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  1. #1
    vic09 is offline New Member
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    Preparing for my first cycle.Help please!!

    Just about to start my first cycle and step over to the darkside as so many of you guys call it!I got a course of testosterone and oxybolin tablets but i'm nervous as hell and want to know;
    What gains should I expect?Bulk or hardner?
    Will I bloat out and retain much water?
    What should I be taking during and after the course,estrogen etc?
    Is it just shots in the cheeks,alternating them?
    These are probably your everyday run-of-the-mill questions so I apologise if these seem like stupid questions!Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    what ester is the test

    how much and how long are you running this

    what do you have for PCT

  3. #3
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    Training experience?

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    thanks jbm, i was just getting to that

    gains are not dependent on the gear, it is dependent on your diet and training

    bloat can be controlled with ancillaries like adex

    you should already have your PCT on hand and KNOW what you will need and take before EVER starting this cycle. POOR PLANNING on your part as things can go wrong with shipping and you could be screwed and left with man boobies and a limp noodle

  5. #5
    jbm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    thanks jbm, i was just getting to that

  6. #6
    vic09 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    thanks jbm, i was just getting to that

    gains are not dependent on the gear, it is dependent on your diet and training

    bloat can be controlled with ancillaries like adex

    you should already have your PCT on hand and KNOW what you will need and take before EVER starting this cycle. POOR PLANNING on your part as things can go wrong with shipping and you could be screwed and left with man boobies and a limp noodle
    Oh shit,big no no.
    Age? 25
    Bodyfat? 14%
    Training experience? 7years(approx)
    Weight? 202lbs
    Height? 6'3"

    I have my diet planned for the my cycle so i'm good with that!I'm hoping my results will be more of a hardner and defined than a big bulk up course.
    Wanna get this right so shoot me any info I need to know and take before and after and how long I have to take it for.Don't want to go rushing into it which is the reason why i'm here!!!Thank t-mos and jbm

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    what ester is the test

    how much and how long are you running this

    what do you have for PCT

    Did you happen to miss these questions?

    the rest looks ok... a little light for your height, but EAT during your cycle to grow

  8. #8
    vic09 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    Did you happen to miss these questions?

    the rest looks ok... a little light for your height, but EAT during your cycle to grow
    Light?Wow!I thought I was big.My abs area is letting me down.I have a flat midsection but the love-handles gotta go!the rest is ok though,they're my flaws!
    I'm really dense at this mate.Hoping to learn more.Could you explain what you mean by ester and pct?I just have my cycle sitting here.The befores,during and afters I need help with!

  9. #9
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    without pictures all we have to go on for size is a general height/weight comparision

    so a 6'3" person should be able to get to about 215-220 Naturally

    there are many factors involved so its just a

    Ester is what the testosterone is suspended in. the main ones are Test Prop, test Enanthate , Test cypionate , and then there are blends that have multi esters

    esters determine the rate at which the compound (in this case testosterone, will enter your blood)

    the ester is what determines how often you need to inject the compound

    Test Prop, ED or minimum EOD

    Test Enanthate or Cypionate, every 3.5 days

    test blends , EOD

    Test suspension , 3 times a day

    you shoudl NOT start your cycle until you have ALL pct compounds in hand also as that is the most important part

  10. #10
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    PCT is the MOST important part and you should have an understanding of it.

    It is what brings your natural test and hormones back to normal and up and running. Helps prevent estrogen build up after the cycle, and helps you get your natural libido back

    click that link and read until you understand it and have it

  11. #11
    vic09 is offline New Member
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    Ok i'm nearly sure its testo enanthate .I was told 2 shots a week.
    what pcts are recommended for this course and whats the dosage?
    I really don't want to bloat out if possible.Anything to prevent this also???

  12. #12
    vic09 is offline New Member
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    Ok so a mate of mine just started a cycle on sat of test e,nothing else and is not using pct's!!!tried to tell him but he just said ''no point,it's only test e and I don't do it all the time".Left him at it,I ain't goin that way!!!
    I'm ready to start mine now,2 shots a week into the glutes and have my diet planned out but just want to organise my pct's before starting.What pct's are recommended for a first course of test e?thanks again

  13. #13
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    tell your friend he is a fvcking moron and you hope he enjoys having no sex, no erections, and man boobies....using Test WILL shut down his natural production of Test, and if he isn't gonna use anything to get his natural turned back on after the cycle, he is going to have problems


    PCT and Cycle Recomendations: Estrogen, Progesterone and Cortisol control

  14. #14
    vic09 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    tell your friend he is a fvcking moron and you hope he enjoys having no sex, no erections, and man boobies....using Test WILL shut down his natural production of Test, and if he isn't gonna use anything to get his natural turned back on after the cycle, he is going to have problems


    PCT and Cycle Recomendations: Estrogen, Progesterone and Cortisol control

    I know dude.Told him but he said he did a course before christmas and put on a stone of muscle and no side-effects but his diet was crap and he did very little cardio!'ll have a quick read through this and come back with more questions.Thanks again for your comments.

  15. #15
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vic09 View Post
    I know dude.Told him but he said he did a course before christmas and put on a stone of muscle and no side-effects but his diet was crap and he did very little cardio!'ll have a quick read through this and come back with more questions.Thanks again for your comments.
    Read slow and take notes.

    Seriously. Lots of good info there.

  16. #16
    vic09 is offline New Member
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    Bout to read it now.Also,have a mate who's doing a cycle of winstrol and primo.He's telling me I should do this instead of the test e cycle.Should he be taking pcts for this aswell coz he's just finished his cycle and he's no plans of taking any.Says that cycle doesn't need it??????????/

  17. #17
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vic09 View Post
    Bout to read it now.Also,have a mate who's doing a cycle of winstrol and primo.He's telling me I should do this instead of the test e cycle.Should he be taking pcts for this aswell coz he's just finished his cycle and he's no plans of taking any.Says that cycle doesn't need it??????????/
    No, don't run winny/primo like that.

    That buddy is also an idiot.

    Yes, that will require pct.

  18. #18
    vic09 is offline New Member
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    This is all gold!thanks man.It's all very heavy.I read it there and i'm wondering how do I know which one suits me?Also,I was seeing gyno alot in there but don't know what it is.These are probably stupid questions but I wanna be sure to be sure!!!

  19. #19
    HuntMan's Avatar
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    This is kind of upsetting me reading about all of your friends. Thats two more people who are ignorant to the use of proper cylcing who if anything will happen to them (which it more than likely will) from no PCT the cause of steroid use will be blamed. Vic09, I urge you. If you say these people are your friends then you need to seriously help them. PCT and AAS is not something to mess around with. Those decisions now will carry on for the rest of there lives. Living on HRT. I'm sorry i'm ranting but it upsets me to actually see how many people use AAS uniformed. No harm to you Vic at least you have enough since to come on here and be honest and look for help.

  20. #20
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vic09 View Post
    Bout to read it now.Also,have a mate who's doing a cycle of winstrol and primo.He's telling me I should do this instead of the test e cycle.Should he be taking pcts for this aswell coz he's just finished his cycle and he's no plans of taking any.Says that cycle doesn't need it??????????/
    EVERY and I mean EVERY A A S cycle requires a good PCT IF and only IF you want to ensure your health and not risk screwing up your HPTA for life

    do they need to take PCT, hell no, they can do whatever they want to do to the one and only body they get.

    is it smart ? HELL NO

    but hey, if they don't want to listen, then fvck them....they will die off and who needs their DNA in the gene pool anyway if they are that pigheaded

  21. #21
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    without pictures all we have to go on for size is a general height/weight comparision

    so a 6'3" person should be able to get to about 215-220 Naturally

    how you figure that? Im around that height and i would never be able to get to that weight naturally.

  22. #22
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    without pictures all we have to go on for size is a general height/weight comparision

    so a 6'3" person should be able to get to about 215-220 Naturally

    how you figure that? Im around that height and i would never be able to get to that weight naturally.
    Just from experience through the years ... its not written in stone

  23. #23
    vic09 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    Just from experience through the years ... its not written in stone
    Agreed!I'm at it years and I can lift heavier than alot of guys who have done a good few cycles.I'm at 206 but I ake whey and casine and also thermonex tabs before training to give me that boost and it controls me from snacking aswell.Your health is your wealth which is why i'm here trying to get as much valuable info as possible before I do this!I've learned a good bit since joining here and want to do it 100% the correct way.
    I was told the oxybolin tabs are way too heavy for a first course so i'm goin with the testo and d-bols.I also have decca with my cycle but i've been put off that by people saying there's big side effects with it like aggression and break out's with spots.Any suggestions?

  24. #24
    Ozzy's Avatar
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    You don't need to know
    Sounds to me like you should wait awhile before you start anything. Read all you can and know by reading rather than asking. We all have opinions and you'll have your head spinning from it all. Get all your ducks in a row before making the jump. You woul;dn't jump out of a plane without a chute so......

  25. #25
    vic09 is offline New Member
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    Good point mate.It's not as easy as just doing the cycle.I've read an awful lot of stuff lately but how will I know what suits me???The likes of you experienced guys,how did you know where to start and which of what to take to suit your body.
    As for huntman's comment,it is sad and stupid to see my friends do what they are doing and I have said it to them.1 is getting a pct even though he has 3 weeks left on his cycle but unfortunately for him he doesn't know what to get.The other is just going ahead and doing his cycle with no pct.I don't understand him at all.Even worse I just found out today that another friend of mine started a cycle but tore his hamstring so he stopped it 3 weeks into it.It was a decca-sus course he was doin and I asked him what pct he had and he didn't know what a pct was?I really don't know how my so called mates coud be so gullable to go and do something with their body and not go and research it first.
    I spoke to a guy who's a personal trainer but also a former mr Ireland and he said to me to do the decc/testo wit d-bols and stay away from oxbolins and for a pct he said to go with nolva which he said he would get me.

  26. #26
    vic09 is offline New Member
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    Right,went into my mate today who runs one of the citys best nutrition shops to get a few supplements and have a chat bout my cycle.Again,was told to stay away from the oxybolins and he told me about the pcts.He suggested for the cycle of test e and d-bols that I get HCG which I should start 3 weeks before I finish my cycle,Clomid and Nolvadex when I have two injections left.What you guys think???
    Other good news is that I persuaded my mate to get pcts aswell so he got sense in the last 36 hours and went with them.Thanks god for this forum.Fvckin awesome!!!!

  27. #27
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    your welcome ,

    good luck

  28. #28
    vic09 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    your welcome ,

    good luck
    Hey t-mos,you've been most helpful.Do these pcts sound ok to you for my cycle?you've helped me the most with my thread!

  29. #29
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    I like Swifto's thread on PCT the best

    check it out

    Your timing is off on the PCT

    You start the clomid/nolva 14 days AFTER your last test E injection
    Last edited by T-MOS; 02-18-2009 at 08:50 PM.

  30. #30
    vic09 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    I like Swifto's thread on PCT the best

    check it out

    Your timing is off on the PCT

    You start the clomid/nolva 14 days AFTER your last test E injection
    Awesome!Thanks mate.
    I'll check swifto's thread now

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