02-25-2009, 01:14 PM #1
what should I expect..... tren ace, abombs and test e...
Well I am just pretty curious as to what you guys think I should expect from this cycle.... a little history and then I'll tell you how my cycle is as of now...
I started working out again in oct. 2007 but before I did I snapped a before picture just to keep for motivation and progress comparison..... here is what I looked like... 6'2" 220 lbs
I worked out for about 3 months before taking anything other than tren extreme that I picked up from my local nutrition shop.... that seemed to help out nicely but I was in the works of ordering my cycle. I started this cycle:
wk 1-13 test e 500mg week
wk 1-10 tren e 400mg per week
That cycle ended around sept. of '08 and this is what i looked like after about 11 months.... 6'2" 190lbs blue eyes
Ok so what I'm wanting to get at is I have gained a bit of bf% since then because of a new job I took on.... the last 3 months I have been traveling about 80% of the time which sucked! It through me way off track so I'm guessing my bf% right now is around 15-17% tops.... I quit that position recently because it was killing my life style and I really didn't want to live that way. Now I'm back on track and am more motivated than ever before! I just started this cycle:
wk 1-13 test e 500mg week (front load 1g first week)
wk 2-11 tren ace 400mg per week (started week 2 cause I couldn't week 1)
wk 1-6 anadrol 50mg per day
currently i'm in week 2 of my cycle.... 7 days on anadrol and just did my second front load injection the other day.
I'm just curious and am looking for opinions....
**I really want to be ripped up by summer time but also want to get some good nice size as well, should I be 'bulking' for the first 6 weeks? and then after the drol should I be cutting up? or should I just be eating lots of CLEAN foods and get some dnp , clen /t3 for later on to shred me up?
**will the anadrol make a huge difference from my first cycle listed above? Also will the tren ace be much better than the tren e i used do you think?
Oh yeah I haven't done any cardio between that first and second pic..... I'm guessing if I added cardio I'd have to eat even more while bulking? or maybe I shouldn't do cardio while on the anadrol? Honestly I don't see many questions in this post but maybe if anyone is bored and wants to help me out with a few pointers or words of advice i'd certainly appreciate it!
My diet is pretty good right now and I'm happy about it.... I'm intaking about 350-400g protein daily with about 200g carbs and about 50-70g fat which puts me around 2800-3200 calories a day... It's hard for me to get back into eating a lot but I'm getting used to it again. Thanks for any help, tips, advice that can be offered! I'm really getting excited to see what this adrol will do as well as this tren ace.Last edited by tripmachine; 02-25-2009 at 01:44 PM.
02-25-2009, 01:42 PM #2
oh yeah.... will this assist in getting me lots of pu$$y this summer too!?!?! ;]
02-25-2009, 01:46 PM #3
02-25-2009, 02:02 PM #4
This is probably my 6th cycle I'd have to say..... I've started off with a dbol only cycle a long time ago which I regretted of course... I have done test only before at 250mg per week which wasn't major but it worked out for me even though it was such a low dose. I have done dbol 50mg/day, test e 500mg /wk I've also done deca 300mg wk, test 500mg, wk and the cycle i stated in the first post....
I still am 6'2" tall and now I currently weigh about 195lbs My body fat is just a guess but it's probably pretty accurate... I have already started the cycle at being 15-16% so I'm probably not going to stop it right now to drop 1-2% bf and start it up again unless you suggest that is a good idea.....?
I don't mind eating more carbs than that at all..... I love carbs! I would love to increase those so I will..... let me post a sample diet of what I generally eat each day.
total calories: 2934
Fat(g) Carbs(g) Prot(g) KCals
76.34 212.66 358.83 2934
Breakfast 5.23 57.64 60.54 507
3/4 cup, dry, yields Oatmeal 3.58 38.05 9.09 218
1 serving Perfect Low Carb Isopure Whey Protein Isolate - Dutch Chocolate 1.00 3.00 50.00 220
1 1/2 cups whole Strawberries 0.65 16.59 1.45 69
Add Item
Lunch 47.61 61.63 68.92 911
12 Almonds 7.29 2.84 3.06 83
0.4 can Canned Tuna 0.52 - 16.33 74
1 serving Fat Free Cottage Cheese - 5.00 14.00 80
1 serving Fat Free Cottage Cheese - 5.00 14.00 80
2 servings Lo-carb Monster Energy - 6.00 - 20
3 oz Pistachio Nuts 37.80 23.79 17.53 474
1 serving Seven Grain Bread 2.00 19.00 4.00 100
Add Item
Dinner 2.27 28.25 85.83 469
0.4 can Canned Tuna 0.52 - 16.33 74
1 serving Double Fiber Bread 1.00 16.00 4.00 70
2 servings Fat Free Cottage Cheese - 10.00 28.00 160
3/4 serving isopure 0.75 2.25 37.50 165
Add Item
Snacks / Other 21.23 65.14 143.54 1047
1 1/2 servings Fat Free Cottage Cheese - 7.50 21.00 120
3/4 cup, dry, yields Oatmeal 3.58 38.05 9.09 218
1 serving Perfect Low Carb Isopure Whey Protein Isolate - Dutch Chocolate 1.00 3.00 50.00 220
1 1/2 cups whole Strawberries 0.65 16.59 1.45 69
2 servings Triple Trimmed Beef Filet Mignon (5 oz) 16.00 - 62.00 420
I have used tren e before and it worked great from where I started at 18% bf.... I know it should have been less than that but back then I didn't know that.... Now I know i'm just around 15% but can't go get dunked in a tank to figure it out exactly but I'm not at 18% that's for certain. The veggies aren't listed in that diet log but I do eat them.... to be honest I am not eating ENOUGH veggies though so that's something that needs to change.
eating times are when I wake up 9 a.m., then 11:45 a.m. 2:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. train around 6p.m. til 7 or 7:30 p.m. PWO shake at 7:30p.m. and PWO meal at 9:30-10p.m. then snack on almonds, cottage cheese or protein shake / almonds before and around bed time.... I drink 1 1/2 gallons of water per day (thanks to my gallon jug ;p ) Thanks for taking your time to help me out and point things out that need to be adjusted or changed..... Much appreciated!!!
02-25-2009, 02:03 PM #5
lol it looks like it's a bit hard to read all those macros since I just copied and pasted..... try clicking this link.... it should show you my diet in an easier manner to read... http://fatsecret.com/Diary.aspx?pa=f...4294&id=102220
02-25-2009, 02:16 PM #6
Diet does need work, but yes its a bit hard to read.
at first glance, I see not enough meals. You should shoot for 6-8 meals, one every 3 hours you are awake.
Breakfast, ditch the powder and add WHOLE FOOD proteins like eggs and egg whites
Same with lunch, less than half a can of tuna?? hell eat one or two cans
same with dinner,
just looks like not enough GOOD calories to grow .... you got to EAT EAT EAT !! I see no red meat or chicken....Have to eat good to grow large
again, thats just a first glance...Phate is a good one to break down the entire diet
you can also check out the diet section here on how to diet and how to bulk
At 6'2" and ONLY 195, you can EASILY get to 220 with just the right food and no steroids !!!
02-25-2009, 02:30 PM #7
problem with that though is I am on a cycle right now and plan to go through with it.... I hope that's alright.... my diet is much better than a lot of peoples diets (meaning many people i know in person) but I really do appreciate you helping me out with it.... I DO know it needs improvements and that's why I'm glad you're able to chime in and give me some good advice! I will take what you say and apply it. I am not stopping this cycle to gain 25 lbs naturally since I have already started.... unless out of all honesty you think it's a good idea to stop now? I don't think you'd say it is though would you?
Oh yeah I have nolvadex , clomid, hcg , and letro all on hand for my pct.... i'm also taking .25 letro daily to make sure i keep gyno away.... i'm monitoring my nipples daily.
02-25-2009, 02:38 PM #8
oops forgot to mention my age.... i'm 28
02-25-2009, 03:20 PM #9
Maybe I should just post a few simple questions I have because I think I have been doing too much typing and I still have these questions.....
1.) will tren ace be any different than the tren e i used in my previous cycle? I mean since it's a shorter ester and gets going quicker than the enanthate does would that mean i'd benefit using the ace more at 10 weeks than the enanthate at 10 weeks?
2.) i really want to be ripped with decent size by summer.... i'd like to weigh 195-200 ripped..... should i be bulking right now and cutting after the cycle?? or bulking for 6 weeks of this cycle and cutting the last of it??
3.) what should I expect to see from this anadrol to know it's doing something and working... i'm on day 7 of it today and I really don't know if I notice it yet or not..... I did have test flu but that was from the test..... I did have some headaches the last few days but I don't know if it was from the anadrol...... at what day or week should i know it's legit and working?
02-25-2009, 03:46 PM #10
Didn't mean for you to stop cycle, just that you COULD HAVE gotten there naturally if eating was better. Stay on your cylce, But EAT EAT EAT
To try to answer your questions
1. Tren ace will work just like tren E only faster. You should see similar gains at the same MGS/week
2. bulking and cutting is hard to do in the same cycle. If you have time enough after the cycle, that is when I would change my diet and start cutting and maybe adding Clen with PCT
3. Anadrol should kick in by the second week if not sooner. You should start to feel stronger
02-25-2009, 03:53 PM #11
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