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  1. #1
    Philly Grappler is offline Associate Member
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    Question about Equiposie

    I am on an HRT does of Test C and arimidex . I would like to start a cycle of equipoise and would like some feedback. I have good genes for building muscle, probably because I am short at 5'7 and weigh 175. I never have a problem putting on or taking off weight. I read that you should cycle Eq at at least 400/week, but since I am a smaller guy with decent genes I am wondering if I can get away with 300mg/week. Also, is once a week for injecting sufficient? Lastly, I planned on using 25G one inch needles and injecting in glute. How does this sound?

  2. #2
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly Grappler View Post
    I am on an HRT does of Test C and arimidex. I would like to start a cycle of equipoise and would like some feedback. I have good genes for building muscle, probably because I am short at 5'7 and weigh 175. I never have a problem putting on or taking off weight. I read that you should cycle Eq at at least 400/week, but since I am a smaller guy with decent genes I am wondering if I can get away with 300mg/week. Also, is once a week for injecting sufficient? Lastly, I planned on using 25G one inch needles and injecting in glute. How does this sound?
    What exactly is your goal here Bro??....Bulk...Cut...??

  3. #3
    Philly Grappler is offline Associate Member
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    My goal is to maintain my current weight and at the same time increase my strength and endurance, mostly for grappling but also for aesthetic purposes. Not trying to bulk.

  4. #4
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    Then you dont need steroids to do that. Strength and endurance will come from rolling more and more. Not AAS...however: Equipoise responds better at a higher dosage. Meaning 400mg/wk and up. Preferably around 600mg/wk. If you see Marcus around here, he will tell you to use it to oil your bike chain. Others have used it with great success. To inject in glutes i would use a 1 1/2in long needle. 1in is good for delts, bis, quads, etc. But not long enough for glutes. 25 ga. is fine. I prefer 23. I would still inject it twice weekly.

  5. #5
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm using it now and I like it.

    I'm gaining with it, but I'm trying to gain not cut. For me, it really makes me eat more too, my stomach burns in the middle of the night all the time.

    I'm using 500mgs/week and it's working fine. For the first time in my life, I'm as strong as my lifting partner who is 40lbs heavier than me. I've put on over 20lbs and I have longer to gain, but will start to add cardio and cut some calories soon.

    I never thought I'd get to 220lbs with it. But I have 8 more weeks to go, and i'm 218lbs.

    I'm putting on more size than I did with tren , the strength gains also did not happen over night.

    Nice and mild, I've had no sides thus far.

    It's affordable, if you are willing, and know your stuff. I see no reason with not trying 300mgs a week and see how you respond. you can adjust the dosage accordingly then, increase or decrease.

    I started with 300mgs and am happy with how 500mgs works for me though. If you ask me, you should NEVER jump on the highest recommended dosage. Start small, you can always add more. See how your body responds to it first.

  6. #6
    Philly Grappler is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    Then you dont need steroids to do that. Strength and endurance will come from rolling more and more. Not AAS...however: Equipoise responds better at a higher dosage. Meaning 400mg/wk and up. Preferably around 600mg/wk. If you see Marcus around here, he will tell you to use it to oil your bike chain. Others have used it with great success. To inject in glutes i would use a 1 1/2in long needle. 1in is good for delts, bis, quads, etc. But not long enough for glutes. 25 ga. is fine. I prefer 23. I would still inject it twice weekly.
    I agree with you but I kind of hit a plateau in both weight training and rolling. I was just looking for a little push through the plateau. I did alot of reasearch on this site and it seems athletes like fighters and grapplers prefer either the equipoise or var. I am also worried about the appetite increase though because I am always hungry as it is. I definitely do not want to put on more wieght.

  7. #7
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    well then go with a compound known for strength gains and very mild in the mass gain department. Masteron might be a good place to start. Altho it will require EOD injections at the very least unless u can get ahold of masteron enth. But to me, its all in the diet. If you are hungry there are food items you can eat that can make you feel full but have empty calories that your body wont use and will discard. Just a thought. I think you can break this with some kind of plateau buster routine in the gym without AAS. jmo.

    Whats your trt dosage btw?

  8. #8
    Philly Grappler is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    well then go with a compound known for strength gains and very mild in the mass gain department. Masteron might be a good place to start. Altho it will require EOD injections at the very least unless u can get ahold of masteron enth. But to me, its all in the diet. If you are hungry there are food items you can eat that can make you feel full but have empty calories that your body wont use and will discard. Just a thought. I think you can break this with some kind of plateau buster routine in the gym without AAS. jmo.

    Whats your trt dosage btw?
    The TRT dosge I am taking right now is 160mg/week, although I am ready to bump it up. 160 used to keep me in the 900's, where I like to be, but recently my levels have dropped to the 600's.

  9. #9
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    get masteron ......eq is a waste in my opinion. Maybe you should just up your test dose for ten weeks and then go back to a hrt dose. Just a thought.

  10. #10
    Philly Grappler is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    get masteron......eq is a waste in my opinion. Maybe you should just up your test dose for ten weeks and then go back to a hrt dose. Just a thought.
    Unfortunately my supplier does not carry masteron .

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