Thread: Good Cycle for Low mass and cut
03-05-2009, 02:26 AM #1New Member
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Good Cycle for Low mass and cut
First my experience, lifted for about 5 years now and have messed around with prohormones for about 3 years. I took a 10 week cycle of Sustanon and Anavar for strength.
My Stats
255 Lbs
15 % body fat
I want to get on a cycle that will put on about 15-20 lbs but will also give me a good cut. I want to keep the things used down to things with low detection times. I was thinking Testosterone Enanthate with winstrol . Also Anavar for more strength again. For PCT, I would have Nolva on hand and use it for pct
Any Suggestions
03-05-2009, 02:38 AM #2
Welcome to AR
age please?
I would go with Test E and use winny at the end.
gains are determined by diet , training , and rest more than by compounds
winny works best when your bodyfat is under 10%, so if your diet is a good cutting diet, by the time you add the winny in, you should be under 10
anavar is kinda weak, and I would leave it out of this as you already have one harsh oral
03-05-2009, 02:40 AM #3New Member
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Thanks for the welcome
im 19 and i know everyone says that is too young but i wanna do it
Would you suggest adding anything else in
03-05-2009, 02:50 AM #4
awww damnnnnn, i was all ready to shut down my laptop and try to get some sleep
YES you are too young!
Do you realize you have a ton of hormones flowing in your body, and by using steroids now, you are SHUTTING OFF ALL THOSE HORMONES
what I never understand is WHY risk shutting them down permanently just to add artificial hormones in??? just doens't make sense
oh well............ I am not here to stop you, but you need to know what you are risking, and how it could effect the rest of your life.
seriously though, at your age, you could easily put on the 15-20 lbs if you just changed your diet to grow
NO, i would not add anything to the cycle except to have an AI on hand to use throughout in case of gyno signs
and to have ALL PCT compounds in your hands before you ever start
03-05-2009, 02:52 AM #5
Weeks 1-12 Test E @ 500 mgs/week shot twice a week. 250 mgs each shot
Weeks 8-14 Winny @ 50 mgs/ED if oral, break up dose and do 25 twice a day
PCT starts beginning of week 15
you need a better PCT than just nolva...please check the PCT section here and read all the threads stuck at the top
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