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Thread: Injection Pain

  1. #1
    Karo is offline Associate Member
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    Injection Pain

    I did a shot in my quad on Monday and i've developed some intense pain from it in the last few days. I'm a former emt and i'm very familiar with proper injection protocol. I cleaned the area with antiseptic and alcohol prior to the shot. The shot was 250mg of Test E and 200mgs of deca using a 22 guage 1 inch needle (buried it into my thigh). I injected very slowly and had no pain at all during the injection. When I removed the needle it bled more than usual but stopped as soon as I put the bandaid on it. Tuesday morning my leg started to hurt pretty bad. The injection site looks fine. No redness, swelling or bruising at all. The muscle to the left of the injection site is really hurting and 7 inches below the injection site in the area right above my knee is killing me. It almost feels like the oil is sitting above my knee and causing me a lot of pain. I injected 300mg of Test E into this spot last week with no pain at all. The leg looks fine. No swelling, rash or redness but I got up this morning and the pain is much worse. I can't squat down all the way and i'm almost limping it's so bad. At first I was thinking that it didn't get into the muscle and the oil is sitting between my skin and the muscle but I buried the needle into my thigh and there is no fat there at all.
    I have plenty of antibiotics on hand but from everything I read it doesn't sound like an injection so i'm hesitant to start taking them. If it gets any worse i'm going to have a very noticeable limp. I won't be able to do legs today because of this.
    My gear is from a very well-known, well-respected lab and friends of mine are currently using the same compounds (and have done so for years) without problems so I doubt that the gear is the problem.
    Can anyone shed some light on this for me? I'm getting really concerned.

    Thanks a lot


  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    probably just normal injection pain, it will get easier as time goes one, but you just injected an oil into virgin muscle that's not used to it, so it's going to be sore

    you should be fine

  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    If this was your first steroid injection, then this is normal, as Phate stated, Virgin Muscle Syndrome. it will pass in a few days and your muscles will get used to it after a while
    stretching the muscle, massage and heat may help a bit

  4. #4
    Karo is offline Associate Member
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    This was the second time that I injected into this spot (first was last week). It boggles me because there is no pain or redness/swelling at the injection site at all. The pain is 3 inches to the side and below the injection site down by my knee. I can't even squat down all the way and i'm limping a little. I've been reading about the subject for the last two days and I don't have any signs of infection.
    I hope you guys are right and it will pass. I can deal with the pain but I don't want it to turn into something worse. Thanks for the input.


  5. #5
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karo View Post
    This was the second time that I injected into this spot (first was last week). It boggles me because there is no pain or redness/swelling at the injection site at all. The pain is 3 inches to the side and below the injection site down by my knee. I can't even squat down all the way and i'm limping a little. I've been reading about the subject for the last two days and I don't have any signs of infection.
    I hope you guys are right and it will pass. I can deal with the pain but I don't want it to turn into something worse. Thanks for the input.

    you could have hit a nerve, give it 2-3 more days and try a different set of injection sites to see if you get the same pain, delts would be a good choice

  6. #6
    Karo is offline Associate Member
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    Update. The pain is much better this morning and feels like it is going away.
    The shot in question (Monday's shot) was my first shot of Deca . I have been doing shots of test in the same spots with no pain at all. For this shot I loaded the Deca in first and then the Test and it seemed to burn a little bit at the end of the shot (when the deca was going in). Today I did the exact same shot in the other leg but I loaded the Test first then the Deca. I had a noticeable burning as I began to inject and the Deca started going in but the end of the shot was painless.
    I'm wondering if there isn't something wrong with the Deca? Higher alchohol %? I've done Deca before and can't ever remember it burning/stinging on the way in. My gear is from a very reliable, well-reviewed UGL that all my friend's have used for years without issue.
    If I get the same symptoms from today's shot that I did from Monday's shot i'll know it is the Deca that is causing it and i'll have to discontinue it.

    Thanks guys


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