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  1. #1
    MikeC123 is offline New Member
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    Leaning out question-NEW TO FORUM

    I am interested in leaning down without losing my size. I have looked at the use of Eq with Masteron and a bit of Test for the SD. Would this work or is their a better combo??

    I am new to forum so sorry for ignorace.


  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Welcome. We would like to know your stats first lol.
    Body fat%
    Training history
    Cycle history

  3. #3
    MikeC123 is offline New Member
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    227 lbs
    8-9% BF

    Previous Cycle:

    Deca 200MG per week, with Test Cyp 400MG per week for 12 weeks.

    Very clean, but still taking in carbs(but clean carbs). Protein intake is about 200-250 per day.


    2 on 1 off for weight training. Cardio about 3 times weekly. I am a spinning instructor also and teach 2 weekly.

    I am lean in my arm, legs and shoulders. Have 4 pack but am struggling to get the bottom of my abbs out. Also have some fat in the mid to lower back, not alot but I want it gone.

    Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


  4. #4
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC123 View Post
    227 lbs
    8-9% BF

    Previous Cycle:

    Deca 200MG per week, with Test Cyp 400MG per week for 12 weeks.

    Very clean, but still taking in carbs(but clean carbs). Protein intake is about 200-250 per day.
    post this in detail and we'll critique it, include macros and such if possible

    2 on 1 off for weight training. Cardio about 3 times weekly. I am a spinning instructor also and teach 2 weekly.
    increase cardio to 6-7x weekly, low intensity in the morning on an empty stomach(i'll explain this more if you like)
    I am lean in my arm, legs and shoulders. Have 4 pack but am struggling to get the bottom of my abbs out. Also have some fat in the mid to lower back, not alot but I want it gone.
    can you post a pic with your face edited out, i think you are actually higher than 8-9% as at that low of a bf% you should have a full six-pack or very close
    Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


  5. #5
    MikeC123 is offline New Member
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    2packages of oatmeal with a little honey.

    10 am, ISOPURE 40 grams P

    Typically Chicken breast or Turkey with Veg

    2 PM, ISOPURE 40

    Chicken, Talapia, Pork Chop and Veg

    Post Dinner
    Egg white omelette, about 10 eggs, and turkey

    Water intake about a gallon a day. Also take supplements, like glutamine, l carnitine, CLA, all the *****s, and a multi.

    I agree, I do not believe when I got tested with regards to the 8-9 % BF.

    Please eloborate on the cardio on the empty stomach. The 6-7 X per week, what is the length and what should my heart rate max out at???????

  6. #6
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    30-45 minutes with BPM 120-135 is what I would recommend.

  7. #7
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC123 View Post

    2packages of oatmeal with a little honey.

    10 am, ISOPURE 40 grams P

    Typically Chicken breast or Turkey with Veg

    2 PM, ISOPURE 40

    Chicken, Talapia, Pork Chop and Veg

    Post Dinner
    Egg white omelette, about 10 eggs, and turkey

    Water intake about a gallon a day. Also take supplements, like glutamine, l carnitine, CLA, all the *****s, and a multi.

    I agree, I do not believe when I got tested with regards to the 8-9 % BF.

    Please eloborate on the cardio on the empty stomach. The 6-7 X per week, what is the length and what should my heart rate max out at???????
    i don't think you need two shakes and you could probably add another meal or so, i'll critique it if you likee

    on the cardio

    doing cardio on an empty stomach(first thing in the morning before you eat) is one of the best, if not the best, method of burning fat

    the reason for this is that when you wake up your body is in a glycogen depleted state(one of the reasons people like sweets/carbs in the morning) so doing cardio at a low intensity at this time is great because your body has no choice but to use fat for energy in the absence of glycogen

    to perform low intensity cardio i suggest walking on an incline or using a stationary bike(or anything that you can keep a consistent pace on really) and walk/bike/whatever for 35-40minutes(no longer than that though) and keep your heart rate between 110-130

    that's it, doing cardio this way is aerobic(you shouldn't be gasping for air) and burns a higher percentage of calories from fat

  8. #8
    MikeC123 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the help on the cardio. i had heard this but did not apply.

    if you could help with the diet I would greatly appreciate. please critique, i have think skin and know that im doing something wrong.

    what do you think of my choice to cycle with??? should it help accomplish my goal??


  9. #9
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC123 View Post

    2packages of oatmeal with a little honey.
    need protein here, i try to get 50g per meal, lose the honey and lose splenda/cinnamon, btw, i hope that is not the sugared oatmeal, if it is drop it, personally i like 5 minutes oatmeal raw
    10 am, ISOPURE 40 grams P
    no point in having a shake here that i can see, get some solid food, tuna and bananas sounds good to me
    Typically Chicken breast or Turkey with Veg
    not bad, but add a good carb source here to compliment the veges, how bout some red potatos or sweet potatos
    2 PM, ISOPURE 40
    is this PWO? if so you need carbs with it, up the protein to 50-60g and the carbs to the same here from a good clean source
    Chicken, Talapia, Pork Chop and Veg
    again something to compliment the veges would be nice
    Post Dinner
    Egg white omelette, about 10 eggs, and turkey
    not bad, last meal should have some good fats in it, so add some nuts here or a good oil
    Water intake about a gallon a day. Also take supplements, like glutamine, l carnitine, CLA, all the *****s, and a multi.

    I agree, I do not believe when I got tested with regards to the 8-9 % BF.

    Please eloborate on the cardio on the empty stomach. The 6-7 X per week, what is the length and what should my heart rate max out at???????
    as far as your cycle, i don't cycle so i can't go on personal experience but i would bet that a test prop cycle at 500-600mg/wk with winny at the end would be good for your goals, though test/eq/masteron is also a good cycle if your bf% is low enough to allow maximal results from the masteron

  10. #10
    MikeC123 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the tips and suggestions.

    a couple of questions.

    breakfast should be after cardio, so after I do cardio I should eat and not go do weights??? if I do go do weight train then I will have zero energy.

    Why the fat for the last meal???

    What is PWO?

    Sorry for the question, im really trying to cut down on my bf% before May 14th.

  11. #11
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC123 View Post
    thanks for the tips and suggestions.

    a couple of questions.

    breakfast should be after cardio, so after I do cardio I should eat and not go do weights??? if I do go do weight train then I will have zero energy.
    eat after cardio, and i would hold off on weight training, reason being weight lifting is very anaerobic(you use more oxygen lifting then your body can get to the muscle, like the difference between sprinting and walking), and anaerobic activity uses glycogen as it's main energy source, so if you do weight lifting your body will be trying to find something to use for energy and you will start to break down muscle for energy, which is not good at all, wait till later in the day for your lifting

    Why the fat for the last meal???
    fat slows digestion and after your last meal you will be taking an 8 hour break or so without eating(you'll be sleeping so unless you get up during the night and pound down a shake you'll be foodless for 8 hours), so for your last meal you want a steady release of protein into your system to keep you in an anabolic state during sleep, eating protein with fat will help with this as it will take your body longer to digest a protein/fat meal than a protein/carb meal

    What is PWO?
    PWO stands for Post WorkOut, it's the meal directly after weightlifting
    Sorry for the question, im really trying to cut down on my bf% before May 14th.
    no problem at all bro, that's what we're here for, ask away

  12. #12
    MikeC123 is offline New Member
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    phate thanks for the information. I thought I was doing it right, but im way off. I have to change my entire workout routine. I do weights in the AM and Cardio at night. Additionally my diet is pretty close, needs some modification but not much. Dieting for me is no problem.

    Now the final piece is what to take.


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