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  1. #1
    bugpack28 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2009

    First cycel startup, pics, questions, and results.

    Good afternoon everyone. I will be starting my first cycel this week after I get my snazz. I would first like to ask everyone what would be a great mass building cycle for me. I have always been a very lean person, never above 12% body fat. Im currently 5'11" at about 165 and train 5 to 6 days out of the week. While I was deployed I did 2 ph cycels with m1t which carries a lot of waterweight. I shot up to 190 with those cycles yet I was ignorant and started to show signs of gyno which is a bummer and a different story. My question for you guys with my size what would be a good cycle for me to take to get some mass on my muscle. I will post pics at least once a week for everyone to see my results once I start, from beg to end. I have already ordered my PCT Nolvadex (not novadex lol) because I don't want to screw around with the e word again lol. All information will be a great asset to me!!! I would think to use test of coarse and deca but im sure you guys/gals will have loads of knowledge for me to absorb. Thanks a lot.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    5'11 and 165lbs means you could stand to improve your diet first of all. Nolvadex only is a weak pct. AI's are better to run on cycle to deal with estrogen.

  3. #3
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    5'11 and 165lbs means you could stand to improve your diet first of all. Nolvadex only is a weak pct. AI's are better to run on cycle to deal with estrogen.
    Agreed, at 5'11 and 165 you need serious improvement with your training and diet. Until you tweak your diet and training you will not reach your goals no matter how many drugs you take. Try posting your diet and training routine in their respective sections of the site and see what guys say.

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Here you go, compliments of BIG

    If you're over 5'10" and under 170lbs read this...

  5. #5
    bugpack28 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2009
    once again I just started working out again; my strength is just starting to go up I might still be able to max 315 (highly doubt it).
    diet everyday is protein shake one rounded scoop, right when i wake up. Shower then eat then a bowl of total cireal and 4 egg whites...
    brunch is a banana, some sort of other fruit, then protein shake. Lunch is two tuna melts. Between lunch and dinner is a protein shake usually 2 scoops with ice cream and whole milk.
    For dinner lean slab of steak, or some chicken with rice and some veggies.
    before bed some casien protein.
    workouts vary a lot because I can't find a good workout that I like and truthfully im frusterated with my lack of strength because I just started hitting the gym after a 6 month off time. Yah long time but I have massive faith with my workouts because I absolutly blew up on my last deployment to afghanistan. My workouts are solid!!! And I am a very lean 165 right now less than 10%. If that is better info for you guys...

  6. #6
    bugpack28 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2009
    ohhh and nice post lol. Thanks for the heads up!!! Eat moreeee...

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