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  1. #1
    beginnersluck is offline New Member
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    Beginner - Advice From Experienced People

    hi there
    im 20 years of age and have been training for around 2 years, i have changed an awful lot, but im 6 foot 1 and just look tall rather than broad, my training had hit a wall past few months and cant get over it. i have been readin up on steroids and basically am very tempted by it.
    there are 2-3 of my mates that are on it.
    i have tried almost every natural over the counter procudt out ther and they all have little if no effect on me.
    what would you suggest for me, if i was to start on a course of steroids, for example.
    what to take, how often, how long for etc.
    i am to bulk up around half a stone to a stone, but i do not want alot of water retention, i want to be solid, i then aim to be shredded, not a pound of fat on me, i also would like not many side effects, so if any products can prevent gyno and baldness etc, suggestions so for any advice (from people who arent sick of beginners who know nothing) would be highly appreciated. if people are going to comment on me 'you dont have a clue' .. or 'why ask silly questions' then dont bother because we all start somewhere haha.

    thanks, hope to get advice asap.
    thanks alot.

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by beginnersluck View Post
    hi there
    im 20 years of age and have been training for around 2 years, i have changed an awful lot, but im 6 foot 1 and just look tall rather than broad, my training had hit a wall past few months and cant get over it. i have been readin up on steroids and basically am very tempted by it.
    there are 2-3 of my mates that are on it.
    i have tried almost every natural over the counter procudt out ther and they all have little if no effect on me.
    what would you suggest for me, if i was to start on a course of steroids, for example.
    what to take, how often, how long for etc.
    i am to bulk up around half a stone to a stone, but i do not want alot of water retention, i want to be solid, i then aim to be shredded, not a pound of fat on me, i also would like not many side effects, so if any products can prevent gyno and baldness etc, suggestions so for any advice (from people who arent sick of beginners who know nothing) would be highly appreciated. if people are going to comment on me 'you dont have a clue' .. or 'why ask silly questions' then dont bother because we all start somewhere haha.

    thanks, hope to get advice asap.
    thanks alot.

    i would bet the problem is diet related, in fact i would bet on it

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
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  4. #4
    beginnersluck is offline New Member
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    183 pounds, and unsure on my bodyfat,
    i understand as soon as a beginner makes a thread on this he gets abuse, but im looking for a finger in the right direction, thats what these forums are for.. right ?

  5. #5
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by beginnersluck View Post
    183 pounds, and unsure on my bodyfat,
    i understand as soon as a beginner makes a thread on this he gets abuse, but im looking for a finger in the right direction, thats what these forums are for.. right ?
    these forums are here to help people in the pursuit of knowledge on the subject of building muscle, the thing is, 183lbs at 6'1 is very light, which means that either you haven't been training very long, your diet is on point, your training isn't on point, or a combination of these

    the reason we are telling you not to take AS yet isn't because we are mean, but because until you get closer to your genetic potential and learn how to diet and training proper to your body, then AS won't be much help you

  6. #6
    beginnersluck is offline New Member
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    i fully understand and appreciate your advice, and your post i have just read was very helpful. i trained for a year with cardio and light weights around the age of 17as i was a footballer but now i want to build serious muscle. it seems you cant post threads and stuff without being slaughtered, there is no where i can find and endless amount of information helping me, and every one claims to have the next best thing. i dont think over 13 stone is that bad for someone my height, i am just under 6'1. but then again, what do i know, i have a desired look and 2 years trying 2 get it, no where. suppose thats why i turned to this solution in the first place.

  7. #7
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by beginnersluck View Post
    i fully understand and appreciate your advice, and your post i have just read was very helpful. i trained for a year with cardio and light weights around the age of 17as i was a footballer but now i want to build serious muscle. it seems you cant post threads and stuff without being slaughtered, there is no where i can find and endless amount of information helping me, and every one claims to have the next best thing. i dont think over 13 stone is that bad for someone my height, i am just under 6'1. but then again, what do i know, i have a desired look and 2 years trying 2 get it, no where. suppose thats why i turned to this solution in the first place.
    diet can get you where you want to go, maybe not as fast as you want, but that's just life, you get what you work for

    post everything you eat today or tomorrow and i mean everything, then we'll critique your diet see what we're working with

  8. #8
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Truth is, if you want to be "shredded,with not a pound of fat on you" and "zero sides" you really should be in the diet section. The reason so many new members feel picked on is because they think AAS are going to make up for their diet and training deficiencies.
    Fact is, you or anyone else who is 6'1 cant get well over 200 punds naturally mean either, your diet and training sucks, or you are genetically predispositioned to not building muscle and in either case AAS is not the answer.
    Last edited by FireGuy; 02-01-2009 at 02:55 PM.

  9. #9
    beginnersluck is offline New Member
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    thanks very much, al post a normal diet day now..

  10. #10
    beginnersluck is offline New Member
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    breakfast: 4 egg whites 2 yolks, wholemeal toast and whey protien shake.
    snack: 2 bananas and size up shake.
    dinner: chicken and salad
    snack : whey protien and weetabix
    tea: chicken carrots boiled poatoes
    before bed: whey shake.

    thats typically what i eat, i did used to have the odd night out and takeaway, but since trying to be sensible i have not for a god few months.

    i am wanting a fair bit of width and size before i am defined. basically i have a picture of what i want and dont intend on stopping till i get there, maybe the reason behind me asking these questions, determination turning to desperation.


  11. #11
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by beginnersluck View Post
    breakfast: 4 egg whites 2 yolks, wholemeal toast and whey protien shake.
    snack: 2 bananas and size up shake.
    dinner: chicken and salad
    snack : whey protien and weetabix
    tea: chicken carrots boiled poatoes
    before bed: whey shake.

    thats typically what i eat, i did used to have the odd night out and takeaway, but since trying to be sensible i have not for a god few months.

    i am wanting a fair bit of width and size before i am defined. basically i have a picture of what i want and dont intend on stopping till i get there, maybe the reason behind me asking these questions, determination turning to desperation.

    diet could use alot of work, definitely don't need 3 shakes per day and i would bet you aren't eating near enough

    how bout eating normally tomorrow and weighing out everything, then posting in the diet forum so we can get an idea of how much you are eating

  12. #12
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    you need 3x as much food, keep it clean and less shakes

  13. #13
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Until his LBM is figured out and portion size of what he is eating it's impossible to say he needs more calories. Well you can say it, it will just be inaccurate.

  14. #14
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    I don't think anyone has attacked you here , so I hope you will consider the advice given.
    It's not just your age that makes you not ready, your diet is really lacking for the growth you would like to see.

    You need to eat to grow. Even steroids won't work without proper whole food consumption. Shakes should be minimum and only as extra calories. Eat clean, eat more often like every two hours, and train very heavy.

    Try this for 6 months while you read everything on these forums, and then you tell us if you still need steroids yet.

    Good luck and good training!!

  15. #15
    MercyDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Until his LBM is figured out and portion size of what he is eating it's impossible to say he needs more calories. Well you can say it, it will just be inaccurate.
    Your right but I'm only seeing at best 2,000 calories for what he posted. He's 6-1 and 183 and wanting to build "some serious muscle" as he put it. Only 2 meat servings per day won't be good for that.

    beginnersluck, trade your shakes for meat, chicken, or fish with sides. Only shake really needed is PWO then eat and hour or 2 after that. For breakfast try spinning 7 whites, one whole, cup oats, and skim.
    Last edited by MercyDog; 02-01-2009 at 03:48 PM.

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