Hey guys,

So I'm in need of some help and would really appreciate professional advice on what to do.

I'm 24 yrs old. 6'1 212 lbs. 12% B.F

I jumped on the gear march of '08 after lifting off and on for years.
I ran a first cycle of deca winny for 4 months, winny only for the first 6 weeks. I had no PCT and encountered some libido problems. With no real "good" enough source to purchase a proper post, I jumped back on a second cycle after 7 weeks off.
I ran a test deca cycle for 13 weeks which brought me tO mid February of this year, once again encountering some libido problems.
2 weeks after my last injection i started HCG (yes i know im late with the hcg, but it was not readily available to me) and proviron , also pumping quite a bit of tribulus along with it. Tomorrow being the second week of my pct what is the best course of action for me?

I know this is rather amateur and most of you will look at this thread and and disregard it, but I need somebody who can offer the proper advice.

The hcg is 5000 i.u vials.

I just want to get back to normal and thoroughly plan out the next cycle.

How much time is needed to recover?

Thanks to whoever can take this seriously.