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  1. #1
    WhiteShadow24's Avatar
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    Question Serious inquiry about what steroids would be good for a basketball player.

    I am a college athlete (basketball player) and recently I have been contimplating using something to gain an extra edge in my sport over this offseason. However, unlike most sports such as football (nfl) and baseball (mlb) my sports professional organization (the NBA) has a rather weak steroid testing policy so there really isnt any way of me knowing what is really a recommended steroid that would benefit me. I am not trying to blow up to Lou Ferigno status but rather increase quickness, vertical leap and edurance both muscular and cardio. I do not want to sacrifice any footspeed , cardio or quickness but rather increase in these areas and gain as much as I can on my vertical leap. I have heard that equipoise would help but to be honest I am totally ignorant when it comes to information on steroids , what to use, how to get it and how to use it. I work out four times a weak and never really do any real heavy lifting but mostly reps and core workouts being that basketball players need to be nimble and quick. Below is a accurate profile of my body type and age. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

    Weight:210 lbs
    Vertical Leap: 30 inches
    Body fat: %10
    Max bench press: 220 lbs
    Last edited by WhiteShadow24; 02-08-2009 at 02:02 PM.

  2. #2
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    look up all the sports athletes that have been caught juicing, and see the drug they were on... deca comes to mind - read all the steriod profiles that will point you in the right direction

  3. #3
    DrSauce99 is offline Associate Member
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    Id just run some Test, it will increase your RBC, endurance and recovery...

  4. #4
    MuscleSportMag's Avatar
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    You would be surprised to know that AAS in basketball is not as unique as some would think. They are not only for the lineman trying to bulk up to eclipse 300 pounds.

    Sure, if you use a lot and eat tons of protein and calories while training like an animal, you're going to bulk up. But if you do it properly and in moderation, it will get you in much better condition and gain muscle mass.

    Look at the 'big guys' from years back and how slim they were and then compare them to a player such as Dwight Howard. I'm not making any accusations here, just an observation. Players - especially ones in the front court - have become much thicker and more muscular in today's game as compared to 20 years in the past.

  5. #5
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    yeah i can help you out if you give me a autograph. seriously though, you need to eat more. change up your diet a bit and you should be able to put on some more weight. i would get blood tests done to see what your current test levels and everything else they can test for. if your test is pretty high, you can definitely put on some weight. if its not, then maybe you should consider a cycle/hrt.

  6. #6
    WhiteShadow24's Avatar
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    Thanks for the advice but I have a good diet , have done the muscle milk thing and other supliments but havent seen the drastic results that I would like. Im heading into my final year after this offseason and would like to see what I can do to get an extra edge on the competition. I work out regularly and never get too far out of shape. What I was tryin to find out exactly what steroids would be good to do for what im tryin to achieve what I am tryin to do without sacrificing what I mentioned above. Im just trying to add maybe 15 lbs of lean muscle mass, increase my vertical leap , quickness and speed. If you guys can give some specifics I would appreciate it. Like I said someone told me about equipoise but is this something that would be recommended? What should I stack with it? I just need an educated opinion about these things if someone can help. Thanks.

  7. #7
    Barch is offline Junior Member
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    26 and a college athlete?

  8. #8
    WhiteShadow24's Avatar
    WhiteShadow24 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for answering a question with a question, thats exactly what I was lookin for. lol Anyways I took time off out of highschool and didnt get around to enrolling in college until I was 21. Figured I would get a free education while I still had the chance but due to certain circumstances I had to go to work right out of highschool and wasnt able to go immediately hence the age. Thanks for your help though Barch , your a winner.

  9. #9
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    id say a cycle of prop, because its fast acting (within 7-10 days), and it gets out of ur system fast (2 weeks) but you have to shoot it everyday which is hte only bady part....

    the gear will only be a part of the goals... u need to work out how u want to perform... so if u wanna get more 'hops' then do jumping wokrouts... the gear will only help u gain muslce that you train for... *try a workout of the strength shoes, they worked great for me and would def help a bballer

    then lastly your diet can always improve... im not saying it has to be perfect with the cals and macros all tuned, but try to improve in areas that you are weak in...
    Last edited by Lemonada8; 02-09-2009 at 11:58 AM.

  10. #10
    WhiteShadow24's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info you guys. Any suggestions on what type of steroids would help out with what im looking for? What type of cylce if any should I look into? Just curious because I would like to know a little more in depth before I go looking around and doing research on the types I would be taking. Thanks again and if anyone has any more info on this I would appreciate it.

  11. #11
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    i would try turinabol : no injects, works fast, out of the system fast. eq is a bad choice.

  12. #12
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    bro listen, nobody likes to hear get your diet right but from what you said you dont have the right diet... if you did you wouldnt need aas... juggaman gave you good advise (the first time) you just didnt want to hear it... with out the right diet steroids will give you 15 lbs... and when you off you will loose it... cause you built it wrong

    so list your diet and let some one tell you yae or nae

  13. #13
    Winstrol@ is offline New Member
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    Test prop. is better than sustanon for increase strength, speed and jump If properly trained?

  14. #14
    WhiteShadow24's Avatar
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    The diets good. No junk food or fast food at all. Not really steady being that im in college and the lifestyle is never on a set routine so its hard for me to give an accurate exact diet plan that I follow you know. As for the "you just didnt want to hear it" comment. Ill just have to say obviously your not around too many finley tuned athletes at the pro or even college level. We stay active , training is serious and the sport that pays for my school is taken very seriously in my life. I was just looking to maximize my potential by gainin an extra edge. By you saying that you must not have checked some of the greatest athletes all over the world still doing AAS. I dont think Bonds, A-rod or anybody in the Olympics that has juiced was just sitting around eating Mc D's all day but they do what they got to do to gain a leg up on the comp. Im an athlete, not just some muschle head that wants to look good in a wife beater. I just want to enhance what I already have without blowing up and being some big stiff. Jigga thanks for the info, ima look in to it. By the way what the hell is a watermelon handshake? lol Thanks for the help yall any more input from anyone will be appreciated.

  15. #15
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    yea diet does not cure all,, some people just will not put on weight no matter how great they eat. If you wanna juice then juice, i dont know the testing regime in college basketball but stick to a testesterone and better if its cyp or enanthate . These will stay longer in your system than test prop though but are easier to take. Go read about them in the profiles.
    Last edited by chuckt12345; 02-10-2009 at 02:37 PM.

  16. #16
    Winstrol@ is offline New Member
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    Someone can answer my question!? If he know it!

    Test prop. is better than sustanon for increase strength, speed and jump If properly trained?

  17. #17
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winstrol@ View Post
    Someone can answer my question!? If he know it!

    Test prop. is better than sustanon for increase strength, speed and jump If properly trained?
    test is test man,, there would be no diffrence only the time it takes to kick in.

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