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  1. #1
    acema is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    bulk or cut 1st?

    hi guys i haf some qns.

    172 pounds
    bf 17%
    20 years old

    This is my 1st cycle. i have been taking steriods for 5 week.(winny oral + clen ).
    50mg of winny on every other day. Before i start my cycle i was 163 pounds. but after the 5th week of my cycle, i gain 9 pounds.

    i lift 4 days per week on mon,tue,thur and fri. i do slow jog straight after lifting for 30min-40min or cycle for 30min-40min at heart rate of 140 follow by 50g for protein powder after my workout

    Been eating clean and trying to focus on high protein diet as i eat outside and it hard for me to cook my own meals.

    but my problem is that i aim to get a shredded and lean look, with more cutting and lose body fats. but instead of losing weight. im actually gain 9 pounds over 5 weeks.

    i been reading alot daily and read up that in your 1st cycle you shld build muscles 1st than cut it. as my bf is quite high. my qns is that should i bulk to build more muscle den cut or just cut all the wae?
    pls advice wat shld i do.

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    Mar 2008
    For one your too young to be using and for 2 thats a horrible cycle and 3 you should learn to diet

  3. #3
    RoidBoid's Avatar
    RoidBoid is offline Member
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    wt is that...... dear or dear ..... this website is a magnet for them

  4. #4
    GauchB's Avatar
    GauchB is offline Associate Member
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    before you do a cycle get into good diet/ workout habits and imo wait atleast another 5 years. 5 years of diet and training you would be surprised you will look like your on something if you do it right.

  5. #5
    HuntMan's Avatar
    HuntMan is offline Associate Member
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    Diet, Diet, Diet, Diet, Diet, Diet. Train, Train, Train. Sleep, Sleep, Read, Read. Then once you gain about thirty pounds naturally and get your body fat down to at least 12% then CONSIDER AAS.

  6. #6
    perry75K is offline New Member
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    Oct 2008
    there is no recipe to using aas as far as bulk/cutting goes. (its not easier to bulk when your far or cut down, all bout diet) and winny + clen sucks a good first cycle would be best E with d-bol or somthing along those lines.

  7. #7
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    south Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by acema View Post
    hi guys i haf some qns.

    172 pounds
    bf 17%
    20 years old

    This is my 1st cycle. i have been taking steriods for 5 week.(winny oral + clen ).
    50mg of winny on every other day. Before i start my cycle i was 163 pounds. but after the 5th week of my cycle, i gain 9 pounds.

    i lift 4 days per week on mon,tue,thur and fri. i do slow jog straight after lifting for 30min-40min or cycle for 30min-40min at heart rate of 140 follow by 50g for protein powder after my workout

    Been eating clean and trying to focus on high protein diet as i eat outside and it hard for me to cook my own meals.

    but my problem is that i aim to get a shredded and lean look, with more cutting and lose body fats. but instead of losing weight. im actually gain 9 pounds over 5 weeks.

    i been reading alot daily and read up that in your 1st cycle you shld build muscles 1st than cut it. as my bf is quite high. my qns is that should i bulk to build more muscle den cut or just cut all the wae?
    pls advice wat shld i do.


  8. #8
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
    "Maximus" is offline Anabolic Member
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    "Unleash Hell"
    Learn how to diet, exercise, and rest better! Then in 3 years from now after setting yourself with a strong, solid record on those 3 and after insightful research, then start thinking about cycling, if in deed you determine that you need it!

    Best of lucks!

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