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Thread: Hive problems

  1. #1
    Raxx is offline New Member
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    Hive problems


    I'm taking 1.5cc of test. Cypionate twice a week. One on Monday and another on Friday. So far I'm on my 5th week of test. The redness started around both my thighs on Sunday. It didn't bother me much, but that's where I shoot up at, thats why I'm so concerned if I could be allegric to this test.

    Well around noon Monday, the redness had spread around both my legs. During the day my head, ear, back of my neck started feeling hot and itcy. Not my face though. I took some benadryl, that helped a little.

    I woke up in the middle of the night to find that it had spread to my stomach, chest, and bumps (whelps) started to appear everywhere. I took a shower and another benadryl, and was able to fall a sleep.

    Today, Tuesday, the bumps and itchyness came and go all through out the day and I was taking benadryl 25mg every 3-4 hrs.

    I havn't changed my diet or ate anything out of the ordinary.

    Whats the chances of me being allergic to the test considering that I have been on this for 5 weeks?

    Has anyone else experience this problem?

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raxx View Post

    I'm taking 1.5cc of test. Cypionate twice a week. One on Monday and another on Friday. So far I'm on my 5th week of test. The redness started around both my thighs on Sunday. It didn't bother me much, but that's where I shoot up at, thats why I'm so concerned if I could be allegric to this test.

    Well around noon Monday, the redness had spread around both my legs. During the day my head, ear, back of my neck started feeling hot and itcy. Not my face though. I took some benadryl, that helped a little.

    I woke up in the middle of the night to find that it had spread to my stomach, chest, and bumps (whelps) started to appear everywhere. I took a shower and another benadryl, and was able to fall a sleep.

    Today, Tuesday, the bumps and itchyness came and go all through out the day and I was taking benadryl 25mg every 3-4 hrs.

    I havn't changed my diet or ate anything out of the ordinary.

    Whats the chances of me being allergic to the test considering that I have been on this for 5 weeks?

    Has anyone else experience this problem?
    get to the doc bro

    could be an infection that's spreading, or an allergic reaction to something in the test(it's not the test since you produce that naturally and if you were allergic to it you would probably have an autoimmune type disease) thought i would say the latter is unlikely since it's week 5 and the former is most likely

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