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  1. #1
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    mixed Stanozol (winny) and Test Prop in same vial...

    Quick question bros....

    i preloaded 4 syringes with Test Prop @ 50mg (1/2ml) and Stanozol @ 50mg (1ml) cuz i get up very early for work and I like to inject without the trouble of loading syringes while Im still waking up....... anyway, i couldnt get the contents to shoot through a 25g smoothly (I think the winny got jammed up in the need)... so I injected all 4 syringes into a sterile vial, in order to redraw and shoot with a 22g or 23g.. Im just wondering is the Stanozol still stable being mixed with the oil based prop and if its still ok to use?

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    why didn't you just change the tip?
    I don't think its a good idea but your screwed now I guess.
    You won't know what you are drawing up more of.
    I would shake the hell out of the bottle then draw it up and hope for the best

  3. #3
    lord henry is offline Scammer&Liar
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    mixing the 4 syringes in one vails was a bad idea ,you will not be alble to get a equil doseage ,you should of swaped the pin for a 23g or even 21g,i would ditch it now.

  4. #4
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^ X 2 and messing with winny like this is an abcess waiting to happen.

  5. #5
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnybigguns View Post
    why didn't you just change the tip?
    I forgot to mention, that I didnt change the tip cuz I had used one of the special medical syringes that I got from a hospital awhile back and I had no other tips that would fit the syringe correctly.. thats why I shot into a vial...

    bros.. I used 4 parts test prop @ 50mg (1/2 ml) and 4 parts Stanz @ 50mg (1ml).. When i shake the vial it seems to mix pretty well togther so wouldnt I just shake really well and draw up 1.5ml per shot...

  6. #6
    Big Nicky the fish's Avatar
    Big Nicky the fish is offline Junior Member
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    in a cardboard box

  7. #7
    lord henry is offline Scammer&Liar
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    man transfering water based gear twice is not good imo ,we all know winny is a fuker for infections with it being warter but to transfere it from amp to syringe,syringe to vail then vail back to syringe is just not a thing i would shoot ,not to mention the unequil doseing as you mixed it with oil.

    its only 4ml winny and 2ml prop -is that worth an abcess?

    chuck it

  8. #8
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Hate to tell you but you may still have problems getting it to go through the 22G pin, I had some winnie that was hell to inject even through a 22G. I got it through eventually but it was a real pain and usualyl I was pushing so hard on the plunger it would shoot through suddenly much faster than I actually wanted too. I wont inject winny anymore after that fun.

  9. #9
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lord henry View Post
    man transfering water based gear twice is not good imo ,we all know winny is a fuker for infections with it being warter but to transfere it from amp to syringe,syringe to vail then vail back to syringe is just not a thing i would shoot ,not to mention the unequil doseing as you mixed it with oil.

    its only 4ml winny and 2ml prop -is that worth an abcess?

    chuck it
    I hear ya bro.. but im pretty confident the gear is still sterile...

    Also I always shoot the prop and winny togther in the same syringe and it actually appears to be more evenly mixxed than when I draw them together in the syringe...

  10. #10
    lord henry is offline Scammer&Liar
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    your call fella ^^ becarefull i have seen some real bad abcesses from the horred winny.

  11. #11
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lord henry View Post
    your call fella ^^ becarefull i have seen some real bad abcesses from the horred winny.
    I hear ya bro... I shot the winny with prop in the same syringe yesterday and had no probs so i know the winny is gtg... Im just curious how long winny can stay stable in oil?

  12. #12
    lord henry is offline Scammer&Liar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z View Post
    I hear ya bro... I shot the winny with prop in the same syringe yesterday and had no probs so i know the winny is gtg... Im just curious how long winny can stay stable in oil?
    well its only going to last 4 days right? as your shoting it everyday?

    you dont have to worry about it becomeing unstable in that time(what ever you mean by unstable )

  13. #13
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Alright... i tried injecting stan/prop using 23g in thigh but it would not come out (stuck or something) then I tried using 22g and same prob (I know the winny needs a hard push but im afraid of overshooting with all that force and developing a nasty abcess)

    In the end I ended up tossin out the vial... i gotta figure out some way to get the prop/stanz in same syringe and coming out smoothly cuz Im not doing 2 seperate injections ed...

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