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  1. #1
    MekeMeke's Avatar
    MekeMeke is offline Associate Member
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    Test C and Test Prop

    Sup guys. I am on my second week of my second cycle. Current cycle looks like this:

    Anadrol 100MG ED WK1-4
    Test C 600MG a/WK WK1-12
    Deca 400MG a/WK WK1-10

    Now, last week I got some great advice from War, I have 2 bottles of test prop sitting here and I was told to run them from WK 8 or 9 till WK12 so I can start PCT faster. This completely makes sense.

    The question: If I do have spare prop laying around, can I inject it this week at 75mg ed up untill WK 4 of this cycle to get the test going while I wait for the test c to kick in? So basically the cycle would look like this:

    Anadrol 100MG WK 1-4 (may take it to 5)
    Test C 600MG a/WK WK 1-12
    Deca 400MG a/WK WK1-10
    Test Prop 75MG ED WK 2-4
    Test Prop 100MG ED WK 9-12

    I do have arimidex and anastrazole on hand. Up untill now, and looking back at my last cycle (Test C and Dbol ) I am not really gyno prone.

    Let me know what U guys think....PZ

  2. #2
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    A little late to be kickstarting.

    What week are you on currently?

    btw, if you arent taking an AI by this point, there is no reason to have them on hand.

    If gyno begins to develop, only Nolvadex will help.

  3. #3
    MekeMeke's Avatar
    MekeMeke is offline Associate Member
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    WAR, esse passo amigo?

    Well man, tell you the truth, yesterday was my third inject of the TestC and Deca , and another truth is, I did inject 75MG of Prop today. Man I just like injection days..haha. So basically I don't know if I should keep injecting it or quit.

    Man, I am really glad I am not experiencing any sides yet from these compounds. The only thing I got was 1 zit on my outer bicep. Also really glas that it's working out pretty good without arimidex . I heard it can slow down gains by controlling estrogen. I do also have nolva on hand, but I've read over and over not to use it in a deca cycle as it can increase gyno. Any truth in this? Some say yes, some say no. What's the definite answer? Shvt!

    As far as my cycle progress, up from 95KG's to 98KG's, but I bet its the water from Anadrol . But I feel great...PZ

  4. #4
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Voce fala Portugues irmao?

    Yeah Nolva isnt great on a Deca cycle. It can cause progesterone side effects.

    Thats why you should be running a low dose of Adex throughout. So that this doesnt become a problem, because if it does, and gyno begins to develop, then you will need Letro, and you will have gyno when all is said and done.

    I cannot stress prevention enough bro.

    If you have enough prop to last, then go ahead and frontload. Since you are on week 2, run it till week 5 or so.

  5. #5
    MekeMeke's Avatar
    MekeMeke is offline Associate Member
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    From what I have researched (not on here) is that anastrazole is like letrozole . So I do have that on hand like I said earlier. So when I feel something, how much would you say of the anastrazole ( letro) should I take and for how long? My last cycle was TestC and D bol, on my second week I felt one of my nipples a little itchy, I took 40MG of nolva at night and woke up fine and never felt anything else again.

    Sim, I understand every word of it. I am from Aruba brah and we speak a language very very similar to your portuguese(Brazil). Btw, I was in Sao Paolo and Santos in Dec, fvcking loved it. Will be going back to SP and also taking a ride over to Rio!!! Woot

  6. #6
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Arimidex is like Letro in that they are both AI's that inhibit aromatasation. Arimidex is approximately 80% effective at inhibiting aromatase, Femara is around 97-98% effective.

    The problem is, since youre not takin an AI on cycle, you are supseptible to ERSEs.

    When/If you do see signs of ERSEs, youll be shit outta luck in the respect to reducing the already developed effects.

    Thats why you should begin running an AI ASAP, throughout the cycle.

    If you havent already, read my sticky. I go into detail there.

  7. #7
    MekeMeke's Avatar
    MekeMeke is offline Associate Member
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    I will be heading over to your sticky here in a bit. So you say start right now with .5MG a-dex a day for the rest of the cycle?

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