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  1. #1
    gent952 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    just starting to work out

    i just joined my old gym again. its been 4 yrs since i worked out. before when i worked out i worked very hard religously for a year and i got pretty big but i wasnt using supplements no nothing. I am 32 yrs old and i really wanna get the biggest i have ever gotten. i determined. im 5-11 and weigh 198. i would like to gor for the ripped cut look along with some mass. before i would lift for mass and strength, like 4sets of 10-12 stuff. i am seriously looking into some roids. i did some reading on Drostanolone and stacked with boldenone . what are your opinions on this? would any of you recommend a different drug? im also wondering where i could get this.

  2. #2
    luxifer93's Avatar
    luxifer93 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Spend a few months doing pullups, dips, and squats, you'll get a ripped cut look, like you're fresh outta prison. You have muscle memory, so get yourself to the point you were before you hit the sauce.

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