5 more weeks just wondering if I should stop the test 8 weeks out to rid water or if six weeks out will be long enough to rid the water. I am starting winnny injects Feb 18 for about 7 weeks at 100 mg eod. My trainer thinks I should stop 8 weeks out to rid water if so is there any benefit in upping my dose from 500mgs per week to 750 mg . I have gained 16 pounds 6so far from152 10 % bf to 168 10 % bf probably a lot of water. Any help much appreciated Thanks.

  2. #2
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2008
    why not change to prop and winny then suspension a few days before comp and be on suspension for comp, also run letro

  3. #3
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    but to answer your question, 6 weeks is long enough to rid water

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