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  1. #1
    R1dinReal's Avatar
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    BodyFat % and cycle?

    What type of issues can occur if using Test and your body fat is above 15%? I have started my frist cycle and i am into my second shot of 200mg Cyp 400mg a week. i am not sure what my body fat% is at but i have been lifting for about 3 1/2 years. i started fat and low muscle but i have now lost alot of the fat and gained alot of muscle (started benching 135lbs for 6 now max 315+) i am now always eating, eating, eating to get bigger and more gains so i do have a little stomach fat which leads me to belive i am maybe 17 to 19% but the rest of me is in pretty good shape. i am about Ht 5.10, lbs 215 and my diet is oatmeal, eggwhites, and protein shake in the morning. afternoon chicken breast and brown rice, Dinner steak and salad with some rice or carb of sort. I eat 3 snacks in between of fuit protein shakes and mixed nuts. Should i quit my cycle now? i am new to steroids and not looking for the quick fix but am at a sticking point and need to get past it.

  2. #2
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Higher BF can lead to more estrogen related sides...i.e....gyno
    12-15% is a baseline...but alot of it is dependent upon the individual

    Congrats on your lifts...that's a big jump in the bench dept.

    Run your cycle, just be educated and prepared to deal with potential sides, and make sure you have all of the weapons in your arsenal to combat any sides. (Adex/nolva)

    also make sure to have your PCT up to speed and an in-depth understanding of it (nolva/clomid).

    make sure and eat clean (avoid bad fats and sodium)....get in some cardio

    what are your goals? Diet looks a little suspect, but not awful (make sure and eat enough whole food sources)....protein drinks are not meal supplements.

  3. #3
    R1dinReal's Avatar
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    my goals are to put some size on my arms 17 3/4in for the past year) and get my bench progress jumpstarted again. it seems that no matter what i do i get stuck in these to places now. i have some nolvadex on hand just in case. is there any time frame during a cycle that you are more suseptable to gyno or could it just be at anytime? i appreciate your help! as for my diet do you think i am under doing it or over?

  4. #4
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    WISH my bench could go up 200lbs

  5. #5
    R1dinReal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    WISH my bench could go up 200lbs
    Thanks i worked hard to get there. My problems is that when ever i try to cut in a little i start to loose it. i am hoping from my cycle to make some gains that will alow me to push through the sticking points and cut some more fat without dropping my lifts where i am now.

  6. #6
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R1dinReal View Post
    my goals are to put some size on my arms 17 3/4in for the past year) and get my bench progress jumpstarted again. it seems that no matter what i do i get stuck in these to places now. i have some nolvadex on hand just in case. is there any time frame during a cycle that you are more suseptable to gyno or could it just be at anytime? i appreciate your help! as for my diet do you think i am under doing it or over?

    Hopefully it's to put size on everywhere! I am a big fan of "curls for girls" though!

    I've never had to deal with gyno (knocking on wood) but my lifting partner has, and he said it came on towards the end of his cycle....but from wht I've read is that it can come on at any time!

    For your bench...the test will give your strength and can help bust thru a plateau, but the trick is keeping it there after the cycle has ended (thats where, PCT, diet and your routine come into play). Adex would be a good choice while on cycle for gyno (my bro runs liqui-dex @ .25 eod with much success) Do yourself a favor and understand AI's/SERM's inside and out and read all of the PCT stickies...then come back if you have more ?'s. They will really help address your concerns (sounds liek gyno is your concern, which it should be, but also keeping your gains, and jumpstarting your HPTA upon cessation of your cycle)

    I'm no diet guru, but I know you need to eat big to grow big...I dont trip on macros, weighing my food, fat/carbs/protein balance....but was lucky enough to get some help in the department. I've been trying to bulk and have not had to pay as much attention to it as I will when I start to cut (i also get lazy in dieting too). Theres a great diet section as could post what you typically eat for a critique. Currently I eat around 6500 (fat -194...carbs -670 protein -546) calories a day, but I'm about 230 and trying to get to 245
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 02-18-2009 at 02:28 PM.

  7. #7
    R1dinReal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Hopefully it's to put size on everywhere! I am a big fan of "curls for girls" though!

    I've never had to deal with gyno (knocking on wood) but my lifting partner has, and he said it came on towards the end of his cycle....but from wht I've read is that it can come on at any time!

    For your bench...the test will give your strength and can help bust thru a plateau, but the trick is keeping it there after the cycle has ended (thats where, PCT, diet and your routine come into play). Adex would be a good choice while on cycle for gyno (my bro runs liqui-dex @ .25 eod with much success) Do yourself a favor and understand AI's/SERM's inside and out and read all of the PCT stickies...then come back if you have more ?'s. They will really help address your concerns (sounds liek gyno is your concern, which it should be, but also keeping your gains, and jumpstarting your HPTA upon cessation of your cycle)

    I'm no diet guru, but I know you need to eat big to grow big...I dont trip on macros, weighing my food, fat/carbs/protein balance....but was lucky enough to get some help in the department. I've been trying to bulk and have not had to pay as much attention to it as I will when I start to cut (i also get lazy in dieting too). Theres a great diet section as could post what you typically eat for a critique. Currently I eat around 6500 (fat -194...carbs -670 protein -546) calories a day, but I'm about 230 and trying to get to 245
    Sounds good thank you for your help!

  8. #8
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Ok when I first started using AAS I was 23% BF because I didnt know what I was doing... young and dumb. The only thing that happened to me was my BP was a lil more elevated above normal. Other than that I dropped 7% BF during the cycle. And I didn't have fatty deposits on my tits anymore or love handles so of course I was ecstatic. My first cycle was PROP 50 mgs ED for 50 days.

    I honestly don't think BF % is as bad as everyone makes it out to be.. or I may just be an extreme case that nothing bad happened to me. Of course while I was ON my diet was super clean and I cardio(ed) the he11 out of myself. So yah I mean now in hindsight I am surprised that I didn't have a ton of problems go wrong with me. Like make my bitch tits worse. I guess since I was building more muscle the fatty deposits I had on my just evaporated during the course of cycle because Muscle burns fat. Whatever the reason I was good to go. As a seasoned AAS user now though I know better and wont go on a cycle unless I am 18% BF or under...

  9. #9
    R1dinReal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Ok when I first started using AAS I was 23% BF because I didnt know what I was doing... young and dumb. The only thing that happened to me was my BP was a lil more elevated above normal. Other than that I dropped 7% BF during the cycle. And I didn't have fatty deposits on my tits anymore or love handles so of course I was ecstatic. My first cycle was PROP 50 mgs ED for 50 days.

    I honestly don't think BF % is as bad as everyone makes it out to be.. or I may just be an extreme case that nothing bad happened to me. Of course while I was ON my diet was super clean and I cardio(ed) the he11 out of myself. So yah I mean now in hindsight I am surprised that I didn't have a ton of problems go wrong with me. Like make my bitch tits worse. I guess since I was building more muscle the fatty deposits I had on my just evaporated during the course of cycle because Muscle burns fat. Whatever the reason I was good to go. As a seasoned AAS user now though I know better and wont go on a cycle unless I am 18% BF or under...
    Thanks for the advice. I hope all turns out ok as well and getting BF checked soon so hoping that i am under 18%. Its hard to say since i have never had it done and don't know what to base myself off of.

  10. #10
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    BODY FAT CALCULATOR AT h t t p : / / w w w . l i n e a r - s o f t w a r e . c o m / o n l i n e . h t m l (take out all those spaces and put it in the address bar) ..ENTER IN YOUR HEIGHT,AGE, WEIGHT AND THE MEASUREMENT OF YOUR ABDOMEN AND NECK AND DOES A MATHEMATICAL CALCULATION AND BANG YOU HAVE YOU BODY FAT PERCENTAGE.

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