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Thread: Depression?

  1. #1
    sirflexalot is offline New Member
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    I did a very basic 10 week 250mg a week test C cycle followed by 4weeks pct 2500iu of hcg spilt up over 5 shots last 2 weeks of cycle and 18 days later nolva/clomid 20/20/20/20/50/50/50/ the results i expected from that amount and felt fine during...but i been done with pct for about 2 weeks now...and it just seems like i am very easy to get down and kinda depressed the problems i had before the cycle now seem even worse...i know i should probably waited untill i got all my problems in my life fixed before i ran the cycle...but ya live and learn...and like i said..felt fine during....i feel fully recoverd is what is making me wonder why i feel this way...i mean sex drive feels pretty much normal...and everything works...i just seem to get down alot easier now...u think it is low test levels?...and will get better over time?....i want to run another cycle in the future but i will make sure everything else in my life is on point before i start...any info or opinions would be appricated..

  2. #2
    Nitro29's Avatar
    Nitro29 is offline Member
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    How old are you?

  3. #3
    sirflexalot is offline New Member
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    i am 28 training sense 22....

  4. #4
    MD22 is offline Associate Member
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    Depression can be a common downfall to running gear, I've heard of many cases of people becoming depressed after a cycle. I've experienced it myself as well. Especially if you've had mental / psychological issues going on before hand ( as I did ). I defiantly noticed a difference in my personality for a little while post cycle. I don't have the answer to it but I can defiantly relate, I'm no doctor but I'm curious about the symptoms and feeling you are having to make you link the gear with it. Just try not to get to discouraged and make sure you don't make the mistake I did. I feel into a little bit of a hole, stopped eating good and my training went down hill for a while and all my gains I worked hard to achieve went down the drain. Only advice I have is to try and keep your head up and do your best to keep your diet and training where it should be. Give it some time, and I'm sure you'll be good. But like I said I'm no doc, so don't quote me, just trying to give some info on my own experiences. Good Luck brotha.

  5. #5
    OldnBold is offline New Member
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    You could have too much estro right now. Maybe pop some proviron and a little adex or aromasin to lose the blues. Also clomid can cause major blues. Makes me all emotional, like a bitch. Blood work would confirm your T /E levels. But man I love Proviron and Aromasin.

  6. #6
    davpet is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirflexalot View Post
    I did a very basic 10 week 250mg a week test C cycle followed by 4weeks pct 2500iu of hcg spilt up over 5 shots last 2 weeks of cycle and 18 days later nolva/clomid 20/20/20/20/50/50/50/ the results i expected from that amount.
    Just curious, what were your gains like on that dose of test ?

  7. #7
    Grappler13's Avatar
    Grappler13 is offline Productive Member
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    Do not stay depressed too long!

    I have very strong opinions on the homeostatic nature of the body and mind. If you are fat for a long time, you will have a hard time staying skinny if you crash diet for example. If you stay skinny for a long time (years) and get fat over the winter, then you'll have an easy time getting thin again as the fat time was short lived. My point is the following:

    The longer you stay depressed, the more "used" to that state of mind you will be and your brain will "naturally" assume that the depressed neuro-chemical signals it's sending are the normal you. The advice above is well noted : Clomid sucks and makes a lot of people depressed, you are also coming off cycle which means that you used to be a testosterone bad-ass and now you aren't (IT does suck to be off cycle!!!!).

    Anyway, try and snap out of it with good diet, friends, church, exercise, whatever you think would work. If you can't, don't be too proud and get on some anti-depressants pronto. Stay on them only as long as you need to get off of them or you'll become homeostatically dependent on the anti-depressants!!!!

    Really, don't go down a dark path for too long and try to get out naturally, but if you can't, swallow your pride and get a proper script for a few weeks of something to pull you out. Long term depression could be brutal. Keep us posted on your progress

  8. #8
    Garbanzo Dude is offline Member
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    agreed.....clomid is not nice to you..... try adding some fish oils and b complex to your diet.....

  9. #9
    sirflexalot is offline New Member
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    Thanks fellas for all the advise...i am thinking it was probably the clomid that is making the situation worse...but u need to be able to recover so its kinda a double edge sword i guess....and for the guy who asked about my gains...i got 10 pounds off 250mg a week...which is what i expected...also for the guy about the anti depressants...i have been on some in the past lexapro and prozac they never agreed with me....killed my apitite and made be lose alot of i am hopeing i just will start to feel better once my natural test kicks fully back in...i know it can somtimes take a couple months to fully recover....

  10. #10
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13 View Post
    I have very strong opinions on the homeostatic nature of the body and mind. If you are fat for a long time, you will have a hard time staying skinny if you crash diet for example. If you stay skinny for a long time (years) and get fat over the winter, then you'll have an easy time getting thin again as the fat time was short lived. My point is the following:

    The longer you stay depressed, the more "used" to that state of mind you will be and your brain will "naturally" assume that the depressed neuro-chemical signals it's sending are the normal you. The advice above is well noted : Clomid sucks and makes a lot of people depressed, you are also coming off cycle which means that you used to be a testosterone bad-ass and now you aren't (IT does suck to be off cycle!!!!).

    Anyway, try and snap out of it with good diet, friends, church, exercise, whatever you think would work. If you can't, don't be too proud and get on some anti-depressants pronto. Stay on them only as long as you need to get off of them or you'll become homeostatically dependent on the anti-depressants!!!!

    Really, don't go down a dark path for too long and try to get out naturally, but if you can't, swallow your pride and get a proper script for a few weeks of something to pull you out. Long term depression could be brutal. Keep us posted on your progress
    this is great advice. good post bro
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  11. #11
    Grappler13's Avatar
    Grappler13 is offline Productive Member
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    Couple of months, i.e a couple (2)

    Quote Originally Posted by sirflexalot View Post
    Thanks fellas for all the advise...i am thinking it was probably the clomid that is making the situation worse...but u need to be able to recover so its kinda a double edge sword i guess....and for the guy who asked about my gains...i got 10 pounds off 250mg a week...which is what i expected...also for the guy about the anti depressants...i have been on some in the past lexapro and prozac they never agreed with me....killed my apitite and made be lose alot of i am hopeing i just will start to feel better once my natural test kicks fully back in...i know it can somtimes take a couple months to fully recover....
    If you're still blue after two months post pct and getting worse, then please seek some help as I suggested. This is a great board with good people who will provide you with a lot of advice and support; I've bared my soul here and been supported and properly chastised.....see post # 1 regarding my proposed deca -dbol oh my how we learn!

    An above poster mentioned fish oil: right on, just get some mercury free stuff. Kirkland (yes, Costco) has a very reputable brand and it's cheap!

    Be safe, grind through the sad days and low points and you'll probably snap back into yourself (you do have some nice gains to be proud of

    Hey PT: Thanks for the compliment!

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