CRAZY idea but read on..............I have this idea and although I know it is crazy I think it might actually work. Hear me out...My left arm is half an inch smaller than my right arm and for some reason weaker, although I AM a left handed person. Most of the loss of mass is in the outer head of my lower bicep...if you can feel me there. The way I figure it if I could increase blood flow to the left bicep area that should give it extra nitrogen, nutrients, ect. But increase blood flow to the left bicep only and not the right so it grows and not the right bicep. I would figure if I increased blood flow to that area the blood will get to more muscle cells which I just worked out today and some how, although I dont know the details of it, make the muscle bigger. Anyone got any opnions? I know it sounds wild but we all like new things don't we? I mean ECA stack has aspirin to thin the blood so it gets to more cells. How do you increase the blood flow you ask? BENGAY the cream!!! It increases blood flow to the area applied (as stated on the commercial)...anyway give me all you opninions on this idea. I mean I have tried everything to get the left bicep up with the right and it won't trying any more is out of the question.