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  1. #1
    bodybuilder200 is offline New Member
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    Are there any performance steroids cardiovascularily


    I know there is a lot of gear and phs out there that promote muscle growth, but are there any that promote cardiovascular performance. I know Eq can increase the amount of red blood cells, and that clen can sometimes have a good effect on the lung performance since it's an asthma drug, but are there any drugs that specifically improve your cardio performance. For example, if a person can run a 7 minute mile, and if he took this, he would soon improve to a 6 min or even 5 min mile. I know about blood doping, and it's gotta be expensive, but is there anything else?

  2. #2
    honda450's Avatar
    honda450 is offline Associate Member
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    Erythropoietin (EPO) is a primary growth factor which helps regulate the red blood cell formation. Endurance athletes are highly attracted to this compound because of its effect on red blood cell production. The chemical doping effect of EPO is the same as the traditional doping effect of removing the blood from the body and letting the body to remake the lost volume afterwards adding the removed amount of blood to increase the number of red cells. The serious bodybuilder would find this compound effective for endurance and intensity of workout in the precontest prep as well as recovery which is due to the increased oxygen carrying capacity to the working muscles.

  3. #3
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by honda450 View Post
    Erythropoietin (EPO) is a primary growth factor which helps regulate the red blood cell formation. Endurance athletes are highly attracted to this compound because of its effect on red blood cell production. The chemical doping effect of EPO is the same as the traditional doping effect of removing the blood from the body and letting the body to remake the lost volume afterwards adding the removed amount of blood to increase the number of red cells. The serious bodybuilder would find this compound effective for endurance and intensity of workout in the precontest prep as well as recovery which is due to the increased oxygen carrying capacity to the working muscles.
    Both methods are banned from IOC, so if you are in an endurance sport becareful because they test for both.

  4. #4
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    just google what all the athletes (runners, cyclists) have been busted for... winny comes to mind and i believe anadrol also boost red blood cells - scroll down to bottom - ditto

    and in my opinion - the benis of steroids and endurance is 3 - 5 %

    i did anadrol and sust ... and built some good strength that year i broke the local time trial record 12 times... i also used a hypoxia training to elevate my red blood cells ability to carry oxygen (info for runners -

    i can recomend a device if you would like... but here is a sight that will help explain how it works - i use a device that when i bought it was like 300 dollars and it totally works!!!

  5. #5
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    just google what all the athletes (runners, cyclists) have been busted for... winny comes to mind and i believe anadrol also boost red blood cells - scroll down to bottom - ditto

    and in my opinion - the benis of steroids and endurance is 3 - 5 %

    i did anadrol and sust ... and built some good strength that year i broke the local time trial record 12 times... i also used a hypoxia training to elevate my red blood cells ability to carry oxygen (info for runners -

    i can recomend a device if you would like... but here is a sight that will help explain how it works - i use a device that when i bought it was like 300 dollars and it totally works!!!

    Yeah landis had a home-made altitude chamber he slept in and that causes rise in RBC and he failed a drug test and they thought he was on EOP. I saw that in Bigger Stronger Faster.

    So that def. works

  6. #6
    lifthard2005's Avatar
    lifthard2005 is offline Associate Member
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    winstrol wreaks havic on your joints, i have no idea how Carl lewis used this in the Olympics yrs ago.

    equipoise , EPO, and primobolan i would say are the endurance compounds

  7. #7
    romo6 is offline Senior Member
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    Ben johnson also got busted for winstrol .

  8. #8
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifthard2005 View Post
    winstrol wreaks havic on your joints, i have no idea how Carl lewis used this in the Olympics yrs ago.

    equipoise, EPO, and primobolan i would say are the endurance compounds
    I don't remember anything about Carl Lewis using Winstrol, I know Ben Johnson got busted for it. I know that Carl Lewis was reported using stimulants.

  9. #9
    bodybuilder200 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info. I'm not going to be in any situation to be tested anytime soon but anyway. I'm on an eq testc dbol cycle right now and I've noticed that the dbol is really not helping my cardio at all. Have u guys noticed this as well? By the way have you guys noticed an effect on cardio from clen at all?
    Last edited by bodybuilder200; 02-23-2009 at 09:48 PM.

  10. #10
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybuilder200 View Post
    Thanks for the info. I'm not going to be in any situation to be tested anytime soon but anyway. I'm on an eq testc dbol cycle right now and I've noticed that the dbol is really not helping my cardio at all. Have u guys noticed this as well? By the way have you guys noticed an effect on cardio from clen at all?
    I think its the high blood pressure from dbol that worsens cardio capacity because that higher blood pressure just makes your heart work even harder for just normal everyday things.

  11. #11
    bmit is offline Member
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    Test seems to help my cardio. Tren kills it

  12. #12
    romo6 is offline Senior Member
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    Oh yea tren is out of the question.

  13. #13
    Pittbull78's Avatar
    Pittbull78 is offline Junior Member
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    For optimal cardiovascular perfomance there some compounds that may help and many that are either useless or can actually decrease your performance.

    First lets look at what you should avoid: Anadrol , Dianabol , and Tren are clearly contraindicated for your purposes. Anadrol may increase hemocrit, but the reality is that all of these drugs cause rises in blood pressure, and while there are brief periods where one feels more amped on them - as a rule they actually will make you more sluggish.

    I have found that winstrol has improved my cardio better than any other single drug. And works quite well in combination with EQ. With these drugs there is little excess water retention, a noticeable increase in strength, a boost in your RBC count, and little to know increase in blood pressure. I will add that I have experienced a significant jump in blood pressure when runnning EQ at 600 or more mgs per week, so if you choose EQ as one of your weapons be sure to keep it to 350 to 400 mgs per week. I suspect the jump in blood pressure was due to the increase in blood volume, which may have been too much of a good thing in my case.

    I would avoid EPO altogether - I don't usually say this about most things - but this drug is quite dangerous. It seems great on the surface but the reality is taking to much will turn your blood into a thick syrup. Most people think that the late Andreas Munzer died from diruetics but in fact it was EPO that really did him in. In particular, the combination of the two is extremely dangerous. But since we are talking about doing cardio, and cardio can easily lead to dehydration, EPO will only make things worse. The important point is too much of a good thing - in this case higher RBC content and overall blood volume, can lead to some rather unpleasant situations, so do your homework if you are considering EPO.

  14. #14
    bodybuilder200 is offline New Member
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    Does clen help at all with cardio? Thanks for all the other info pitbull, much obliged.

  15. #15
    tigeredge is offline Junior Member
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    i was like a leopard on decca and test propionate

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