My Story:
About 8 months ago a buddy of mine was was taking "Fina-Jet" a Horse steroid . Long story short.. I shouldn't have taken it.. (Im not sure why) I say this because 3-4 weeks into that cycle i didn't feel my self. Emotional and NO sex drive. I decided to go get a blood test to see what was up. I had a testosterone level of 35, and a estrogen level of a woman in menopause. Just wonderful. I went to a Testosterone Therapy clinic to get my PT Meds
(Clomid & HCG 21 days). 1st week i felt back to normal, and went back to get another Blood test a few weeks later. Everything was normal. FH, LH Normal range. Test= 300. Estrogen= 17. I called back 1 month later for Test. Therapy. Test Cyp. 200mg/week for 10 weeks. and 21 days of PT meds following. Felt great with no problems like before. Blood test 1 month later FH, LH, and Estrogen all Normal ranges, but with a Test level of 229. 12 Points lower then Low end of Ref. Range(241). Im writing this 4 months after my cycle, taking Tribulus-Pro for 1 month. I have noticed the effects, but only in my sex drive.

Question 1) As i feel that the Tribulus is working, if my test levels will increase some what, will they stay in a healthy range? or will they go back down to Below Normal (229).

Question 2) I understand Test levels will decrease coming off of a cycle, were mine lower then one would expect?